Iran Takes Tankers in Gulf

| December 8, 2023

Iran Seizes 2 Oil Tankers in Persian Gulf

By Michael Katz

Iran reportedly seized two oil tankers in the Persian Gulf on Wednesday, claiming the vessels were smuggling fuel.

Ali Ozmaee, commander of the Fifth Naval Region of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), told the IRGC-affiliated Tasnim News Agency one of the tankers carried 600,000 gallons of fuel and had 13 foreign nationals, The Jerusalem Post reported. The other tanker carried more than 790,000 gallons of fuel and had 21 foreign nationals on board.

The vessels were seized south of Abu Musa Island, located between Iran and the United Arab Emirates, the Post reported.


Because this worked so well for the Iranians before, and the current administration really needs a distraction.

Category: Iran, The Stupid is Strong

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“one of the tankers carried 600,000 gallons of fuel and had 13 foreign nationals, The Jerusalem Post reported. The other tanker carried more than 790,000 gallons of fuel and had 21 foreign nationals on board”

So the first one had 46154 gallons per foriegn national and the
second one had 37617 gallons per foriegn national.
What am I missing here?


Larger ship, more crew?


Putting the band back together?



Forest Bondurant

So the Iranian Navy thinks that ships (aks tankers), which are designed to transport fuel from point A to B, are smuggling fuel?

(Never mind.)


Only if they’re bound for Israel.


somebody should wake Pedo Joe up and tell him, in words of 4 letters or less, about what’s going on in the world, other than Hunter’s indictments


I’m thinking more like smother him with a pillow…


It’s been tried, how do you think we got his current mental state?


Crazy me, I think if you’re too old to be running the register at Walmart you’re probably too old to be president of anything.

Last edited 9 months ago by 5JC
A Proud Infidel®™

As long as he keeps getting kickbacks, Biden will continue to let shit like this happen.

Slow Joe

Stop talking shit about our glorious pResident. He got 81 million votes in the most transparentially elections evah, which Trump tried to steal with 2,000 mules.


I see your transparent election and raise you hundreds of shredded voting machines. The big story that nobody knows about.


“As long as Biden’s freeloading voter base remains sheltered from the consequences of his disastrous foreign policy decisions, he will continue to let shit like this happen”



Who had “A disruption/crisis in the flow of oil from the ME” as the Next Big Thing?

I would say “US to escort ships over there in” but I saw that subject is already listed for another thread so…..



Technically that is a free bingo space now.

Last edited 9 months ago by 5JC

Two straight years forward deployed to Fifth Fleet in the Gulf over 20 years ago and we never dealt with this. Sure they were mouthy over the bridge radio, but never anymore than that.

Gee, I wonder why.

AT1 ret

Need to start making things “proportional”