Spanish senate files case against US/UK leaders

| October 8, 2009

I guess the Spanish Senate doesn’t think they have to deal with in their own country, they’ve decided they’re the standard of civility in the world and they’re trying to impose their will on the US and the UK;

MADRID: Today the Spanish Senate, acting to confirm a decision already taken under pressure from powerful governments accused of grave crimes, will limit Spain’s laws of universal jurisdiction. Yesterday, ahead of the change of law, a legal case was filed at the Audiencia Nacional against four United States presidents and four United Kingdom prime ministers for commissioning, condoning and/or perpetuating multiple war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Iraq.

This case, naming George H W Bush, William J Clinton, George W Bush, Barack H Obama, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Anthony Blair and Gordon Brown, is brought by Iraqis and others who stand in solidarity with the Iraqi people and in defence of their rights and international law.

Unfortunately, the only links I can find to the story all track back to the same article. I can’t find it on the Spanish Senate rather sparse agenda. Either way it’s a totally ignorant thing for an impotent country like Spain. I guess they don’t remember the fate of the Spanish Armada (the last time they looked over their gun barrels at the Brits), the Spanish-American War (when we were a third world country). Mostly they forget that the last time they surrendered to Islamic wishes, they were occupied for half-a-millennium.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Foreign Policy, General Whackos

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They are just trying to save their miserable country from teh Moors…


I think I am going to hurl.


What a bunch of asshats. I agree, Susan, hurl time. Perhaps the UN should consider establishing their HQ in Madrid?


So… the rain in Spain falls mainly on…. a bunch of idiots?


Hey Spanish Senate, how is being the Islamists’ bitch working out for you? Seriously, this is frigging pathetic.


Uh, hate to rain on your parade, but I don’t think anyone from 1588 is still alive to be “the Islamists’ bitch” or “a bunch of idiots”. Kind of a long time to harbor a grudge…..


Tell that to the Jihadii.


OldCavLt: The word is ‘dhimmi, I think, rather than idiot.

It’s a fascinating concept.

Jonn said: Mostly they forget that the last time they surrendered to Islamic wishes, they were occupied for half-a-millennium.

There it is… I’ll speculate that the Spanish view that era, and the time immediately following, as their ‘Golden Age’. That sort of selective view of history MUST warp their perspective.


So, there aren’t any descendants from the occupation still alive in Spain, Joe? And no islamic immigrants? Wait, “Iraqis” filed the suit? Wonder if they’ll seek reparations from the Iraqi government for Saddam’s violations of their “rights and international law”?


And that’s why “internationalism” be it with the United States or Spain at the helm is a crock!