Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok
Stay classy, Joe!
As Biden was leaving the beach from his vacation he was asked about the situation in Hawaii.
“No comment” was his response.
Absolutely sickening and heartless. pic.twitter.com/uFNLePRyRH
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 14, 2023
Racist teacher loses her job
“Black supremacist” teacher with history of shocking anti-white racist tweets is fired after bragging that she wouldn’t get fired
Full story here!https://t.co/rxE9AxHHIi
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 8, 2023
Cali robbers operate with impugnity
Woman screams for help as her bike is stolen in broad daylight. A bunch of people stand around watching. Nobody moves.
Welcome to California https://t.co/2lwBo3VP9m
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 8, 2023
Follower sent me this picture from a Best Buy in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. Does @BestBuy think being trans is being part of a military force? Is being gay just as brave as serving in the military?
Would love to know @BestBuy’s thought process for this display. pic.twitter.com/s7CAVS29Eg
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 8, 2023
Poor kid don’t stand a chance
Queer and trans couple tried and failed to “induce lactation” and the one that gave birth had a double mastectomy so their baby is not getting enough nutrients and food. pic.twitter.com/pBNOz1cLpA
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 9, 2023
Do NOT get into this guy’s panel van
Trans activist says all your kids belong to him and other elders in the trans community pic.twitter.com/cRXlZHJdEa
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 9, 2023
There are indeed such places. No room for such racism in the US though, so go to one of them
Tiktoker posts unhinged racist message wishing death on all white people @FBI pic.twitter.com/dC7QlEooIJ
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 10, 2023
Oi, you got a loicense for tellin’ dat dyke she look like a lesbian?
Police in the UK arrested an autistic girl for telling a policewoman she looks like a lesbian which is a “homophobic public order offense” pic.twitter.com/uI6zgyTOz1
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 10, 2023
Suck the woman’s dick, bigot!
A straight man can be attracted to a trans woman who still has a penis and he’s still 100% straight because trans women are real women and it doesn’t matter what’s in their pants pic.twitter.com/bx7AAybpZh
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 11, 2023
Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok
GODDAMN!!! I love reading about these retards.
Listen, Boomer Sunday is great, but Tard Tuesday is fucking FANTASTIC!
Plus, we’re 5 days closer to Boomer Sunday.
It’s a win all around.
Make “blowing a tranny” car trouble and not diversity and/or a porn genre again!
5 days closer? you really must explain your calendar.
W, Th, F, Sa, S.
Not being cheeky, David. Just looking forward to Boomer Sunday.
I pretty much want to puke after every article, Awesome job! keep up the good work Mason!
Saw the drooling idiot’s no comment; I was more disgusted with the goofy, stupid, shit eating grin that followed.
DAMN! The mental insanity that has infected too much of the percentage of the US/whyte world population.
I wish it was a true virus with a higher death rate.
From the TAH WOT:FoF Throne Room & office of the editor for Knot Aficionado*, we decree that The Gay Force become her own branch in order to consolidate and restrict all the ABC&123+¡™£2Ω people to a place, to be them, unrestrictedly and free.
It’s called Fort Not Here and it’s just over the border in Can’taduh, or in the Kilauea caldera, or the Titan sub, or in front of the mostly peaceful pistol of Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd.
I don’t wanna change the world, I just demand to not pay for degeneracy of any stripe and just leave me alone.
[insert rando meme below]
*a soon-to-be released monthly magazine once the seed money check clears from the totally-not-FiB Patriot Front.
Wood chipper goes BRRRRRRTT!…Gun Bunny goes YAAAAY!
Fire goes thru Maui…Gun Bunny goes Hmmmmm?
BlackRock development opportunity, questions are “racist” comrade!
I think I’d get at least a couple of 55 gal drums of something VERY VERY toxic (radioactive? weedkiller?) and, in the dark of the night, dump it all over the burned ground. (obviously, say nothing….)
Fine, a’y’all elites can have it now.
Let THEM find out…the hard way….about the toxins.
Then, do they clean it up? (boucoup bucks) Or abandon it?
(Damn! I didn’t realize I had “scorched earth” Russian in me)
There are a TON of rich folks that live, or have homes on Maui. Paul Simon, Clint Eastwood, Mick Fleetwood, Steven Tyler, and Willie Nelson just being some. Most of these mansions are located in Wailea. The fires didn’t burn in Wailea.
In fact here’s a satellite image of the fires as they were burning.
So, tell me; why are the fires burning in some places and not others?
Some mornings I do believe the hippies did succeed in spiking the reservoir with LSD.
For the last guy:
Umm,,, NO!!!!!
Needless to say:
![comment image](https://i.imgflip.com/23g620.jpg)
North Korea claims recent defector to them did so because he was “disillusioned at the inequality of American society” and not just being an idjiot:
Thank God he escaped to freedom and equity. Never again will he be treated according to the color of his skin But rather the content of his character. I mean, it’s too bad his character is a treasonous surrender monkey drug addicted criminal but; that doesn’t mean the North Koreans are going to be mean to him.
Of course, the Norks are a bunch of racist mofos and will just beat his ass, but…
Well , then let’s list him as a deserter, and tell the Norks they can keep him. We’ll see how he likes their amateur dentistry program for prison guards.