Dump Rangel Resolution

| October 7, 2009

Texas Republican John Carter is is introducing a bill to remove Charles Rangel from his chair at the Ways and Means Committee. Carter wrote at Redstate this morning;

So last week, I said I would give Mr. Rangel until this week to voluntarily resign the chairmanship of Ways and Means, or I would introduce a Privileged Resolution to force his removal. Mr. Rangel has not stepped down, so I have introduced this resolution.

And Democrats continue to support him. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer already has said he’ll move to block this attempt.

Mr. Rangel’s list of violations continues to grow. You or I would have paid tens of thousands of dollars in interest and penalties had we committed similar tax evasions. Rangel apparently is immune from penalties, which is unethical, but especially unscrupulous when you consider his powerful Chairman position.

The full text of the bill can be found here.

Michelle Malkin quotes Maxine Waters’ “so what?” answer. Actrually Waters admits than many members of Congress are as corrupt as Rangel – but not in those words. All the more reason to clean out the stalls next year.

Of course, the Democrats won’t hear about it (Politico)

He’s getting backing from Democratic leaders, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who support his wait and see approach.

“We will await that report,” Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland said Wednesday. “Prior to that, any actions making reference to Chairman Rangel would be premature.”

Democrats can wait up to two days to hold a roll call on the resolution, but it appears likely a procedural vote effectively killing it is likely to be held today.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1009/28030.html#ixzz0TGsrK2SD

Newsday reports that accidental Governor Paterson is eying Rangel’s seat – in a manner of speaking.

Category: Congress sucks

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The corruption of these people knows no bounds. Bella Pelosi said that she was going to oversee the most honest and transparent congress, evah. Well, Bella, it’s transparently clear that you and your minions are a bunch of corrupt assholes.

B Woodman

“A pox on both your houses.”

As well as a bucket of tar, feathers, a rail, a tall tree, and short ropes.

HT to Toothless Dawg for the tar, feathers & rail posting at Virginia/absentee voters.


Ugh. This just makes me want to hurl when I read that name.


And now, the dems have “referred” the resolution to committee, effectively saying, “it’s ok Chuck, we’ve got your back”. What a bunch of corrupt weasels.
Any bets on when the House will act on this to get it out of committee? Say, 2016 or so?