The dirtiest bomber

| September 29, 2009

You probably remember the suicide bomber who got close to one of the Saudi princes and damn near got him a few months back. But did you know how he got the bomb so close to the royal presence? CBS News tells the story;

Taking a trick from the narcotics trade – which has long smuggled drugs in body cavities – Asieri had a pound of high explosives, plus a detonator inserted in his rectum.

This was a meticulously planned operation with al Qaeda once again producing something new: this time, the Trojan bomber.

The blast left the prince lightly wounded – a failure as an assassination, but as an exercise in defeating security, it was perfect.

Um, yuck.

OldTrooper sent us the article and commented; “After the shoe bomber, you had to remove your shoes. What do you think the new procedure will be for this?”

TSO said; “You can have my guns, but you’ll get my bombs when you pry them from my cold, dead lower intestines.”

What could I possible add after that?

Here’s the video report from CBS;

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Category: Terror War

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This is a shitty story… 😛


Something tells me that this is not the first suicide bombing to utilize such an unsanitary tactic.

Of course how this guy got so close to the prince and only managed to barely wound him makes little or no sense at all. I smell something real fishy going on here.


Oh, blow it out your asses, people.


This gives new meaning to the term “explosive diarrhea”, eh?


Fred, the reason he didn’t kill the Prince is because he turned away and didn’t have the force pointed in the Prince’s direction, so most of the blast was deflected.

I was told that a witness said “there was shit blown up everywhere”.


Well… Blowing away some Saudi prince has some merit, but that’s just an opinion.

The story is deeply flawed… Taking a trick from the narcotics trade.

Take a look at what some mules have carried, just those who have been caught.

Sorry Jonn, the story is funny, but the potential is not.


I wouldn’t be too sure of that Old Trooper. As far as I can tell, the whole story we are getting is coming straight from the Saudis. It was common knowledge that every story to come out of the Communist block was to be taken with a huge grain of salt. I think the same standard should be applied to Saudi Arabia.

For all I know, this could have been staged to reassure us that the Saudis are reliable allies whom are fighting the same enemy that we are.


Gee. I guess he REALLY made an ass of himself.


An ass bomb….That just seems wrong…


Rectum? I damn near killed ’em!

Frankly Opinionated

,,,,,,,,and as Hadji was talking to his friend about the bomb, when asked how it was inserted, said: “Well he put his left hand on my left shoulder, no, he put his right hand on my right shoulder; damn! he put both hands on my shoulder when he shoved it in.
And the bomb said: “Don’t shit me, Hadji, we can do this, can’t we?”, and later: “Damn it stinks in here!, what were you and that Goat eating after you two were fooling around in the stable?”
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”


He really put the ‘ass’ in ‘assassin’. Or maybe vice versa.


A whole new meaning to the expression “blow it out your ass!”

Dave Thul

The US military could never put this weapon in its arsenal. Old guys like me would get confused during training when you have to look over your shoulder and yell ‘back blast area NOT clear!’ and then pull the trigger.

Maybe this was modeled on the Russian TU-22; the Backfire Bomber.

Old Tanker

How deadly is the shrapnel from ass-matter??

Adirondack Patriot

Is this the advent of the Preparation H-Bomb?

Will this come to be known as the Colon Pow-All weapon?

Does an observant Muslim use his left hand or right hand to insert the weapon?

I’m just asking. That’s all.


Perhaps he got the idea from Tremors 3?