Chris Matthews compared rural Americans to terrorists
Chris Matthews showed up as a speaker on Morning Joe. One of the topics he talked about involved rural Americans. Matthews made a comparison between dealing with rural Americans who are angry at the liberal elite, and with terrorists in Israel, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He suggested that if the Army was used to deal with this angry group, it would just enrage the people more.
From the Daly Fetched:
“This is rural rage. They are so angry at the liberal establishment, the coastal elite,” he said.
“They look at people on television … ‘They don’t have to worry about us,'” Matthews said.
“And the regular guy in the country goes, ‘There they are snarling and making fun of us again,’ and every time we make fun of Trump, we’re making fun of them … It’s a weird thing, but in a way, it’s like fighting terrorism.”
“We think we just put the Army in or Israel just puts the IDF in, and they’re going to solve the problem,” Matthews continued.
Chris Matthews: Convincing Trump supporters to vote Democrat is like “fighting terrorism” and literally calls them “the enemy”
“Everytime we make fun of Trump, we’re making fun of them”
And Chris confirms the media attacks Trump to attack the everyday person he represents
— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) December 26, 2023
The Daily Fetched has additional information here.
Category: GWOT, Liberals suck, Society
Maybe Chris Matthew’s would like a tour of the back 40. The place where the old timers discarded their junk when it was no longer feasible to repair, or just flat wore out.
With a ten foot slit trench
When did Miss Cashew come back from exile?
Go ahead Miss Cashew, inflame the Trump base you marxist moron.
“They look at people on television..
What’s a television?
That newfangled box thing, with the talking pictures.
When the WW2 movie “A walk In The Sun” came out on early TV, Dad invited the GI’s that fought in Italy to watch on our very small TV screen.
Thanks, I had never seen it.
What year did “A walk in the sun” come out?
I do not watch pre woke movies.
Come on. You must know it’s a joke…
The Hayes Code “Gee, gosh, I aughta pound you!” language is a bit grating. Having deployed overseas, I want to see “Die, motherf*cker!” being said instead, But, back then, combat had to be sterile for movie audiences. It is what it is.
That thing showing Republicans burning cities down and looting stores every time the police shoot a baby raping bank robber.
Or this white Christian nationalist GOP hero…

Yeah, and look at how many Republican mobs went batshit rioting, looting, burning cities and blocking highways after Biden got installed.
Chris may have back “into his cups”, again.
And he’s always been:

He needs to touch the fence on the North 40 and feel a thrill up his…
For a real tingle, inadvertently take a leak on a fence that’s on. A lesson learned real early on that hasn’t been forgotten.
Learned that lesson, circa 1965, camping in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania. Even wet grass will conduct without being near the fence.
Only Joe Scarborough can find relevance in what Tingles thinks.
What a schmuck.
I thought he was dead years ago.
He looks like a fucking zombie…
He’s just another asshole whole lives in his fucking echo chamber totally insulated from all the destructive ideas his “people” push. I’m glad all their cities are being flooded with the world’s flotsam and jetsam being bused in from the Southern border. Maybe, just maybe, when one of these “refugees” hurts someone close to him he’ll change his tune. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a liberal frothing at the mouth for ‘justice” after being a real victim of a real crime. I like to quote Mr. Garrison when he said “fuck em all to death!”
Problem is the illegals will be pushed away from the cities and into surrounding areas. Cities like NYC already working on buying or leasing property, and buildings away from the city. This problem may be coming to a neighborhood near you and me sometime in the near future. The certainly won’t be living in the upscale neighborhoods where people like Mr Matthews lives.
Anyone who thinks left/libtards are nuts is a “terrorist” for him.
Out of touch with reality… City-dwellers live in a bubble, one in which they have their own little microcosms of society. Upscale “Uptown Girls” don’t want to live in the “Downtown Worlds” of the Middle Class. Ghettofabulous types deal with daily crime and violence, but still seem to enjoy their way of life. Suburbanites have their perfectly manicured lawns and HOAs. I’ll overgeneralize here and say that a majority of the above-mentioned people are those that devour what the MSM puts out.
I’m not in a rural neighborhood, but despite developments and even shared housing going up all around me, I’ve got my little acre on a dead-end street and can see horses and longhorn cattle with a 5-minute drive in any direction. Those of us who don’t consume the daily narrative, and who see through the bull feces slung at us by the likes of CNN and MSNBC must be terrorists. After all, we go to work and pay taxes, whether it’s a retail job like I have or a labor-intensive farming operation. We don’t have time to invest in protesting things happening on foreign soil, and we put America First, supporting the previous President over the current.
While we’re not terrorists, I’ll admit that we do inadvertently terrorize the liberal elite who wish to subjugate us into their fold. We aren’t as controllable as those who live in dense population areas, and often vote contrarian to what they want us to. The Left has had its way for decades now, using city-centers to win control over many states. It’s easy to see a sea of Red in states like Virginia and Washington, with a bastion of Blue in large cities that eradicate the “simple” rural folk’s say in state and national politics.
I don’t think you’re over generalizing one bit.
As for the rest of your comment, spot on.
I didn’t read your post, it was too long, but I want to comment that you are probably right, based on your previous short posts. Because I don’t read long posts.
Yes. I am retarded.
(Cool note, the AI trying to predict my speech, refused to use the word retarded. Even when writing this note.)
Yes. I was pulling your leg. I love long posts. It gives you an opportunity to express your reasoning. We are becoming a headline civilization, in which people only read headlines.
It’s the result of dumbing down America. A quick note of what they want you to see/feel, and the “truth” is buried in paragraph 8.
It goes something like… Trump is Hitler.
Biden kick bac…. oh look, a squirrel.
Page 1 short paragraph:
“Former president Donald J. Trump appeared in court today, where he was chastised by the judge for his entourage of Secret Security personnel and personal security. In typical Trump fashion, he posed for photo opportunities with MAGA extremists, who were immediately escorted off the premises by authorities, before he entered the court room and was seated. While waiting for the judge to appear, five more states removed him from their primary ballots due to his support of the January 6th insurrection. Blah, blah, blah, meaningless details about what he was wearing and vague details about the court proceedings. Cont. pg. 3…”
Page 3 continuation:
“The prosecutor stated that he believes that Trump is guilty of all allegations against him, to include those he has not been formally indicted on. The judge insinuated that he too believes Trump is guilty of all counts, but that only the jury can decide his fate. The trial date has been set for November 4, 2024, the day before the election.”
This numbnut does know that Bubba, his wife and kids will climb up a tree in the cold and rain and perch there all day just to shoot something? Right?
I don’t think he realizes this. And if SHTF in a serious way, blaze orange goes in the crappy blind as a decoy. Or would that be considered baiting. Asking for the rural terrorists
Game and fish regulations are suspended in this case. We’re not concerned with “sporting” or “fairness”. Just efficiency. Like flying a MAGA flag over a punji pit.
Is he still relevant?
Legend in his own mind.
I’m a rural American, so now I’m a terrorist too?
Let’s see what else I am (according to the left)-
1. A racist- even though I’m married to an Indian and have 2 black kids and 2 Mexican kids
2. A homophobe- even though I’m not afraid of homosexuality, I just agree with it for me.
3. A transphobe- even though I’m not afraid of transsexuals- I do think it’s a mental illness and I DO believe that the kids should be left alone until they are adults and can decide for themselves.
4. A xenophobia’s- because I believe our borders should be secured.
5. A Misogynist- because I believe in treating women like ladies
6. I was already considered a terrorist by then because I believe that the parents have rights and should be involved in the curriculum. And that curriculum should revolve around reading, writing, math, science and history.
What else am I- let’s see:
A husband
A father
A brother
A son
A veteran
A Christian (even though I absolutely suck at it)
A professional
OH here’s a big one:
The left has used these descriptions to get their way until they no longer mean as much.
Kris Wallace can go pound sand up her ass. And take that traitor Scarborough with her!
You’re obviously a terrible human being. The kind I’d call a friend.
Wtf is he calling “elite”? Rich liberals? What are they “elite” AT? Being rich and liberal?
Well, yes. There was a time when the elite had to earn their living, by outfighting their rivals and providing protection for the rest of society from Norse/Muslim/Mongol raids. The elite used to have a stake on the nation’s survival. That went out of the window by the French Revolution. Though I will grant you that the elite did military service all the way up to WW2. Not anymore though.
You left out John Kerry. I apologize for mentioning him.
Sounds like Janet Reno’s list of ways to ID an extremist- gun owner, veteran, Christian, many kids, home-schooled kids, rural land-owner. A DEA agent I worked with pointed out he met all the qualifications. Amazing how ignorant liberals really are.
Elite disdains military service as something for the backward unwashed proles now.
He’s still alive?
Seriously, why is he there? Didn’t he get booted from MSNBC a couple years ago for sexual harassment?
You ARE the enemy, Chrissie. You and the liberals.
In the brainwashed liberal moonbat mindset, ANYONE and everyone who dissents with the far left dogma and agenda is a “racist”, etcetera and now we’re “terrorists”, likely the label slapped upon anyone with a MAGA article of clothing. Liberals screech for disarming the populace not knowing they’ll also be herded into the boxcars as soon as they’re no longer deemed useful.