Obama on our war
“It’s a battle — we’re going to win — take no prisoners, ” said Obama. Unfortunately, it was Michelle, not Barack and she was talking about bringing the Olympics to Chicago and not fighting terrorists .
I guess they figure fighting for some sports games some time in the distant future would be more productive than fighting for our security. Of course, getting the Olympics is more like a campaign – the Obamas can smile their way to victory, the late Pat Moynihan would call it “boob bait for the bubbas”.
It would be nice if Obama got as excited and involved in the war in Afghanistan instead of trying to pawn it off on our allies as reported by AFP;
“This is not a American battle, this is a NATO mission,” Obama told reporters after the Oval Office meeting, which comes as he launches a series of intense talks on whether to send more US soldiers to the Afghan war.
“We are working actively and diligently to consult with NATO at every step of the way,” Obama said.
Somehow “working actively and diligently to consult” doesn’t have the same fire as “we’re going to win — take no prisoners”.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
“This is not a American battle, this is a NATO mission,” ?????!!!!!
you’ve got to be kidding me. That is the very reason we’re in the shit sandwich to begin with.
“We are working actively and diligently to consult with NATO at every step of the way,” Obama said.
Yeah because ISAF working so well, NATO is out to lunch on this whole deal. Consulting NATO Member Nations would be like asking IVAW what we should do.
ISAF Remind me what that stands for again…… oh thats right, I See Americans Fight.
God if we pull out on this one, and don’t give McChrystal the troops he has requested……. But seems to be going down that path. Think FDR talked to Ike more then once every six months??
Consulting NATO gets one the same kind of useless results as does consulting the UN…Both are inept organizations with fools for leadership…
If Obama is counting on NATO then this war is already lost.
Indeed… the major obstacle to success in this war IS NATO!
We would be better served to remove NATO from the equation and prosecute the war ourselves.
I’d go even further. I’m in favour of removing ALL US forces from NATO, and Europe. Let the bastards pay for their own defense for a change.
The Germans won’t fight, the Brits are holed up on their FOB’s, the Italians, Fwench, Dutch, and whatever other European contingent are locked away in Kabul teaching Afghanis how to hold their pinky while drinking tea and this is the NATO we want to consult with?
I wish the Brits would loan us the Gurhkas, S Korea would give us some ROK Marines, let loose the French Foreign Legion, Obama would give McChrystal what he wants in the way of troops, and then let the rest of the world shut off the cameras and turn them back on in about 6 months.
Yes, because the 18-month bit we did in Kosovo worked SO well back with Billy Jeff…/sarc
The reason he’s “consulting” is because he lacks leadership. A leader leads, a leader doesn’t have to “consult” with everyone to see if it’s ok to go after the bad guys. A leader tells them we are going after the bad guys and here’s how we’re going to do it.
Maybe he should be “consulting” with Gen. McChrystal?
Priorities. Priorities.
And NATO is just so rock solid…
I. Can’t. Stand. It.
(fyi – linked to this)
[…] there is this Sept 29, 2009: “It’s a battle — we’re going to win — take no prisoners, ” said Obama. […]
Where is Joe the “proud leftie” & why is he not defending the oh so “collectivist” honor of NATO??