Military to House the Homeless?

| October 10, 2023

Coming to a base near you

San Diego Marine base ‘not suitable’ for homeless camp, colonel says

By Irene Loewenson

The Marine colonel in charge of a San Diego base has shot down some advocates’ idea of housing the city’s homeless people on the installation’s land.

Sunbreak Ranch is a concept for “a large-scale temporary ranch” that would be a “temporary home” for homeless San Diegans, according to its website. The advocates pushing for the ranch are eyeing several possible sites, including at least five at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California, which is located in San Diego, according to George Mullen, who has spearheaded the idea.

But in a letter to San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria on Oct. 2, first reported by Voice of San Diego, the commanding officer of the California base argued that the Miramar property east of Interstate 15 “is not a suitable location” for the ranch.
“Naysayers and pessimists are a dime a dozen…this plan is too damn good not to have our Marines involved.”

Marine Corps Times

The Good Idea Fairy is alive and well in San Diego. Homeless meltdowns wandering around a military base- whatever could go wrong?

Category: Good Idea Fairy

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A Proud Infidel®️™️

My question is just how quickly would the homeless trash the place, first by urinating and defecating all over everything?


A week.


That long?


Being generous.

A Proud Infidel®™

And I’m sure some Lifer would run around thinking that the Enlisted Troops should be tasked with looking after the homeless housed there just to keep them busy.

Prior Service

However long it takes the human digestive system to process a stolen meal….


If they’re fed MRE’s, we can extend that process.

Skivvy Stacker

Sometimes I burp and taste C-rats I ate in ’76.


Zelensky is gonna be pissed.
He will be pounding his own cabbage roll hole with a rubber fist on Onlyfans within a week 🤣


RCAF-Chairborne and Anonymous,
Along with Biden’s bro Frank ‘n beans?

Revealed yesterday in the Holiday Open Thread.

Biden brothers - Frank and Beans.jpg

Nope, Hunter is always the lead man for such ops.


Let the “advocates” buy some vacant land and put the homeless there. The “advocates ” can purchase as much security, hygiene facilities and trash removal as they see fit. Don’t forget to supply water and electricity too.

Register this piece of land and make it a xxx c type corporation, or whatever, and pay no or reduced taxes.

Temporary.. pffft. When has anything “temporary” not become permanent? Let the “advocates ” pay for their vision of utopia.

Last thing. Will there be an on-site property manager, or will they go to their stick built permanent home at the end of the fay.


They can name it Camp Gaza


TM registered. Claim the name before someone else does.


Or The Rez


“Fort Hood”


It’s been a good 15 years since I left beautiful San Diego, CA.

Apparently, it’s really shifted down the drain in following the direction of it’s northern neighbors (San Francisco and LA) recently.

Old tanker

I think the impact area of a bombing range would be perfect. A great feature would be the turnover allowing even more illegal aliens to be housed there.

George V

If not for the threat of a terrorist infiltrating the camp, the departure end of the runway would be a great spot. The screech of afterburner takeoffs at all hours would send them running for home in a hurry.

As a special treat, grab some F-4s out of the boneyard and fire them up. Being under one of them anywhere in the landing pattern would drive your eardrums close to the centerline of your head.

Dennis - not chevy

It’s been tried. Sometime in the ’80’s, an EOD training exercise at the Medina Annex had to be postponed because “transients” were camped in the range.

Prior Service

Also the late sixties. My dad told of making low and loud Phantom passes over the old busses in the bomb impact area to clear out the “residents” before they could go hot.


I’ve had to shut down numerous ranges on Huachuca due to illegal aliens traipsing through the impact area.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Nothing so permanent as a temporary Gooberment program.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

If the LibTards want a place to house the homeless, there’s miles and miles of desert in the West, faaaar away from normal civilized people.

Death Valley comes to mind.


Maybe somewhere between Barstow and Kingman?

Let them live where they run King of the Hammer events. Not responsible for accidents should they wander onto the course.

Army-Air Force Guy

Give them a bunch of 5 gallon buckets and have them refill Salton Sea with fresh water.

Yuma Proving Ground.

A Proud Infidel®™

Better yet, Toole!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

No. Too close to civilization (Salt Lake City & environs)

USMC Steve

Marines do not cater to the homeless. Marines kill people and break things. Tell the kalifornicrazies to shove their good intentions and social work up their asses.


Those they don’t kill they do make homeless.

Green Thumb

Someone should kick the request to All-Points Logistics.

They (homeless) might not have much, but Phildo will find a way steal it as well as rake in government contracts while providing substandard service and skimming off the top.


We have the inmates running this asylum and I’m inclined to believe their feewings are leading us to a dangerous intersection with the fire of a thousand suns.

“Prepare.” –Thrower of the Shells

Maybe ground them (intentionally vague) up with some phytoplankton, put the slurry into tubes for human consumption, call it the “New & Improved….”:

Mmmmm gud.jpeg

No. The military sometimes has problems with the care and feeding of their own. Besides, there’s a few million illegal aliens that are a higher priority to Joe and the Ho.


“Free” phones, chow, and luxury hotels for aliens, illegal, infinity Ea.

Gulags for our own ‘huddled masses’…

But General Fuckface of Fort daHood can’t even be bothered to assist his barracks make the 20 click movement to a DFAC?

I wonder what a Legionnaire saw just a stone’s throw from Gaul as The Empire ebbed with a lust for even more taxxtortion?

Quick! Someone get that bastard Joe a fiddle and sheet music of:

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog
Prior Service

In unrelated stories, the garrison commander reports a 40 percent increase in theft and 15 percent increase in rape; and the garrison commander’s wife won “lawn of the month” because her flowers were unusually well fertilized.

Green Thumb

They / them will probably be relieved for “loss of confidence”.


That happened just last week to the West Point Garrison Commander.


When I read this last night I was thinking, MCAS Miramar isn’t fit for the homeless. Only the lowest form of life, the Marine grunt, can live in that place.


Don’t be jealous or hatin.


How about the Miramar Landfill?

Miramar Landfill 1.jpg
A Proud Infidel®™

Better yet, the Dud Disposal Area.

Just An Old Dog

The pearl clutching cod-slurping morons that scream ” shelter first!” should be stripped naked and tied to a post in the midst of some of the areas homeless infest for a weekend.
It is not about the availability of housing, lack of work or just someone being down on their luck.
It is a national Crisis of Mental Health and addiction.
These are broken, SICK people who have alienated their support system ( family or friends) and have ceased being productive members of society.
You can put them up in a 5 star hotel and all they would do would overdose in it.
It’s an issue that will costs BILLIONS of dollars to fix and tens of thousands of profession health care and detention officials to address, As well as changes in our legal system.
We need to build centers/ prisons specifically geared towards addition and mental illness where rehabilitation, treatment and job training is the only focus.
If you look at any Chronically homeless people many have long records of contact with law enforcement where they re committing petty crimes. They do little if any time.
They need to be incarcerated for longer than a few days. Judges need to be able to mandate a minimum of 2 years in a strictly controlled environment .
It’s heart breaking that in the name of so called compassion we allow and enable fellow human beings to live in and eventually overdose or die their own feces and squalor on our streets when tough love would set them straight.


The asylums were closed because they were “inhumane”.


I understand that Kongress Kritter DiFi died leaving some very choice properties vacant…and a jet aero plane that could be used to transport these unfortunate “homeless” ones there.

Placing another order with SGA as we speak. Bargain shopping at the K Roger today netted near $300 worth of consumables with a “best by” date June of 2027. And most of it was at a 30% discounted price. Too bad Little Debbie Snak Cakes won’t last that long. Anybody up for a deviled ham sammich?

Skivvy Stacker

Jesess Christ on roller skates! We had “homeless camps” outside the gates of Pendleton, and on the outskirts of O-side when I was there in the late 70s. Of course, back then they were populated mostly by illegals, and maybe a few UA PFCs and Lance Coolies.


I understand this is not the case but I can’t help but to laugh thinking that a military base is unfit for the homeless, yet is good enough for the Enlisted.

Just remembering my time at Geiger flat tops and Ft. Hood barracks with mold and roaches amuses me.

I understand completely the USMC doesn’t want street urchins, but remembering the shit I used to live in….man.


Let the NCOs run the camp. Up every morning at 5 a.m., five- mile run, followed by police call and work assignments for the day. All before breakfast. See how many last- those that do might get dried out and become employable.


Put them in those substandard barracks the servicemen are living in.
They’ll fit right in with the over flowing sewage.