Feeling played, Oly?
Earlier this month, Olympia Snowe, the pretend Republican from Maine caved to Democrat pressure on the healthcare bill while it was in committee because she got assurances from her fellow Democrats that there would be no single-payer (government-paid) option in that bill. She was heralded by the Democrats as a wonderful person – the only thing she really wanted anyway.
Now, Harry Reid has decided that he won’t honor that pledge to Snowe, not that he ever intended to honor Max Baucus’ promise;
But Reid and the leadership faced this basic math: There is only one Snowe and there are 60 members of the Democratic caucus. If just a few Democrats abandoned the bill, it would fall short even with Snowe’s support.
“It’s a zero-sum situation,” said Durbin, who is in charge of counting votes in the Senate. “If we thought that just putting the trigger in meant that we’d end with 61 votes,” he explained, then that’s what leadership would have done.
So basically, they played Snowe just to get the bill to the floor for a vote by the Democrat caucus. You’d think she’s learn. Of course her milk-toast response is that she’s disappointed. She ought to feel like she was gang-raped, and she ought to say so (Bloomberg link);
Senator Olympia Snowe said she won’t support the immediate creation of a government-run insurance program and raised the possibility that legislation overhauling the health system won’t be completed this year.
Yeah, well it doesn’t really matter what she’ll support or won’t now – the damage is done. And the Democrats are gloating;
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has insisted that the House of Representatives will pass a health care reform bill including a public option.
President Obama is “pleased that the Senate has decided to include a public option for health coverage,” White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said in a written statement.
“He supports the public option because it has the potential to play an essential role in holding insurance companies accountable through choice and competition,” Gibbs said.
But, ya know what? I’ll bet dollars to donuts that she’ll cave and get screwed a couple of more times during this legislative session.
I know someone who is probably counting his blessings that he didn’t get that job on Snowe’s staff.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects
Ah, one of “Obama’s Comfort Girls” getting played again. What was that line you used, hon? “When history calls, history calls?” Too bad the moonbats and “transplants” from NY and Mass will keep voting you into office.
OK, whoever did NOT see this coming, raise your hand? Every time an R reaches across the aisle, some D cuts it off. But the idiots keep reaching across anyway.
And don’t forget, SanFranNan said it’s now the “consumer option”, not the public option. Public option conjures up images of tax increases and government health care, she said.
…in case you’re keeping score at home, kids, this is what Democrats call “bipartisanship”; you compromise and they grudge-f*ck you.
Oh I’m sure there’s at least one Republican named John McLAME or McCAIN who feels for her.
This would have come out of committee with or without Snowejobs vote. The only thing that her vote gave them was the ability to get in front of folks and say there was bipartisan agreement.
I don’t know if they can be stopped now. Through use of the stimulus package, various budget bills and some good old fashioned Chicago strong arm tactics they appear to be closing in on having bought enough votes.
The other problem is simply the attitude of many in America who are more then happy to have big government take care of them from cradle to grave and free them up from having to take responsibilty for their lives and allowing them to concentrate on the really important things like getting a reality show.
Just as Russia and Iran have played Obama, in order to get hopes up (hopeychangey) for “peace”, the leftists have played Snowe. Funny thing is; neither Obama or Snowe are smart enough to figure out they’re being played and continue to go back for more empty promises.
Only a Demcong would screw something as fugly as Snowe.
Don’t lie, USMC Steve, you’d hit that.