Long as they are happy on the rez…

| January 17, 2024


You all remember Jerry Nadler, right? Nadler is the Manhattan, New York  Congressman who went whole-hog on the Trump impeachment (he was one of the  co-leaders.) Sadly, though his district was redrawn, he won re-election in ’22 and is still around to represent what is supposedly one of the most “diverse” districts in Congress. If Dirty Harry talked bad about them, Nadler wants their vote, right?

So it sounded odd, and a little more than a bit condescending, when Nadler sounded off about the need for more immigrants. For diversity? Nope. Indeed, to keep the cotton veggies picked.

“We need immigrants in this country,” Nadler said. “Forget the fact that our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants.

“The fact is the birth rate in this country is way below replacement level, which means our population is going to start shrinking,” he added. “And the ratio of people on Social Security and Medicare is going to increase relative to the number of people supporting them.”

DAMN all you Baby Boomers who haven’t got the grace to die off. (Oh, by the way, he was born in ’47.)

Nadler is not the only Democrat who has made this argument. In 2022, California Rep. Nancy Pelosi said farmers need illegal immigrants “to pick the crops” in Florida. Last year, Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said vegetables in her state would start “rotting” due to an anti-illegal immigrant law.   Fox News

The rumor that the Democrat Party is adopting a new theme song is unconfirmed, although the lyrics “Jump down, turn around, pick a bail of cotton” have been heard at a few Massa Joe caucuses, I’m told.


Category: Democrats, Illegal Immigrants

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A Proud Infidel®™

Nadler ONLY does the bidding of his Masters and Handlers, nothing else, that’s how he panders to his major donors to stay on the gravy train.


C’mon, we all know they Democrats import new “workers”…

AW1 Rod

Jerry Nadler (D – Gravy) is a perineum-licking, lowlife pus pocket.


Don’t sugar coat it, Rod.


Looks like dude just dropped his last fuck.


The next step is saying the quiet part out loud.


Maybe the wealthy politicians could lead by example and go pick some fruits and veggies to prove to our youth that it’s a noble calling. Pay them the same way, by the picking tickets they turn in. We already know they have valid social security numbers and have passed a background check, and that they are legally entitled to work in this country.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Didn’t we used to have a system to handle that without importing illegals?
If you live south of the border, you apply for a season permit. Receive said permit, come north, pick crops. When the season ends, go home back south where you came from.
Later, rinse, repeat annually.

Pretty certain that’s what they do in the Coastal Georgia region. Every season, the immigrants would spike in numbers, then disappear during the off-season. The Hinesville, GA Goodwill was a nightmare when they’d get bused into town on weekends.


It was like that in other areas of the state too. Still is, other than the fact that they don’t disappear in the off season so much anymore. Vidalia (onions), Moultrie (SW GA, tomatoes), Central GA (peaches). Many of the independent growers have had to sell out to the corporates because the former workers were shown how to get on the “dole” and could make more $ from the taxpayer than they could picking crops. They don’t even scatter anymore when someone wearing a suit, toting a briefcase, walks into an establishment where they’re gathered, screaming out “INS/ICE”.

Nadler is a rotted vegetable that needs to be thrown on the compost pile.

That system is still in effect. Peruvians come here to work on ranches and farms during the spring and summer, then go home in the winter months. I have met them in Utah; the worked for a friend of mine.


F%ck this guy


Where’s his brother, Tweedle-dee?

Army-Air Force Guy

Jerry “Trouser Chilli” Nadler


I see what you did there.


I wanna join the chorus in saying F Jerry Nadsler, and if he did say that shit, double F him.

Saw the clip from the conference, and it was missing the usual dumb loafing realfakeness of his typical speech pattern.

Maybe it was the choppiness of the video and he really did say it, maybe it was manufactured for an info op.


“Nothing good will come from this AI”: