Israel Announces Gaza Siege, Vows to Destroy Hamas

| October 9, 2023


The term “Hamas” is an acronym for Harakah al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah, meaning “Islamic Resistance Movement.”

It was founded in Gaza in 1987 by Imam Sheikh Ahmed Yasin shortly after the start of the first Intifada, an uprising against Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Hamas has been the power in the Gaza Strip since 2007 after overthrowing Fatah forces loyal to President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

Hamas does not recognize Israel’s existence and is formally committed to establishing a Palestinian state within its own borders.

Israel Announces ‘Complete Siege’ of Gaza Strip Cutting Off Water, Food, and Electricity, Vows to Destroy Military Capability of Hamas


Israel has announced a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip as hundreds of thousands of troops are preparing to launch an assault on the Hamas terror group responsible for the deadly attacks across Israel over the weekend.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said following a situation assessment with Israel Defence Forces (IDF) Southern Command the military will enact a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip, preventing supplies such as water, food and electricity from entering the region.

The Defense Minister said, according to The Times of Israel: “I ordered a full siege on the Gaza Strip. No power, no food, no gas, everything is closed.

“We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly,” Gallant added.

The Israel Defense Forces has also said it is currently waging “widespread” air strikes against Hamas targets throughout the Gaza Strip.

The IDF’s top spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said that the military has mobilised 300,000 reservists over the past 48 hours, saying: “We have never drafted so many reservists on such a scale… We are going on the offensive.”


It’s going to get very thirsty, sitting there in the dark.

Category: International Affairs, Reality Check

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Can’t wait…


Glass parking lot Arab Nazis


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My only regret is cunts like Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar won’t be suffering the same fate as their terrorist supporters.
Israel usually kills at 20+ to 1 rate, so there will be fewer POS’s screaming “Aloha Snackbar!” when IDF drops a few tons of munitions in the sewer called Gaza.


Don’t have to tell folk who live along Gaza border:


According to the article, Israel also has fired into Lebanon.

A warning shot to anybody wishing to take advantage of the situation for them to stay in their lane, apparently.


Hezbollah already has initiated a small attack from there.. FA/FO…This will get worse before it gets better, but hopefully the DC clown show will stay out of the way, and just let IDF handle business..


Agreed, but realistically, I don’t see that happening.

The squad will not allow that to happen.


Agreed.. just like the brother f@*ker should be deported for immigration fraud, and the others should be kicked out of congress, but we all know that won’t happen either.


Can we give them a good, resounding kick to the jewels when we do kick them from office? Asking for more than a few million people of course.


I believe that’s referred to as a C@&T PUNT.. and in this case, EEEWWWW ya never know what ya might get on your shoe…


Shoes can be washed😏


Or thrown away.




The squad should not have been allowed to happen.


Very true.. One should have been deported for immigration fraud, one should have stuck to being a half-assed bartender, and the other two are out and out racists, and totally unqualified to make decisions affecting anyone..

USMC Steve

Terrs attacked Israel from Lebanon, so they responded in kind.


Megadeth- Holy wars, its back on the menu boys!


My best friend’s sister lives over there, having married a wealthy Israeli more than 20 years ago. So, I hope for the best, and while I feel almost as apathetic about this foreign conflict as I do about that in Ukraine, I do have a slight bias towards Israel in this matter.

As she’s not the wanna-be amateur historian I like to pose as, my wife questioned the very existence of Israel and how the Middle East became what it is now. I gave her the top-of-my-head Cliff’s Notes edition about British and other colonialism, post-WWII desire to provide a homeland for Jewish persons, and so on. Israel has always been an underdog and being surrounded by Muslim nations dedicated to their destruction, they’ve always had to punch upwards. I’d say they’ve been pretty good at doing so, and I doubt they’ll come out on the losing end in this conflict.

I don’t think we should commit to providing much aid–if we do, it should be at the expense of that provided to Ukraine. I certainly don’t think we need to be directly involved in yet another war in the ME. Over 100 years after our first large-scale involvement in a foreign conflict (sure, there were excursions going back to the 1800s, but WWI and especially WWII marked our status as a world power), we should, if anything, revert to quasi-isolationism as we address our own internal issues like immigration, crime, and corruption.


“…revert to quasi-isolationism as we address our own internal issues like immigration, crime, and corruption.”

Testify! We have had various learned men from the very beginnings of our Republic caution us on this subject from Geo Washington’s “…beware of foreign entanglements..”, Bobby Lee’s “…all powerful central government…adventurous abroad and despotic at home…” Ike’s “…beware the MIC…” even LBJ’s “…I won’t send American Boys to do what VN Boys should be doing…” The list goes on.

“Cry havoc and release the dogs of war…” In this case, the dogs of war would be the IDF and the cry havoc would be our warning to others to stay the hell out of it themselves. Ham-ass FA…time to let them FO


It’s not “We”, it’s “They” in almost every case of foreign involvement. We Americans are proud of our heritage and our contribution to the world as a whole, so it’s easy for them (politicians, corporate big wigs, and the media and celebrity hangers on) to convince us that “We” need to “do something”. “They”, on the other hand, will remain in their Big Offices and (in the case of the latter two) their fantasy worlds full of green screens, makeup artists, and scripts, sending their own children and grandchildren (at least, those who they acknowledge) to elite schools and ensuring that their burgeoning portfolios continue to expand.

They learned years ago that Americans will fight doggedly to maintain our place as a world power. We don’t need to. History has proven that, for the most part, the United States is wholly capable of sustaining its population. We don’t need to involve ourselves in foreign wars, and unless provoked, as we were by the events of December 7, 1941, or September 11, 2001, we have little need to project actual power into other countries. We’re a world power regardless of direct intervention or military aid to would-be/could-be allies. Maintain a powerful Navy across the globe. Have Marine Expeditionary Units, backed up by Army forces capable of rapid deployment such as the 82nd or 101st. Keep SOF operational, coupled with Air Force assets that are capable of raining hell on those who interrupt our attempt to fix our country internally.

In our desire to remain a world power, we’re being undermined by the very politicians elected to ensure our continued liberty. In Bizarro World, more crime should result in more gun control, decreased prosecutions, and defunding police; illegal immigrants should be welcomed in as full Future Americans; and wars started half a globe away should immediately result in condemnation against the “bad guys”.


Israel lay siege to Gaza, destroy Hamas? Got no issue with that.


Seems highly likely.. another “win” for the biden regime


It’s a long way to move a few rifles, but good for their PR.


The rotten c… suckers.

And you know it’s true. The afghans sold that stuff before the last body hanging on the outside of the plane while trying to escape hit the ground.

It was kinda humorous watching goat herders try to fly helicopters though. Fewer personnel for fighting and fewer helicopters to sell. Does that qualify as a bright spot in that shit show?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Call me cynical….
Pics….and verified s/n’s……or it didn’t happen.


Push those animals into the sea. Dont leave one standing.


Let them float away. Something will pick their carcasses clean.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Sharks & fish gotta eat, too.


After fattened, formed into cakes and grilled? I’m in!


My wife has a friend who is an industrial hygienist. She refuses to eat “slow swimmers” like clams, mussels, and crabs. After hearing her explain why, I don’t either.


How do you feel about catfish…


“ 1 Samuel 15:3 … And now go, and thou shalt smite Amalec and Hierim and all that belongs to him, and thou shalt not save anything of him alive, but thou shalt utterly destroy him: and thou shalt devote him and all his to destruction, and thou shalt spare nothing belonging to him; and thou shalt slay both man and woman, and infant and suckling, and calf and sheep, and camel and ass. “

Salt the fucking Earth. Gaza, West Bank.

Create a massive buffer zone around the entire state of Israel. Fuck Egypt fuck Jordan fuck Lebanon. Fuck Syria. Make a giant No Go Zone around the entire state of Israel a complete massive no man’s land.

Last edited 10 months ago by ChipNASA

Progressive Europeans thought they could kiss Hitler’s ass in ’38, too… EU over-rules commisioner who suspended aid to Palestimians and makes it continue:


Wipe. Them. Out





Puppets of the Irangutans


Gaza will be carpeted with IEDs and booby traps, and maybe Iran’s first nuke. Hopefully Israel fences it and blockades it, then hits the puppetmasters elsewhere.


Napalm sticks to Hamas.
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Not sure it ever expires, but easy enough to make a new batch if needed.


Hand-wringin’ Barry McCaffrey says it’ll require a bloody ground offensive into Gaza to get Hamas… Israel may go “Yeah, and?” now.

Daisy Cutter

Forest Bondurant

Reminds me of a joke my son told me:

Q: Why is it so difficult to break up with a Japanese girl?
A: You have to drop the bomb twice before she will get the message.


I hope Israel is successful in laying complete waste to Hamas.