Threats escalate

| October 14, 2023

Been a busy week in the war with words. Besides our own politicians wedging their size 12Es into their mouths, we have some of the usual overseas players making threats as well.

Top of the list is Fatty da Kim. North Korea is offended that the USS Ronald Reagan group, an aircraft carrier group, has docked in Busan, Korea.

North Korea on Friday warned of the possibility of a preemptive nuclear strike after the arrival of a U.S. aircraft carrier in South Korea.

  • Its arrival is “an undisguised military provocation driving the situation to irrevocable catastrophic circumstances,” North Korea’s state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said Friday, per Reuters.
  • Pyongyang threatened Friday to respond to the U.S. aircraft carrier’s arrival with its nuclear doctrine, which authorizes preemptive strikes, AP reported.


Apparently he doesn’t know how carriers work. They aren’t a threat when they are docked.

Now we all know Kim wants to be the pre-eminent nuclear power. Somehow he feels that his stock of nukes can overwhelm our estimated 2000+?  Too, given the inaction of our leadership…

And in Lebanon, Hamas’ big brother Hezbollah, says it is ready to fight Israel any time.

The Lebanese movement Hezbollah has claimed that it is “fully prepared” to join Hamas in a war against Israel when the time comes.

Source: Times of Israel, citing a statement by Naim Qassem, Deputy Head of Hezbollah, during a pro-Palestinian rally in the southern suburbs of Beirut

Quote: “We are fully prepared, and when the time comes for action, we will take it.”

Details: Afterwards, air-raid warnings were issued in northern Israel, where it borders Lebanon.

Ukrayinska Pravda

Normally, noting the UP  source I would be a bit skeptical, but in this case they are reporting public sources. Hezbollah is better financed by Iran (probably via the Quds Force of their Islamic Revolutionary Guards) and has been sending rockets into Israel for years. Believe I read they are the world’s largest , most heavily armed non-government force in the world? (After, of course, the NRA.) Their entry could be an issue, sort of like China interjecting themselves into the Korean War.

And someone apparently decided they don’t like either the data link nor the gas pipeline between Finnland and Estonia – both were damaged on October 8 by “parties unknown.”

The Finnish government on Tuesday reported damage to a gas pipeline and a telecommunications cable with Estonia following an unusual drop in pressure on Sunday in the Balticconnector gas pipeline, which led to its shutdown.

Speaking at a news conference, Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo stopped short of calling the pipeline damage an act of sabotage but said it could not have been caused by regular operations.


The Russians deny any involvement (as well they should, given that both countries are EU and NATO members.)

Konrad Muzyka, an independent regional defence analyst, said on X that the Russian hydrographic survey vessel Sibiryakov had been detected in the Gulf of Finland near the pipeline and the Estlink cable in May, August and September.

You may remember the Siberyakov as having been spotted lurking with its transponders turned off near the Nord Stream pipeline, too.

Category: International Affairs, Israel, Russia

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There will be wars and rumors of wars.

Wrench Turner

“All along there were incidents and accidents. There were hints and allegations.”
– Paul Simon


Now Iran’s talkin’ sh*t… there’ll be “consequences” if Israel kicks Hamas’ ass for doing Iran-sponsored BS:


Thank goodness our service members are squared away on which pronouns to use, because that is what wins armed conflicts.


Not only that but we don’t want to offend our allies by taking tampons out of the men’s room.


And they’re motivated and want to be there!


It all fairness I don’t recommend joining the infantry either.


I only joined the Army for the college money and to learn a trade.


I dropped out of college to go to Signal School
at Ft Monmouth for the prestige. No shit.
Turned out to be a big plus in the military industrial
complex career that followed.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

One of my co-workers was a Navy skivy waiver and kept a pair of semafor flags on his charter boat he ran out of Sheepshead bay in Brooklyn NY on weekends and whenever a Navy ship was passing by, he used the flags to talk to the Skivy waivers onboard and when we used air couriers that rode the flights that we had material onboard, we had an air courier that rode with us out to Kennedy airport that was a Korean War Vet that was a radio operator and all the way out to JFK, all you heard from the two was dit dit dit dah as they talked to each other in Morse code. I just forgot the technical name for Morse code.


CW (continuous wave)
Still able copy 10 wpm but it’s getting tough.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

CW, Thats what I couldn’t remember. Thanks Beans


CW is the radio type used to send Morse.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Years ago I learned CW but after all these years forgot. Also owned a Drake R 7 Shortwave receiver and an Icom Shortwave receiver with a unit that was made in Florida that I could decode CW, RITTY, TOR and others which was hooked up to a CRT screen. Drake broke down and after 3 repairs from a Drake Tech in Ohio, I gave all my radios and scanners to my upstairs snow bird Ham if he wanted to fix it up. Also had WIN SDR that hooked up to my PC. Had books on all the HF and other means of this type of communications. sat comms took a lot out of the fun of SWL but stuff is still out there. Just have a Uniden scanner for PBCFR using trunked comms up in the 800 bands.The Air Force bought up all the converters like I had for their air craft.


Just don’t have the time and cash to play with radios the way I’d like. Use the 2m and 70cm FM repeaters a lot, but just haven’t managed to get into HF.


I wasn’t joking, I really did. Learned a trade for 24 years that I turned into a second career as an eebil triple dipping gubmint employee. The college part didn’t work out quite as well.


But getting in shape and losing some weight would be a thing, regardless?


Color me shocked!! Told ya. Now admittedly, I was only infantry for about 3.5 years before I became a SF officer with the Tower of Power.


Based on the comments of those twats, I won’t be referring to the Infantry cord the Blue Cord of Doom anymore.


It’s nothing new. Silent Professionals became Quiet Professionals decades ago, because it sounded less… bloody… dirty… objectionable..? Pretty soon, they won’t even be able to be “Special” because that offends the short-bus folk (future hindsight – this started when USASOC required all its joes to wear k-pots outside the wire instead of beanies, field caps, and boonies in ~2006).

Just give the retards Ops-Core helmets and call it square.

Last edited 11 months ago by Hate_me

We put up with the same stupidity in the Viet of the Nam. In my Ranger company, we weren’t allowed to wear our cammies outside the company area. We had to change into regular jungle fatigues. That was apparently so the rest of the division rear didn’t feel bad because we were special.

USMC Steve

Maybe we will get to see how well those infantry chicks do in combat soon. They may get to find out that a pound is a pound, and those lowered standards that let them in are not their friends.


In the meantime, prezzy sniffy joey is stumbling up the stairs showing that he has a firm grip on his ice cream cone.

If you haven’t already, it is past time for you to….Prepare


He fell again? When do his handlers or wife get brought up on charges for elder abuse. Most of us would be looking for ways to keep our spouses, parents or grandparents safe and cared for. Not parading them around pretending all is normal. Idk, maybe that’s his normal.

Has he shit himself?


I will never advocate for elder abuse charges against Brandon’s handlers. He’s always been a pandering sycophant and anyone who abuses his ineptitude is simply doing their part in balancing the scales.

He should go because he’s a corrupt and incompetent person. Incontinence shouldn’t be a bar to the presidency.

Last edited 11 months ago by Hate_me

The media: If Trump becomes President, he’ll start WW3…
Also the media: Joe Biden presides of the possibility of WW3 in Ukraine, Palestine/Israel, and Korea…


When I bring that up to my liberal friends, the answer tends to be along the lines of, “That’s different because shut up.”


That isn’t even the best part. Guess who is number three in line for the presidency?

If you Guessed nobody you are correct.


General Haig will take that spot, it’s all covered, we good!


I’d guess Senate President Pro Tem, but that’s just me.


We may know Monday. Or Tuesday. Or…. well, you get the idea.


I’m ok with that spot being vacant over being held by someone who’s idea of compromise is to gain nothing in the interest of delaying essential freedoms until a later date.


Now we all know Kim wants to be the pre-eminent nuclear power. Somehow he feels that his stock of nukes can overwhelm our estimated 2000+? Too, given the inaction of our leadership

It would take about a dozen warheads to end North Korea as anything even vaguely resembling a coherent, functioning state. The real problem is if he can get just one into Seoul, because then the homicidal little Weeble will have cut the heart out of the ROK.


It wouldn’t take very many to cause life changing events in the United States. But if he’s going to target anywhere; Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle would be ideal. Multiple hits just to be sure.

Harry D

Lil Fatty is sad nobody has been giving him attention recently😞😡him so mad.


So is zalinsky. He recently asked Netanyahu if he could come for a visit.

Doesn’t he have his own war to fight? Must not be much of one if he can travel.


Until cam whoring becomes they accepted way for raising funds, he has to travel around to rattle the tin cup.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

My home page news had the new DC Reichstag saying that Israel should follow the laws of war and I think to be lenient on the ones who did the killings on the other side of the wire. I read the article but didn’t copy the headline at the time and then went to our site and when I saw this post, I went back to the home page to copy the headline and paste it here but their was another article there so that was it.


Laws of war only good if both sides adhere to them. As far as Israel goes, they should make rubble in Gaza, bounce rubble, rinse lather repeat until desired degree of dust is achieved.


You forgot the bleach.


As I recall, reprisals in kind are legal under the laws of war if your opponent commits unlawful actions.


This is completely incorrect. Article 146 explicitly prohibits reprisals. It’s in there a number of other places as well.


Women and children are not military targets, but targets of opportunity and depravity. I would say that’s an unlawful action.

I would also argue the laws of reprisal went out the window last week.

Isreal has been claiming their dead and picking them up, for lack of a better term, while leaving dead ham ass fighhters where they fall.


Whether legal or not (and any diplomatic “law” of war is a polite fiction), targeting innocents is simply immoral – whether as reprisal or anything else.

Civilians killed indirectly, however, is a matter of strategic significance. If the end goal is to end Hamas, then civilians should garner no special exception and allowing them to evacuate only creates an unnecessary avenue for a potential Hamas government-in-exile to live to fight another day.



comment image


The Law of War argument exists so the tut-tut class of academics can pontificate and pass snooty judgement concerning violence they truly don’t understand. It’s a legalese view point used to introduce a cerebral aspect to something, that at its foundation, is fuckers killing fuckers.

There’s supposed to be some gentleman’s agreement about the rules of killing people?

I really may have missed it, but when were the last war crime trials held against the Taliban or ISIS?

I’d think there would be adequate examples over the past 25 years or so to bring something to trial.

Laws without enforcement are merely words on paper.


I’m just glad that we have a fully cognizant and extremely assertive World Leader in the White House. I’m also extremely happy that his cabinet and our military senior leaders have been selected based on accomplishment and ability to perform over any socio-political reasons, and that our justice system is fully capable of being impartial and ensuring that criminals are prosecuted and sentenced according to their crimes.

Come at us, World…we’ll probably mismanage any diplomatic or military response show you who’s boss! 🦃

USMC Steve

Yer so funny…