Stockton 7-Eleven Beat Down

| August 4, 2023

Our own ninja recommended a stand-alone post for this one, and here it is. The beat-down is of course under investigation by Stockton’s Finest, which shouldn’t take very long. What the DA does with it then remains to be seen.

The gentleman receiving the vivid learning experience should be happy the store proprietors were Sikhs and not Gurkhas.

Good call, ninja. Thanks.

Category: Feel Good Stories, ninja

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In rural Texas they would recommend a citizenship award. In urban Cali he will probably face charges. The robber was in the midst of commiting a felony, simply based upon the thousands of dollars of stuff he was attempting to steal.


And find out he did.

RGR 4-78

The robber was in the midst of commiting a felony, simply based upon the thousands of dollars of stuff he was attempting to steal.”

I wonder how many millions of dollars a year the state of California is losing in sales tax revenue due to the shop lifting and outright theft?

Dennis - not chevy

I’m going to ask my Assembly Rep just that. Does she know how much sales tax revenue is being lost to theft? It might be something as the Demonrats hate competition and other people’s money is their turf.

Prior Service

Whatever it is, it isn’t enough to pay for all of CA’s self-inflicted problems.

RGR 4-78

You are correct, it is but 1 of their many self-inflicted wounds.


California’s politician’s self-inflicted injuries, not the average person’s doing.
We are hanging in trying to survive this clown show as best we can.

USMC Steve

I LOVE THIS. that might teach this hood rat something. But I doubt it.


I laughed out loud when he asked for a soda on his way out the door..
Nothing like some mop handle justice

Just An Old Dog

Just a piece of shit still working on his hustle. Given a chance he would grabbed something going out the door.

Just An Old Dog

Some people that have been on drugs, mentally off and in and out of the system are pretty much useless eaters and dregs on society. They have long since alienated any family or friends and have no support system.
They live off of whatever government handouts they get, panhandling and theft.
The only thing that MAY be able to turn them around is for then to be confined, medicated and treated for addiction and illness,


That’s an old fashioned ass whoopin.


This qualifies as feel good story of the week.

I’m sure that particular 7 11 has been pe
rmanently marked off his list of easy targets


comment image


THANK YOU so much for posting this, AW1Ed!

We have been sharing this video with others and asking them to share..

It is indeed a Feel Good video…!

Finally, someone had the Gonads to state in a physical way “Enough Is Enough!” and not afraid to stand up to bullies or the “Woke” culture. He was protecting his store.

That Bully deserved those whackings. Don’t know if the Dude was under the influence or if he thought he “could get away with it”, but hopefully, that stick knocked some sense into him.

He got lucky. We heard the store owner had a gun.

The video reminded us of the ole Charles Bronson film “Death Wish” that came out in the 1970s (vigilante films) as well as The Dirty Harry movies.

“At the time of release, the film was criticized for its apparent support of vigilantism and advocating unlimited punishment of criminals. Allegedly, the novel denounced vigilantism, whereas the film embraced the notion. The film was a commercial success and resonated with the public in the United States, which was experiencing increasing crime rates during the 1970s.”

Are we bad or what…😉😎

Green Thumb

Paul Kersey was a bad ass who always had bad luck.

Bruce Willis actually did a decent remake.

Hack Stone

Where have you gone, Bernard Goetz?
Our nation turns her weary eyes towards you.


“Can I have a soda?”


The other guy was asking for a Swisher. For those over the age of 100, the Swisher is what people use to smoke marijuana.

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC

They’re also a pretty decent mosquito repellent


No, that’s typically a Phillies Blunt, hence why they’re called blunts. I’m sure Swishers are used, but the Blunt has a bigger leaf wrapper and can hold more of da chronic.


Blunts are used too, some people like the flavor of the Swisher better.


I must be way out of the loop. I started to ask why they renamed Slurpees.


I assume you refer to “Swisher Sweets”? Have not heard of those in quite a while; along with “Parodi”.

Green Thumb

I hope the Slurpee was worth it.


Anyone beside us ever been to Chop Chop Square in Saudi or to Singapore?

That dude most likely would have his hands chopped off in Saudi…or receive a “caning” in Singapore..

We still are chuckling when at the end, he said “Can I have a Soda?”..



We quickly got out of there when we found out the Saudis were “setting up” the “stage”…

One Civil Affairs Officer in our group told us that the Saudis “sedated them”…whereas an Infantry Officer asked “Even if their heads are chopped off?”

“An Eye For An Eye…A Tooth For A Tooth..”

Green Thumb



And a good one at that.


The person wielding the stick was primarily trying to help his colleague subdue the thief. Punishment was just a side effect. Anyway, that should be his defense when the Stockton DA prosecutes him for assault.


I almost wish I’d have gotten the 6″ Dirty Harry doppelganger, but when I found a 4″ Model 29 at Belvoir, it became the first of a “few” impulse buys prior to retirement. I like it, since it reminds me of a larger and heavier Model 19. My Model 19 was stolen years ago and I’ve yet to replace it. Police surplus revolvers aren’t as common as they once were, but there’s always the new ones. For now, a Taurus 605 snubbie fills the .357 role, but that thing’s a flashbang with full-power loads.

Now, working at a large outdoor retailer known for fishing and hunting supplies, I’ve been on a bit of a post-retirement spree.


I have the poly 605. Absolutely love it but yeah, she barks!


I’ve owned four Taurus’, an 85 (my first handgun), 617, 856, and the 605. In my experience, the company can make a decent revolver. Their semi-autos are decent for the price, but I don’t think I’d rely on one of those as my primary.


I have a PT 1911, so far there haven’t been any issues and it doesn’t seem to be a finicky eater. I haven’t fed it hollowpoints yet, some 1911’s don’t seem to like them. We shall soon see.


This never gets old…😆

“Who’s We, Sucka?”


“Smith and Wesson, and me.”


It does not help when you have “leadership” thinking this way…or has Jussie Smolett as one of its citizens…

“Chicago Mayor Objects To Reporter Using The Term ‘Mob’ To Describe Dozens Of Looters: ‘That’s Not Appropriate'”

“Left-wing Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson once again blasted efforts to condemn young criminals when he rejected a reporter’s use of the word “mob” to describe dozens of looters on Wednesday.”

“Johnson gave a public press conference following the arrest of forty people between the ages of 12-20 for reckless conduct misdemeanors in Chicago’s South Loop Sunday night. It was estimated that approximately 300-400 people gathered and began to take part in “disorderly” behavior and attempted to loot a convenience store.”

“The Chicago mayor provided updates regarding the situation but took issue after a reporter described the massive group as a “mob.”

“The reporter continued to press while Johnson insisted the proper term was “large gatherings.”

“We have to be very careful when we use language to describe certain behavior. There’s history in this city. I mean, to refer to children as like baby Al Capones is not appropriate.”

“However, it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.”


I saw this. There’s a YouTube channel called Memeology101 that posts short clips of stuff like Brandon Johnson’s statement. It’s ridiculous, but that seems to be the new norm. Mobs are “large gatherings”, and we are not to equate a bunch of unruly teens to Al Capone. Riots are “fiery but mostly peaceful protests”, even as we watch police retreat while their cars are flipped over, and their precincts burned to the ground.


They are not a mob. They are a reparations task force.


Who thought voters in Shotcago could or would elect someone worse than Lightfoot.


Predictable as sunrise.

Because the inhabitants are not really the voters. Doesn’t matter who they ballot. The Right Folks Decide.

Hack Stone

There is a lot of “talent” to chose from in the Windy City.


What the fuck is up with all these Brandons? One runs Chicago, another one runs Baltimore, one sits in DC.

Seems like a male “Karen” meme in the waiting.


Let’s go Brandon!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I hope the 7/11 perp doesnt come back with a handgun to even the score.


That’s one thing that Tyrus, a regular cohost on Gutfeld said on that show last night. The store clerks have to watch their backs. Maybe word gets around not to mess with that store. More likely, the would-be thief is going to arm up or bring some friends next time. Pride is a very touchy-feely thing in some communities, and this guy’s comeuppance making national news and going viral is probably going to make him want vengeance. “Man, you got your ass beat down! I can’t believe you’re going to let them get away with that. I thought you were a man, not a whipping boy.” “Oh, don’t worry, I got something for that ass.”

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I used to watch Gutfields Red eye show years ago and was a reguler viewer of fox news untill they started going a little to the left and a number of the shows members were let go or just left, so I switched over to NewsMax


That works both ways. Looters walk out the door, and catch a “stray” .22 behind the ear.

Low velocity .22s barely register over traffic noise.

Hack Stone

Unfortunately, you are probably correct. Or perhaps a few “shady” members of the Sikh community can pass the word on the streets of Stockton will result in the painful death of the “wealth redistributer” and his family. The Mafia was known for discouraging common street crime in areas under their protection.


Is there Sikh organized crime?


This one is pretty funny to watch as well…

Are we bad or what…😂🤣😅😆


That’s what I call stickin it to them.


26Limabeans is now in competition with our very own Jeff LPH 3 63-66 when it comes to puns…


jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thanks ninja

jeff LPH 3 63-66

That guy was slick with the stick and used it like a whip by whipping up some hurt on that A-Hole perp…..Speaking of whips, the whipper should watch some Whip Wilson flicks


I used to frequent a liquor store in Columbus, GA that was owned by Asians and located across the street from some projects. Being an independent store in Georgia, they had a few more options than employees at a 7-Eleven in California have, so behind the bullet-resistant glass they had a holster attached next to the register. Inside that holster they had a Glock, and they’d placed a “Protected by Glock” sticker prominently on the glass. I have no idea, but I think they probably had a few other means of defense. It wouldn’t surprise me if they all carried and had a shotgun hidden away. Hell, if I owned such a place, I’d have a non-working gun prominently displayed as a diversion tactic. Get through the glass or behind the counter and most thieves are going for the obvious means of self-defense.

I live in a relatively low-crime area, where (like much of the US) drugs and property crimes are the big ones. That said, shortly after moving back I stopped by the new Dollar General, noticing a couple of deputies’ vehicles outside and being stopped by employees from entering. Sure enough, just a few minutes prior they’d been robbed in broad daylight. Fortunately, we have Constitutional Carry for Vets down here. I still want to get my permit for reciprocity when out-of-state, but I usually carry at least the .380 on my weak side, and usually a Glock inside-the-waistband on my strong side.


There was a liquor store in Columbus that used to cash paychecks when “the eagle flew”. Not an inch of bullet-resistant glass in the place—my theory is management wanted clear fields of fire for the six or seven armed guards. I would bet they had one or two guards outside, too. Small check-cashing charge and, of course, a small purchase.


The irony…

“The incident happened on Saturday, according to the man who filmed the altercation, at the 7-Eleven on the corner of Center and Market streets. The location sits directly across from the Stockton Police Department Headquarters.”

The Stockton Police Department is located at 22 E Market St, Stockton, CA 95202.

The 7-Eleven is located at 121 S Center St, Stockton, CA.

From a review that gave the store 5 Stars out of 5:

“For it being in what’s supposed to be a good part of town across from the police station it’s infested with people that need help in the employees and workers there or very nice I never seen anybody can judged based upon how you look.”

Louis Benton who filmed the incident made the following comment:

“Benton says he will continue to get gas from there, but he hopes more security measures can be put in place and people will behave better.”

“The police station is right across the street. Why is there no presence over there?” said Benton. “The community needs to take care of each other and we need to make sure that we are morally doing the right things. We’ve got to change.”

Hack Stone

Hack Stone will be dropping another pint of his mongrel GI blood at the Red Cross at one of the Red Cross donation centers tomorrow morning, so if you are pert of the crack addict assassination squad armed with blowtorches and pliers, you can ambush while he is on the table. Kind of like how the Mob whacks a guy while he is getting his hair cut.

Hack Stone

Supposed to be on the WOT, but close enough.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Sounds like Albert Anastasia in the NYC Sheratin Hotel barber shop getting whacked while sitting in the chair by two masked persons back in 1957. Front page in the Daily news newspaper.


Only thing that would’ve made this better would be the store man having a Louisville Slugger ‘stead of a mop handle.

Taxpayer funded treatment followed by a civil lawsuit for…reasons, in After all…the perp wuz a gud boi who dindu nuffin and was only getting some smokes for his fellow choir members.


“stead of a mop handle”

Well, he did mop the floor with him.


Lucky they were Sikhs and not Muslim as they may have removed the offending hand.


I’d be surprised if his fibula wasn’t broken, at least. I’d’a been working on cracking his tibia at least.

Next we’ll need a music video “Try That in a Sheik Town” to play on repeat as background music.


Sikh and ye shall find out


This probably won’t end well for the store owner, being in California. Still, it was gratifying to watch that punk get what he deserved!

Hack Stone

Where are Al Sharpton and esteemed Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez to tell us that the store clerk is a white supremacist racist who violated the civil rights and dignity of this person who was just trying to feed his family?


Love it! The store had that stick stored for a “special occasion” obviously. Per the wayback machine:

On September 2, 1901, Teddy Roosevelt used the phrase “speak softly, and carry a big stick” to describe his foreign policy. Big Stick diplomacy defined his presidency.