Boomer’s Sunday

| August 20, 2023

Anything happen last week? Seems I forgot something. Thanks again y’all.
























Category: Guest Post, Humor, Points-and-Laughs

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Bubblehead Ray

As Yogi Berra said “It’s like DejaVu….all over again”😂

Bubblehead Ray

I love people who buy a house that is literally located right on the golf course complaining about golfers.

Old tanker

Ranks right up there with idiots who knowingly buy a house next to the airport or a rifle range then complain about the noise.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Or people who buy houses in an HOA, then complain about the rules.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

We had a familly from NYC buy his house which is behind our Volunteer Fire station # 2 in Nassau County, Long Beach Long Island and complained when when we used the sirens and air horns when going on a run. Thats all I needed to know so when making the two lefts to pass his house late at night I hit the siren. Was told to stop using the siren and air horn at late calls so I used to test the indoor emergency generater which vented the exhaust gasses through the wall making some racket which was on the same side as the side of his house whenI was in the station Always had problems with NYC transplants moving out to long Island over the pole mounted fire horns which were used for years and years untill belt worn pagers came into use.


They weren’t complaining, they were making a good-faith effort at compromise. Gain an extra ball, not lose time wandering around for your stray, etc. They find the bnalls later and put them back out. Win-win. Why is everyone so on edge these days?

Laughing Wolf

Great job as always! Thanks for giving me a laugh on Sunday mornings.


A great way to start the day. Let the thievery begin.




The fact that these memes get better each week means things are getting worse by the day.

Old tanker

I think what you meant to say is that the memes get more accurate about situations / life…


Like art, memes imitate life.



My turn! If it pleases the class:

FU KFC liars.jpg

Protek Doc at all costs!

no one Fs wit Doc.png

Our Calistani Bros and Dudettes are having their buzzes mellowed by that dick hur’cane. Like, I’m gonna have to ask you to like, chill out with the negative energy?

If you need to know the condition your condition is in, meme:

cat 'cane.jpg
lurker curt

“Telling management” stolen to accurately reflect a real current situation in my personal al life…
Thanks to all!

Daisy Cutter

So sorry to hear…


For those that are not news junkies and/or are not paying attention, these memes are an accurate depiction of the Clown World that we are living in now.



Fuckin’-A-right my brother.

Like the Big Country dude say:

 To call them retarded is an insult to the genuinely disabled.

And because of it, things are fixing to get a LOT wilder and stupider as the weeks go on. Head on a Swivel people.

Everything The They touch turns to shit, so keep the beasts at bay.

“Prepare.” –Thunder 7


Ok, last one probably.

Ronald Ernest Paul (born August 20, 1935) is an American author, activist, physician and retired politician who served as the U.S. representative for Texas’s 22nd congressional district from 1976 to 1977 and again from 1979 to 1985, as well as for Texas’s 14th congressional district from 1997 to 2013. On three occasions, he sought the presidency of the United States: as the Libertarian Party nominee in 1988 and as a candidate for the Republican Party in 2008 and 2012. (wiki)

Happiest birthday to Doctor Paul and a million thank yous.

Ron Paul only hits homeruns.jpg


comment image


This thing is fixin’ to go into bachman turner overdrive:

you aint seen nothing yetjpg.jpg

fuk it…Drive on…Ride, Ride, Ride, let it Ride… Don’t mean nuthin’…to those of us what did…Prepare.


If y’all ain’t bought ammo, gold and canned goods yet, you might want to consider it. Just sayin’.