Weekend Open Thread

| December 8, 2023

Many pan handlers take positions at their favorite panhandling locations. Some of the drivers and pedestrians that pass by these panhandlers provide them with money, and even food. For a few panhandlers, they ended up giving their signs away. The Panhandler Patrol put the signs together into a “homeless quilt.” Enjoy your weekend!

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Commissioner Wretched




Commissioner Wretched

Thank you!


CW’s 26 Leaden Soldiers won the day. Well played, Good Sir. The Trappings of Power are hereby conveyed to you, My Liege. Rule despotically! The 3 second rule…RULES!

Commissioner Wretched

I must compliment you on the well-maintained status of the Throne Room, King! It’s a pleasure to serve after you!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

You’ll have to wrest the crown and scepter away from KoB (wherever he’s hidden them).
Then you may dispense with the top shelf imbibables and buffet table consumables.
Long may you reign (for the week, anyway)
Please be a benevolent dictator over us wretched dill weeds and weedettes.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Cong of the Rats, to ye, Oh mighty CW.

Commissioner Wretched

Many thanks!



President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I was second, and yet (somehow) by less than a second, I still beat the mighty KoB. WhatEVER is this world coming to?

I could say its’ the 10 count I give before I hit the “Post Comment” button, Tox. May even be the sluggishly slow refresh/reload/upload speed of late. Possibly the Stoned Hackers vast chicken wing conspiracy and Outdated Red Hatted Software has opened the Worm Hole twixt the servers located in The Soviet’s Lingerie Closet on Dave’s boat and The State of Deseret and closed the one leading from Firebase Magnolia to said closet. I KNEW I shoulda used the infra-red low light cameras ‘stead of those arc lights. Speaking of Honeybees. that FNG Suzy Sure Be a Honey. And speaking of servers…Our Beloved AW1Ed made mention he was having to reboot TAH servers remotely, who’s to say his “…does things behind the curtain…” (unspeakable things per TVI), was not a nefarious plot to count all of the commentors vying for the EARNED NEVER AWARDED TAH Friday WOT FIRST as extry points to be used by (BEAT) Navy during tomorrow’s gridiron competition against (GO) Army?

Was surprised I was even a contender today, last minute escort duty FIRST (ht2 CW) thing this morning kept me completely off the net until about 1459 hrs. Passing the Crown and Scepter to CW will at least give me a chance to restock my Class VI Supply Cabinet in time for the Festival Feast of Saint Barbara.


Beat Army.

RGR 4-78

And. The vast majority of American citizens wouldn’t get the joke.


And. Don’t care- you do.


The Navy captain is proclaiming where their game is gonna end up, and the Army captain giving his interpretation.


The Army captain is looking for his slit trench and compass. Finding neither…

RGR 4-78

3rd quarter 10-0 Army.

RGR 4-78

Start of the 4th, Navy inside the 20.

RGR 4-78

Army 10- Navy 3.

RGR 4-78

Army 17 – Navy 3.


*Puts Yuengling on ice*


Pulls another Yuengling out of the ice. FIFY, Pappy!

RGR 4-78

Army 17- Navy 9.


And GO Army brings the CiC Trophy back Home. Now if we just had a real Commander In Chief.

GO Army 17…BEAT Navy 11

RGR 4-78

Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full.

Army 17- Navy 11.


In all fairness, that Navy QB led a hell of a move downfield.

RGR 4-78

Yes he did.


Their goose was cooked when they came into the danger zone. Put all hopes of a semi winning season on ice, man.

A Salute to our Brothers and Sisters in the Floating Artillery Platforms Service for fighting hard til their ship went down.



I’ll just leave this here.

Hack Stone

Oh, all knowing and wise Magic 8 Ball, will the stars shine down upon a worthy Director of Media Relations for a proud but humble woman owned company that sells outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software to regain his rightful place occupying the throne of First Post on The Weekend Open Thread? Magic 8-Ball says…

Hack Stone


Green Thumb

That’s Protest Denied.

Phil Monkress style!

Hack Stone

Magic 8 Ball says “Go to Hell, you loser. No one wants your crappy software.”


Computer says no.


Hack Stone,
I waited forever to ask this… but I’ll ask today.
Has (free) Ubuntu Linux put a dent in the Red Hat?


FWIW, I see less and less of Red Hat, more and more of Ubuntu.

jeff LPH 3 63-66


RGR 4-78

Congratulations Jeff, you cracked the top 5.

Commissioner Wretched

HA! MADE IT! I’m FIRST on the WOT and all is right with the world! Supply rooms are open and the food and adult beverages are on the house!

While you all enjoy, I’m gonna drop the trivia column so you can have some fun with it as well. I promise to rule justly and fairly and all that nonsense.

When was the first time a major character in a television show “died” because the actor wanted to leave the show?
By Commissioner Wretched

I’m going to get a jump on the season and send off my annual letter to Santa Claus right now.

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas this year is for all of my readers to be happy and to receive anything and everything they want.
I already have everything I could possibly need.
I’ll leave the milk and cookies out, of course.
The Commish

There. That’s done. Now, how about some early December trivia? I’m glad you asked, ‘cause I have some right here. Enjoy!

Did you know …

… the planet Jupiter is larger than all of the other seven planets of the Solar System combined? (Yes, even if you count Saturn’s rings.)

… mosquitoes prefer children to adults? They also prefer blondes to brunettes. (So, since I’m old and white-haired, I’m safe, right? Right? Hello?)

… the oldest continually running newspaper in the United States has been published since 1764? The Hartford Courant, printed in Hartford, Connecticut, holds the distinction of being the longest running newspaper in the country. (I think someone should speak to them about carrying this column, don’t you?)

Commissioner Wretched

… your average friend has more friends than you do? It’s called the “Friendship Paradox” and it works something like this (and no, I don’t intend to go into the math about it): your social network consists of you and your friends. But while your friends are a major part of your network, you are only a minor part of their network. Statistically speaking, then, your friends have more friends than you do. (Why can’t I get the theme from the show Friends out of my head now?)

… a woman presumed lost was discovered in a search party looking for herself? In 2014, a traveler became separated from her sightseeing tourist group in Iceland. While apart from the group, the woman changed clothes, and when she returned to the tour bus in a different outfit, nobody recognized her. A description of the “missing” tourist had her dressed in the outfit she had been wearing, but the woman didn’t catch on that it was her, and she even participated in the search for the “missing” tourist – until a few hours later, when somebody figured out that the woman they were searching for was helping them in the search. (This one even I had trouble believing.)

Commissioner Wretched

… the first time a major character in a television show “died” was in 1956? Actress Jean Hagen (1923-1977) became unhappy in her role on the situation comedy Make Room For Daddy, which ran from 1953 to 1964. The show’s producers were worried about how to deal with Hagen’s departure, but they didn’t want to end the show. So they decided to have her character “die” off-screen during the break between seasons. Divorce was not an option for television in that day and age. Star Danny Thomas (1912-1991) was concerned that the show would fail without Hagen’s character, but audiences became sympathetic to his character as a widower, and his character would re-marry in a year or so. The show was renamed The Danny Thomas Show following Hagen’s departure. (Thus proving that no one is irreplaceable – not even me.)

… a ninth-century warlord was killed by a man he’d beheaded shortly before? Sigurd the Mighty (?-892) was the Viking conqueror of what is now Scotland. In 892, Sigurd challenged a rival, Mael Brigte (?-892) to a battle and defeated him, beheading Mael. Sigurd then tied the severed head of his rival to his saddle and rode off in triumph. During the ride, though, Mael’s teeth kept grazing against Sigurd’s bare leg, creating a wound which became infected. The infection killed Sigurd a couple of weeks later. (The realization that Mael was known as “Mael the Buck-toothed” should have been a giveaway.)

Hack Stone

So, as to (see what Hack did there?) Sigurd the Mighty learned that not always two heads are better than one?


I think we’ve all gotten head with too much teeth.


Yeah… but it wasn’t fatal.

Commissioner Wretched

… the letter combination “ough” can be pronounced nine different ways? To prove it, read this sentence: A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman struck through the streets of Scarbrough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed. Congratulations … you just said those four letters nine different ways. (Now untie your tongue.)

… the letter “x” in an airport’s three-letter code does not mean “international”? When airports began using the standardized three-letter codes in the 1930s, those cities that used only two letters simply added an “x” at the end. The “x” did not stand for anything. Additional trivia note: Most of the three-letter codes tie in to either the city name or the airport name, but some are hard to figure out. Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, for instance, uses the code ORD. That comes from the original name of the airport, Orchard Field.

… the first graduating class of New Mexico State University in 1893 had only one member? That member was shot and killed before he got to graduate. Sam Steel (1876-1893) was finally awarded his degree posthumously in 1998, 105 years after he should have graduated. (Class reunions would’ve been lonely anyway.)

… a British man changed his name because of telemarketing calls? Tim Price (born 1963) of Leicester, England, was becoming so thoroughly annoyed – or “cheesed off,” as they call it in Britain – with telemarketers cold-calling his home that he went to the trouble of legally changing his last name to “Pppppppppprice” in order to make his name impossible for the telemarketers to say. His reasoning is that, if the marketers can’t pronounce his name, they won’t call him. (Clever, very clever!)

Now … you know!

Hack Stone

Whoever shot Sam Steel was probably tired of hearing him brag that he graduated number one in his class.




Another fine job on the trivia, CW…It is, as always, muchly appreciated, informative, and an edge to trivia contest players in and amongst us. BTW…nothing trivial about cookies…and that Phat Phuquer Kris Kringle don’t need any more. Us little wormy malnourished Gun Bunnies are in need of your excess cookies and deserve, NO, we DEMAND, that any of those be shipped, post haste, to Firebase Magnolia.

My original comment on this subject got lost in the weeds of playing hose for the Annual Regimental Dinning In for The Festival Feast of our Patron Saint Barbara. The smoked Beef Beast Brisket and the Pulled Pork BBQ, with all of the assorted trimmings, were well received by all in attendance. The Artillery Punch? That dog bit me!

RGR 4-78

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas this year is for all of the leaders of my country to receive anything and everything they deserve.
I already have everything I could possibly need.
I’ll leave the milk and cookies out, of course.
RGR 4-78


Let’s invert this old quote from Mencken:

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

Only, in this case, the politicians should get it. Preferably while dancing a jig at the end of a rope.

Hack Stone

A Casey Kasem Long Distance Dedication for Frank Visconi. Fucking ponderous, man.


It’s fucking ponders that you should remember fucking ponderous from listening to fucking ponderous Don and Mike when they played the Casey kasem tape all the time fucking ponderous

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Turned on the site and saw what looked like a 0 on commenters so I hit the keys with first. I should have earlier copied FIRST on the mouse and it would have been faster pasting it on, oh well so I think I ended up FIRST EIGHTH.

RGR 4-78



Happy weekend!


Open Thread! 

Tired of Ospreys? How about floating Deuce an’ Halves?


A Proud Infidel®™

They had those set up for carrying passengers for “Ride the Ducks” in Branson MO until one Captain/Driver decided to take one out on Table rock lake during a Severe thunderstorm.





Best buds 364 days a year.

Green Thumb

The QB rushes 41 times for 76 yards.


Please Do Not Forget To Turn On Your Sound…🦅


Excellent choice in the latest fashion apparel, I see. Probably why the eagle has landed…

I drove into work this morning, fresh (only worn a few times since the last wash) fishing shirt on and everything, clocked in, then realized today’s schedule is actually tomorrows. I’ve read posts by people who thought BPS is just a fashion company. Everyone from Soundcloud rappers to young kids wear the hats and shirts, and some fellow employees just line their vehicle dashboards up with various BPS caps.

I’ve got a piece of genuine Bass Pro (Redhead brand) gear few have…the coveted Vet Vest. The inside pockets hide everything from small puppies to the day’s lunch.

Hack Stone

All of this red and orange because some asshole in a 1980’s vintage Jaguar is trying to get drivers to pull onto the shoulder near the River Road exit of the Capital Beltway to buy some Red Hat Software.

Green Thumb

Paul-mer (of the ballsack).

A Proud Infidel®™

Psul/Psulmer, a die-hard connoisseur of cheap “Bum Wine”.


Here’s an old chestnut from back in the day:


Get high everybody get high…


So, soo glad I do not have to deal with that anymore. Departed in August 2000. Still have a small professional practice in DC but we do everything via email, UPS, and telephone.

When I was assigned to WRAMC in November, 1975, the beltway was about 60 miles in circumference, it was a four land divided highway with steel guard rails as the median. It could be tricky on a motorcycle with some gaps in the road bed and iron strips to hold stuff together but traffic flowed.

Almost bought an XJ in the mid-80s but two auto repair shop clients both told the that they would not work on it, if I did! I trusted them and to this day have never owned, or even driven, a Jag.

It was pretty funny, both shops knew each other and one called the other and said, “do you know what that asshole is thinking about doing?” Then the other guy called me, told me the story, and all three of us ended up on the phone laughing so hard I nearly cried!

Haha, instead, we all ended up keeping boats on the Chesapeake. A Jag would have been cheaper not nearly as much fun.


I was a habitual law breaker during COVID times. I was still driving myself in during my brief stint on Myer, then in fall of 2019, after my GS-13 kept telling me about the lines, I started slugging. Nice concept, for the most part: ride with a stranger, shut up unless spoken to, and either nap or play on your phone for the ride. Then I discovered the Commuter Van of Lore. DOD pays up to $265 a month, privately owned business provides the van and keys, and you ride with a bunch of strangers that become almost like family after a few days. That made the commute to McNair and back tolerable; climb in the back seat and catch a 30-minute nap in the morning, drop off the Navy Yard folks, then volunteer to drive home (in the Express Lanes) 1-2 times a week.

Great conversations…we had a retired B-52 pilot, a currently serving Reserve CAPT/Navy Civilian, retired MGySgt, Active Navy CAPT with high hopes for RADL (she didn’t make it and retired soon after), career Navy Civilian in a relationship with a SEAL, ONI guy, and a few others. I learned a lot and appreciated every last moment.

When COVID hit, we dwindled down to the Reserve CAPT and me most days, then down to just the two of use going in a couple of days a week. He was always hesitant, but as I told him, we were in a 15-passenger van with tinted windows, and no State Trooper was going to pull us over versus the obvious HOV violators. I took that thing on the Express Lanes even by myself until they shut the route down.

But yeah, habitual HOV violator or not, I don’t miss the traffic. When I PCS’ed to Belvoir I just sucked it up and took Route 1 from Stafford. Wait, is there a statute of limitations, or have I just incriminated myself?


Submitted for your entertainment:

A Proud Infidel®™

Well here we go again as I award myself another Honorary First.

Never buy outdated software from the trunk of a beat-up Jaguar.


Map and compass next.


Jus’ sayin’



Here’s to hoping that your daughter’s surgery went well and that you all are doing great. God Bless!!



Green Thumb

Make sure you head down to the chow hall at All-Points Logistics this weekend!

The “Phil Monkress Special” is some Phildo stuffing and a turd muffin.


Green Thumb,
Does anyone have anything from Elko, Nevada
about the possibility of a 2024 CHILI FEED?

It’s getting harder to find anything in public from the ASSociates of the
Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass.

BTW – Since Les Brown BLOCKED me on the Book of the Fake,
way back in the “they’re coming after our vests” days…..

Can anyone see IF anything is still here
on the original Les Brown Book of the Fake??

Crickets? Memorial page? Or POOF?



The original Les Brown Book of the Fake is still alive, although no new postings since 19 Jan 15.



Now THIS just got interesting.
We already know the original URL for the
Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass website
has been taken over by the Chinese.

Now their replacement numerical URL is POOF.

And, I can no longer see the Book of the Fake
for their current “commander”.
Did he (also) block me? Or did this (also) go POOF?


current “Commander’s” Book of the Fake says:

This content isn’t available right now.

Last edited 10 months ago by Claw

November 11 Elko 2023 Veterans Day parade.

Parade flag bearer honor guard
includes a POW*MIA flag.
Parade includes some Harleys, vests,
and some assorted POW*MIA bling.
Also, a blue pick up truck, with MIA table.

But NO sign of the
Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass.

Hack Stone

Spoke to a corporate recruiter for All Points Logistics. Asked if it was a good place to work. He said “Once you get into Phil Monkress’ inner circle, you’ll never work anywhere else.” And it’s true.


Was working on an 1890-1900 bowl-back mandolin, and had a gear on the turning mechanism crack.
That should indicate how my week has been.

Saddest part was a young man in our church who had a heart attack and died Dec 6 – leaving a wife and two young sons.
Christmas is gonna be rough from now on.

Y’all be good, hug your loved ones, and forgive your enemies.


FYI, check this out… Bollywood has gone upscale (yes, I know like the movie that shall not be named, but… that’s the genre now):


Oh hell yes- Mick??!! Ya gotta see this shit!


I gotta say that the dude on the right kinda looks like Goose. And the chick on the left… I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating paneer. Just sayin’


Sorry guys…
She’s married, since 2018.
Apparently he’s a catch, by Indian standards.
The mustachio should be a deal breaker.



They even ripped off the music. And was that a Viper clone I saw in there?


Fortis Classis, comminuo turpis excitus.

Commissioner Wretched

That’s easy for you to say.


Illigitimi non carborundum

Green Thumb

On the first day of Christmas, Phil Monkress tried to steal from me….

My honor, heritage, valor and integrity….

Let’s get this one a goin’ folks….


Green Thumb,
Inspiration for 2nd day and onwards found here….


On the second day of Christmas, Phil Monkress stole from me…

Two polished turds…


So, Junior, why would you even have two polished turds? 💩
And, did you polish them yourself?
And, if so, why?
And, if not, did you manage to solve the metaphysical conundrum of picking them up by the clean end?



They came in a package of Red Hat Software, Pappy. Polished and delivered, personally, by The Director of Media Relations of a proud, but humble, woman owned business doing business with the Feds out of Bethesda MD. Sadly, the polished turds were more useful than the software. Not only a good conversation piece, they also served as a plumbing class problem at the local trade school.


Panhandler laws are unconstitutional. Panhandling and begging is protected speech.

Any municipality stupid enough to pass a panhandling ordinance, and any department stupid enough to enforce it deserves to be sued for not respecting the bill of rights.

I am glad this “patrol” is getting the attention it deserves so the civil rights lawsuits can start rolling in.

I hate cities that try to criminalize poverty and homelessness. And despise departments that harass and bully the poor.

Absolute scum.

Last edited 10 months ago by Commissar

Apparently the photo is from Mobile, AL in 2019.

And the city has already had the ordinance struck down on constitutional grounds.


Hope all the subsequent lawsuit settlements sting.

A Proud Infidel®™

Okay then, how about wonderful places like San Foo-foo where they let them have the run of the place EXCEPT where the politicians who live in gated communities reside? The crime, vandalism and pollution? Yeah, stay just where you are please, and for God’s sake, DO NOT reproduce, liberal whackos like you have rendered CA and NY unlivable and now those of your breed are migrating to infest other States and turn them to shit!


San Francisco doesn’t “let them have the run of the place.”

San Francisco just respects civil rights more than many cities.

And homelessness in San Francisco has multiple factors.

1. Mild weather year round. If you are homeless anywhere in the country you would rather be in LA if you like warm and mild weather, and SF if you like cool and mild weather. So homeless people nationwide try to get to and often do reach California.

2. Housing costs. A one bedroom house is over a million dollars. Rent on a studio apartment is over $2000, hell even renting a bunk in a shared room with kitchen access is upwards of $1000. Considering around 30% of American households have less than $3000 in the bank it does not take much of a financial impact to find yourself on the brink of homelessness.

3. Generally California cities, especially SF, recognize that poverty and homelessness if not a crime so they manage the homeless rather than harass and intimidate them. Most cities harass homeless so they will leave.

4. California in general, and SF area in particular is fairly progressive. So there is more support from programs and organizations that help mitigate the impact of homelessness and poverty. Most municipalities in the country, particularly outside liberal areas…have essentially no support services or programs for the homeless outside of a few grass roots church organizations.


You can list all the reasons you want. You cannot change or cover up the fact that California, and particularly San Francisco, has become:

1- A literal open sewer.
2- A haven that encourages and assists in illegal drug use.
3- A taxpayers nightmare that is taxing itself out of existence.
4- A hotbed of arrogant progressivism filled with folks like yourself who tout the glory of your state while it sinks into a mire of its own creation.

You built it, you live in it.


комиссар/Commissar… Family friend and retired Navy Vet works at LAX for the FAA and commutes daily under 2 hours. Home prices in his area for a 5 bed, 4 bath, 2,631 square foot home on Zillow is $425k. How about a 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,860 square foot home for $179,900? Zillow has 7 pages/500 listings for his area. There is a 2 acre lot for sale if you want to build for $369k also.


Enjoy the cesspool you call home. You built that.


You spend too much time consuming rights wing propaganda.

There is a reason SF and the Bay Area are among the most high demand places to live in the country. And it is not because it is a cesspool.

We have high homelessness. But it is partly because residential real estate demand is among the highest in the country and prices reflect that. Another fact is even being homeless, your quality of life is better here than being homelessness in nearly any other area of the country. 29% of SF homeless came from other cities. 29% may not seem like a lot but it pushes SF from having above average homelessness to having among the highest in the nation.


High demand. U-Hauls are in high demand. Businesses are fleeing SF. Investors are defaulting on multi-million dollar malls because crime is unpunished. Quite the liberal utopia you have there.

Dennis - not chevy

‘and you spend too much time believing the folks in Sacramento. Look pal, it isn’t the market that determines property values; it’s the tax man. The higher the value, the more taxes are levied on the property. The more taxes, the more Sacramento spends. If the authorities would just give the money they spend on the homeless to the homeless and cancel all of the “Let’s help the homeless while we keep our cushy well overpaid government jobs”, there would be fewer homeless.

Green Thumb

“There is a reason SF and the Bay Area are among the most high demand places to live in the country.”

Past tense.

A Proud Infidel®™

Businesses are in a rush to leave San Fran and Commercial Real Estate is tanking there. NOBODY in their right mind wants to open any kind of retail outlet there because Local Government doesn’t bother to prosecute theft, thus the grubby vermin walk in, steal all they can in one haul and take off. My prediction is that enough stores will close to where they have as a former First Wookie said, “food deserts” and call for the Government to distribute food there, more handouts for the “Gimme free shit!” crowd ensuring more reelection votes for D-rats.


“Another fact is even being homeless, your quality of life is better here than being homelessness in nearly any other area of the country. “

You really gonna use that as a bragging point? You’re a fraud.


Do the illegal immigrants get priority over the homeless in LA, or the bay area?

That should frost your ass more.


Panhandling and begging usually involve trespassing. There’s no constitutional right to that.

The Blue Falcon

Let’s see what happens:


Late to the party, but you’re concerned about pan handlers civil rights? With all going on in the world as of late, this bothers you?

Have you set up an organization that would help these people, or did you just drop in to be a seagull manager.


As we all know…. Not only the panhandlers, but the military embellishers, liars, phonies, and Stolen Valor types
who hide behind God with the mostly phony “God bless”.

Some are more ugly, belligerent, and arrogant than others.

Screw you, Teddy. God bless.


For your listening enjoyment. Jeff.


A cold morning Vermont.

A Proud Infidel®™


Calamari, anyone?


Fried or grilled? Don’t matter, either is fine with some Yuengling.


Can’t get Yuengling here, but the Shiner is flowing


That’ll work…Prost!🍺🍺🍺


By the way, Happy Hanukkah to my friends of the Jewish faith. 🕎


Back when I worked nights for the USPS, on the 5 mile approach to the Interstate taking me to work I’d often see in my headlights a man in his mid 20’s pushing a wheelchair loaded with stuff on the sidewalk along a major (6 lane) road in evening just after dark. One day after working a 12+ hour shift on the way home I saw him again, this time just sitting in the chair at the double lane freeway exit stoplight with a “disabled veteran – anything helps” sign. People would get out of their cars to run up him just sitting in the wheelchair and give him food or money while waiting for the light to change.

After a few days of working OT and watching him walking home after a day of sitting and collecting free stuff/money I started yelling out “He’s faking it! He has no problem walking more than a mile south of here after dark pushing the wheelchair full of donated stuff in the seat after sundown! Come back after sundown and see for yourself! I seriously doubt he even served!” People stopped and looked and went back to their cars leaving him empty handed. Next couple of weeks – same thing. He’d give me a dirty look and flip me off but eventually he never returned to that exit.


When I retired from the USPS a couple years after that my co-workers gave me a cardboard sign covered with reflector tape. The sign reads:

JAY-Z and BEYONCE are having a BABY! I NEED MONEY 4 a GIFT!