Beret saleman Shinseki in over his head

| October 15, 2009

It’s a good thing Eric Shinseki isn’t working for a Republican administration or he’d be tarred and feathered and tethered to a railroad tie in front of his Vermont Avenue office at this writing. Lucky for him, Congress and the media carry water for Democrats;

“A plan was written, very quickly put together, uh, very short timelines,” declared VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to the US House Veterans Affairs Committee yesterday as to why the VA had screwed up the payments for veterans attempting to pursue higher education. “I’m looking at the certificates of eligibility uh being processed on 1 May and enrollments 6 July, checks having to flow through August. A very compressed time frame. And in order to do that, we essentially began as I arrived in January, uh, putting together the plan — reviewing the plan that was there and trying to validate it. I’ll be frank, when I arrived, uh, there were a number of people telling me this was simply not executable.”

So, instead of warning people, or negotiating temporary agreements with schools, or…well, anything, Shinseki let the dates chug up on him and then pass. Shinseki made empty promises to veterans that he had no intention to keep. From Stars and Stripes;

A number of “complications” caused the payment delays, Shinseki explained. One factor was VA officials underestimated the number of claim processors they needed by the Aug. 3 start date. Early estimates were based on processing time under the Montgomery GI Bill program, he said.

But processing Mongomery GI Bill payments involves two to three steps and takes an average of 15 minutes versus nine steps and more than an hour to process a Post-9/11 GI Bill application, Shinseki explained. Unlike Montgomery GI Bill benefits, Post-9/11 payments vary by school location and other unique factors.

Yeah, unique factors like having a blivet head for a DVA Secretary. The Congress members really wore his ass out for being an incompetent boob;

Both Rep. Bob Filner, D-Calif., committee chairman, and [Steve Buyer, R-Ind.] praised Shinseki for integrity and candor in promptly revealing and addressing problems that have surfaced at VA since he took charge last February.

“We think you’re doing a great job,” said Filner. “I know you were called a soldier’s soldier when you were in the Army. And now I’m calling you a veteran’s veteran.”

CNN blames veterans for applying for the benefits they earned;

The department became a victim of the success of its new education program for veterans who have served since September 2001. The claims became so backlogged that the VA was forced to issue more than $70 million in emergency funds to veterans who were still waiting for money for supplies and living needs, weeks into the school year.

The truth is; Shinseki and his staff could have done almost anything to curtail these problems, but instead they just smiled and waved at TV cameras until veterans got fed up with the pleasantries and broken promises.

The good news is that Congress finalized a bill to provide the DVA with funding for medical programs a year in advance. I’m betting that Shinseki will screw that up, too.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Military issues, Veteran Health Care

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Just A Grunt

This is becoming a recurring theme with this administration. Whether it is Cash for Clunkers or VA education benefits, they seem to constantly be caught unaware of the demand and the resources needed to navigate all the conditions that are inherent in any legislation that comes out of Washington.

But trust me healthcare is going to be different.

Amazing stuff here

just wondering, are we supposed to hate all veterans that don’t carry the water for the Republican party?

Old Tanker

What the hell was wrong with processing these the way they did the Montgomery GI Bill payments?
I was under the old GI Bill/Army College fund and it went very smooth, it was easy and I got my checks in a very timely manner.

Old Tanker


How about Veterans that won’t carry water for other veterans…..does that work?

Just A Grunt

Old Tanker
This new GI Bill has different reimbursement based on where the school is located and in some cases the school itself. It is so convoluted you need about 10 people per state to keep it straight, beyond the ones who would actually process the applications, which I thought was some of the thinking behind the bill. It was designed to give more people government jobs and get them away from those silly private sector jobs, that unless they are unionized, are so bad for our country. Of course unions right now own the country so making them government employees would be redundant.

Dave Thul

Would it have been too much to ask for a simple email sent out to applicants that there might be some growing pains with the new system? ‘Please allow 45 days for your first check to be cut’ might have avoided a lot of problems.

Amazing stuff here

I totally agree Dave.


Shinseki got promoted to scumbag when he didn’t cop a walk in the face of that miserable SOB attempting to make our wounded warriors pay for their own post-service health care.

Amazing stuff here

“he didn’t cop a walk in the face of that miserable SOB”

What and whom are you talking about?

Amazing stuff here

Also wondering if we’re supposed to hate Bob Gates now that he works for a Democratic Party President?

I need direction. Please give me my marching orders, I don’t have a brain of my own.


You know, I remember a delay with my VEAP benefits, but I also didn’t have a family or other things to throw in the mix. There is no excuse for any of this crap. If they are overwhelmed, they need to hire more people, period. I’ll fucking volunteer, just show me the way.

Marine 83

My VEAP payments always came on time, but come to think of it that was under a Republican president.

Old Tanker

I need direction. Please give me my marching orders, I don’t have a brain of my own.

…..glad we cleared that up…..


It’s Mosul Amazing! Did you miss the vote in 2008 because of the Space Launch?

Amazing stuff here

Nope Dutch, I didn’t miss that vote. Voted for the guy you people hate now, Senator John McCain.


Did this *dillweed* Shinseki command troops in this manner??