Employees with the VA facing additional mandatory overtime

| December 3, 2023

The passage of the PACT Act opened the door for veterans to file additional claims, or for veterans to file claims for the first time. The number of claims submitted to the VA exceeded what the VA normally receives. Over the past 13 months, the VA saw over 750,000 new claims.

From the Military Times:

Much of that increased workload are new military toxic exposure claims filed through the the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act — better known as the PACT Act — signed into law in August 2022. More than 750,000 new claims on that topic have been filed in the last 13 months.

As a result, the number of backlogged claims — cases taking more than 120 days to complete — has risen steadily in recent months, to more than 319,000 this week, VA officials said. Clark said that figure is expected to rise “between 450,000 and 700,000 next year.”

The previous high in backlogged claims was set in 2013, when the overdue caseload reached 611,00 after a flood of claims from Vietnam veterans for illnesses related to Agent Orange exposure. It also prompted intense scrutiny from Congress and forced an overhaul of benefits processes, including digitizing the department’s records system.

Clark said he expects the backlog to be under control again sometime in 2025. But that will likely require keeping up the agency’s current processing pace.

The Military Times has additional information.

Category: Veteran Health Care, Veterans in the news, Veterans Issues, Veterans' Affairs Department

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Old tanker

Sounds like a lot more of hurry up and wait in action.


It’s what a government agency excels at.


Oh, boo hoo, I’m so sad. /sarc


It’d be interesting to find out how many of these new claims that are swamping the VA system are actually phony.

My guess is that they already number at least in the tens of thousands, with many more to follow.

And sadly, many of the phony claims will probably end up being approved because they simply can’t/won’t be properly vetted by the VA.

Once again, the POSers will saddle up the ol’ Phony Pony and ride it hard until they get the VA benefits and compensation that they don’t deserve, and they’ll laugh all the way to the bank while giving actual deserving veterans the finger by clogging up the VA system with their phony claims bullshit.

I hate POSers.

Hack Stone

And use that VA disability payment as proof of their inflated claims of service.


And I wonder how many of those “claims” will be frauds? And how much $ the lawers will scam off the top? And how much $ will actually go to the ones that deserve it? And how much cheese it will require to go with all of the whine? Billions of $s were scammed from the “Scamdemic” $s.

Do your freaking job and quit your bitching.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone received a call from some guy with a heavy Indian accent asking if he was ever stationed at Camp Lejeune. Hack asked “Is this related to some paternity issue?” In the same call, he asked Hack if he ever used Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder. Hack answered with a yes, and ent on to say how he would mix the J&J Baby Powder with the contaminated Camp Lejeune water to make chips, which he would snack on while watching the strippers at The Driftwood fleece to SOI students.


The Driftwood?

I would have thought that Tobie’s or The Brown Bagger would have been more Hack’s style.


Mandatory OT?

Soooo….you’re getting paid for it??

GS positions aren’t salary, they’re hourly. And if it’s “mandatory” then it’s 1.5x base rate, and probably more based on whatever union agreements are worked in that comp at higher rate for OT that’s directed vs. volunteered.

In other words, STFU.


I know how the “mandatory overtime” thing worked out for TDCJ-ID.
The Correctional Officers are hourly, and unionized to a degree (Texas is not Union-friendly) but the response is predictable:
a) good employees burn out
b) many employees take themselves elsewhere
c) a hiring shortage occurs
d) standards are lowered
e) some unworthies are hired and either don’t do the job, get a side-hustle smuggling contraband, or otherwise compromise security.
f) there come along lots of advertisements about this being a great place to work – fooling no-one.

I predict similar issues for the VA.


One thing that happens with extended mandatory overtime in production environments (such as factories or offices) is that employees end up pacing themselves.

The first couple weeks of overtime result in greater production, but the longer mandatory overtime persists, the closer production numbers creep toward regular 40 hour levels.


I have a feeling that if we actually got 40 hours of work a week from all of them mandatory OT wouldn’t be needed. Have a cousin at Navy Facilities that posts 10 -15 Facebook posts a day only on weekdays between 0930 and 1600.


Well, it’s the VA. I week ago I got a call from the VA, about my being on the Burn Pit registry. They wanted to schedule me to see a doc. I signed up for the registry in 2018. Yeah, the VA is on top of things like usual. It’s the mother of all bureaucracies.


Got an appointment coming up regarding the registry. The two kinds of cancer I beat are now considered presumptive under the PACT act.


If you are still under treatment please file.


I filed as soon as the burn pit registry was created, then filed for evaluation under the PACT act. I’m no longer under treatment, other than annual checks.


Lucky me. My generation was exposed to so many chemicals, heavy metals, etc. as children that we built up an immunity by the time we entered the military.


Same here. In my hometown, it was considered a good thing when it was smoky and hazy because that meant the steel mills and the refineries were going full bore and people were making money.

Pittsburgh? Never heard of her!🤣
Houston? Who?🤣


Does anybody else remember those little science lab kits that were given as gifts on birthday or Christmas that had a small vial of mercury to conduct science experiments with?


We called them “thermometers”.


This is what I was talking about. Not exactly mercury,, but the principle is the same.

Early chemistry sets had all sorts of dangerous substances, which for kids meant they were fun. Potassium nitrate, for example, is used in gunpowder, fireworks, and rocket fuel, while nitric acid (also used in rocket fuel) and sulfuric acid are highly corrosive. Sodium ferrocyanide, which reacts with iron ions to create a Prussian blue dye, is now classified as a poison (thanks to the “cyanide” part). Calcium hypochlorite could be mixed to create free chlorine gas, which wreaks havoc on the human respiratory system. Ten-year-olds could make things go boom, build their own batteries and engines, or bend glass with alcohol lamps. Having parents who would teach them lab safety was supposed to be an important part of the learning process


Yeah, I walked right into that one.


I was lucky … Filed in August, got my decision the week of Thanksgiving.

Slow Joe

Slow Joe:
Can you say anything good about Joe Biden?

Certainly. It’s important to note that opinions about political figures can vary widely, but here are some positive aspects that supporters of President Joe Biden often highlight:

  1. Experience: Joe Biden brought decades of political experience to the presidency. Before becoming president, he served as Vice President under Barack Obama for eight years, and he had a long career in the Senate.
  2. Stability and Predictability: Supporters appreciate Biden’s commitment to a more traditional and predictable style of governance. Many see this as a contrast to the unpredictability and unconventional approach of his predecessor.
  3. Vaccination Efforts: President Biden’s administration has been actively involved in the nationwide COVID-19 vaccination campaign. The administration set ambitious vaccination goals and worked to increase the availability of vaccines across the country.
  4. Infrastructure Legislation: Biden signed into law a significant bipartisan infrastructure bill, aimed at addressing the country’s infrastructure needs. Supporters argue that this legislation is crucial for the nation’s economic development and job creation.
  5. Focus on Unity: Biden has consistently expressed a desire to unite a divided nation. He has emphasized the need for bipartisanship and has sought common ground on certain issues, even though achieving bipartisan consensus can be challenging in today’s political climate.
  6. Climate Change Initiatives: The Biden administration has taken steps to address climate change, rejoining the Paris Agreement on his first day in office and proposing significant investments in green infrastructure and renewable energy.

It’s important to recognize that opinions on political figures are diverse, and while these points highlight positive aspects, critics may have different perspectives on President Biden’s policies and leadership. Public opinion can also shift over time based on various events and policy decisi

Slow Joe

Slow Joe:
Can you say anything good about Donald Trump?

Certainly, opinions about political figures, including Donald Trump, can vary widely. Supporters of Donald Trump often point to several positive aspects of his presidency:

  1. Economic Policies: Many supporters credit Trump with implementing policies that they believe contributed to a strong pre-pandemic economy. This includes tax cuts, deregulation, and efforts to promote business growth and job creation.
  2. Deregulation: The Trump administration pursued deregulation in various industries, arguing that reducing regulatory burdens could stimulate economic growth and innovation.
  3. Criminal Justice Reform: Trump signed the First Step Act into law, a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill aimed at reducing recidivism and improving prison conditions. This was widely praised as a positive step toward criminal justice reform.
  4. Foreign Policy Achievements: The Trump administration brokered agreements between Israel and several Arab nations, known as the Abraham Accords. Supporters saw this as a significant diplomatic achievement contributing to stability in the Middle East.
  5. Focus on China: Trump’s administration took a tough stance on China, addressing issues such as trade imbalances and intellectual property theft. Supporters viewed this as an effort to protect American interests in the face of growing competition.
  6. Veterans Affairs Reform: The Trump administration worked on reforms within the Department of Veterans Affairs, aiming to improve healthcare services for veterans and increase accountability within the agency.

It’s important to note that these points represent the perspectives of Trump supporters, and opinions on his presidency vary widely. Critics of Trump may have different views on the impact of his policies and leadership style. Public opinion is diverse and influenced by a range of factors, including political beliefs and personal experiences.

Slow Joe

Slow Joe:
Can you say anything bad about Joe Biden?

Certainly. It’s important to note that opinions about political figures, including Joe Biden, vary widely. Critics of President Joe Biden point to several concerns and challenges:

  1. Afghanistan Withdrawal: One of the most significant criticisms has been the handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021. The chaotic evacuation process, the rapid Taliban takeover, and the tragic loss of lives, including American service members, were widely criticized.
  2. Border Crisis: Critics argue that the Biden administration has faced challenges in addressing the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border, with an increase in migrant arrivals. They contend that the administration’s policies may have contributed to a perception of lax border enforcement.
  3. Inflation Concerns: Some critics express concerns about rising inflation, attributing it to the massive government spending packages passed during Biden’s presidency. They argue that inflation could erode the purchasing power of the American people.
  4. Supply Chain Issues: The Biden administration has faced criticism for supply chain disruptions, impacting various industries. Critics argue that these disruptions have led to shortages and increased costs for businesses and consumers.
  5. Polarization and Unity Challenges: Despite Biden’s emphasis on unity, critics argue that the nation remains politically polarized. The inability to secure broad bipartisan support for key legislative initiatives, such as voting rights and infrastructure, has been a point of contention.
  6. Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic: While the Biden administration has been praised for its vaccination efforts, critics argue that there have been inconsistencies and mixed messaging regarding COVID-19 guidelines and policies, leading to confusion among the public.

It’s important to recognize that these points represent the perspectives of Biden’s critics, and opinions on his presidency vary widely.

Slow Joe

Slow Joe:
Can you say anything bad about Donald Trump?

Certainly. Critics of Donald Trump’s presidency have raised various concerns and criticisms:

  1. Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Trump faced criticism for his administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some argued that the initial downplaying of the virus, inconsistent messaging, and delays in testing and protective measures contributed to the severity of the crisis.
  2. Divisive Rhetoric: Trump’s communication style was often characterized as divisive. Critics argue that his rhetoric, both during the 2016 campaign and throughout his presidency, contributed to a polarized political climate and heightened tensions in the country.
  3. Foreign Policy Decisions: Trump’s approach to foreign policy, including his withdrawal from international agreements like the Paris Agreement and the Iran Nuclear Deal, faced criticism for potentially undermining global cooperation on critical issues.
  4. Immigration Policies: The Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy, leading to family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border, received widespread condemnation. Critics argued that the policy was inhumane and failed to adequately address immigration challenges.
  5. Response to Racial Unrest: Trump faced criticism for his responses to incidents of racial unrest, particularly during protests against police brutality. Critics argued that his rhetoric and handling of these situations exacerbated tensions and failed to provide leadership in promoting unity.
  6. Impeachment Proceedings: Trump was impeached twice by the House of Representatives. The first impeachment (2019) was related to allegations of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, while the second (2021) focused on charges of incitement of insurrection following the Capitol riot.

It’s important to note that these points represent the perspectives of Trump’s critics, and opinions on his presidency vary widely. Supporters of Donald Trump may have different views on t


But no more mean Tweets!
comment image

Slow Joe

I just rewatched The Terminator.
The first time I saw the Terminator was on TV in 1987, a few years after the movie was released, while I was in prison for being in a stupid youth group against the local pitiful communist government. It changed my view of the future. It turned something on in my mind, and from then on, I have been following the latest on technology, always fearing what the future shall bring.

Over the years, I have realized technology is not something to fear, that neo-luddism was a reaction to misunderstanding the effect technology has on humanity. Throughout human history, technology has always been a force for good. It has transformed our way of life from barely scrapping the bottom of the food chain to dominating the world and providing food for 8 billion fucknuts. Even the deadliest technologies we have come up with, like nuclear weapons, have had a positive impact on humanity by eliminating the possibility of a 3rd World War, as Mutual Assured Destruction kept the superpowers from turning the Cold War into a hot war.

Yet here we are, on the brink of AI dominating the world. Sometimes I think that people who were born and died, living a full life within the 20th century, were the lucky ones. There is an old Jewish saying, that “don’t count yourself blessed until you are dead”, that have a lot of truth. It is not over until is over, and it can turn really nasty before it’s over. I don’t know what the future has in store for us. I remain optimist, but I fear the worst.


The Terminator is a classic watch (who’d a thunk a mid-’80s movie would be considered a classic?) and (in my mind) superior in many ways to its blockbuster sequel. While T2 had the budget and production advantage, the dystopian feel of the first film just wins it out in my opinion. Young Arnold, Michael Biehn doing what he does best, going out in a blaze of glory against superior enemies (see also Aliens and The Rock), Linda Hamilton looking super-’80s and having a little exposure…

We can easily see notes of SkyNet in today’s AI, and the scariest thing is that there are those in government and the military that would advocate for computers to make the life-or-death decisions that could forever change life as we know it.

USMC Steve

I would not think it would be that much more time intensive to stamp “Disapproved” on everything that comes in to them.


Wouldn’t it be nice….
IF NPRC and other federal military service records agencies
did the SAME with all the SF-180 and FOIA requests?

Not only the VA, but the NPRC and other agencies,
should ALL be actively interested in rooting out the phonies,
and the FRAUD.


ADMINS – Speaking of phonies and fraud….
4 of you have new email.
Steve B- My apologies, I got a mailer daemon, that the attached video uploads bombed your email.
Check with the others. Thanks.

Hint for everyone. It’s about THIS… and more.



Here is his NEW profile pic on the Book of the Fake.
This follows a string of posts,
bragging and showing off his NEW Porsche 911.

VA disability
+ SS disability
+ online business con
= new Porsche 911.


(Forgot to include pic above)


OMG, is he serious?


Looks like being a faker has been profitable judging by the car he is leaning on.


Odie and Eileen,
If you thought the FAKE AI Donald Trump voice was bad…

See what Teddy Daniels also did
with a FAKE Joe Rogan voice….

“There’s actually this guy.
His name is Teddy Daniels.
He’s a decorated war hero,
White House insider….”
(< False, another 2 lies.)

Yes, Teddy Daniels just called himself a WAR HERO.
And doing it using a FAKE voice of Joe Rogan.

ADMINS – Got all this?
