Presidential Unit Citation awarded 39 years later

| October 20, 2009

The Washington Post reports that the President will award a Presidential Unit Citation to an Army Cav unit that rode to the rescue of the comrades in Vietnam nearly forty years ago;

Alpha Troop, First Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment — has been awarded a Presidential Unit Citation for its “extraordinary heroism and conspicuous gallantry” in the fight, and the soldiers have been summoned to be honored.

A truck driver from Harrisonburg, an architect from California, a businessman from Texas, they have come from across the country, many having only in the last few months reopened that harrowing chapter of their lives, when as scared, young soldiers they stood face-to-face with the enemy, as Gutierrez says, in a kind of deadly prizefight.

“The analogy for me has always been: These two heavyweights stepping into the center of the ring,” he said. “And then just going toe-to-toe, and pounding on each other . . . The first guy that connects, wins.”

Category: Military issues

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Amazing stuff here

Awesome, well deserving!!

But, does the President really have the time to award this right now with everything that is on his plate? (that’s sarcasm)


This shows that some people are interested and care enough to make sure to recognize all those who did such duty. It is too bad it didn’t come sooner, when these men were younger and it might mean more to them, socially. There were many of those kind of days–so many that it is hard to even quantify them or describe them. Those lessons learned and after action reports that no one back here even heard about. Thanks to all our nation’s warriors of all eras.

Cuthbertson, F. Maitland

As a member ofhte 65th Advisory Team, Sadec, RVN, 1967-68, I wish to give a well done to all those who volunteered for that mission