Please Forgive My Absence but….

| September 16, 2009

…what was intended to be a small respite to relocate my bride and I to our new home has instead became a saga worthy of a Homer trilogy. That is ofcourse a story for another time (or two) but I am back on the net at least sporadically until we are finally secured in the new estate next week.

So, let’s see if I have the topline issues up to date.

Harry Reid is in deep shit for re-election.

Chris Dodd is in it as well.

Virginia and New Jersey (are you serious) are likely GOP pick ups for Governors.

The generic ballot shows signs of another 1994 for the GOP in Congress.

Van Jones is an anti-American radical (so are half of all the other Czars). So, get on it Gateway Pundit and Glenn Beck.

Obama is tanking in the polls largely because he is on a Jimmy Carter path toward pathetically ineffective chief executive status.

Cap and Trade is ultimately a dead issue because Democrats won’t support taxing the hell out of their constituents and thus losing their precious high perches of power.

Healthcare reform is also DOA in anything even remotely close to what Obama promised because of exactly the same Democrat concerns.

GITMO is still open and running like a clock.

We are still in Iraq and actually expanding our war footing in Afghanistan and Africa.

The provisions of the Patriot Act that Bush and Cheney used to kill the Constitution are being extended.

The Porkulus package didn’t work and unemployment is going up.

Over the past three weeks I have been characterized as a tea-bagger, a terrorist, a tea-bagger again and finally a racist.

The Fed is printing money like elves before Christmas and using the money to secretly monitize the debt from the Treasury. Yeah a train wreck is coming.

If we can regain controll of Congress next year, we will survive as a nation but in any case Obama is tracking hard for the top of the list of most inept Presidents eveh!

(Aside from that part, how did you like Dallas Mrs. Kennedy?)

Did anyone really miss me?

Category: Politics

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Frankly Opinionated

Hell, Colonel: I’ve missed your spot on work since you shut down COB and came over here. Enjoy you here but in much limited amounts. Welcome to the new digs. Hope it is what you want and need.
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11?


Yep. Was wondering where you had gone … vacation? 🙂


What you meant to say is “my bride and ME.” The objective, i.e. me, is required in your sentence, not the subjective, i.e. I. Now you get it…


Of course you were missed. Jonn told me he passed on the message I had for you. As for your summation of events, you left out that Jay Leno is sucking up to every extreme leftist on the planet with his new show. The race card is being thrown out so often it’s like a snowstorm of racial guilt. The KKK is back in business, stronger than ever, according to a Georgia congressman, and Patrick Swayze passed on, so there won’t be a sequel to Red Dawn.


I’ve missed you terribly. Not having your posts to read has made my life miserable.

Hmmm, trying for smarmy and sounding as ghey as TSO, reckon I’ll just say welcome home.


I get most of this post. But the Mrs. Kennedy part is tasteless humor … not that funny. Just remember that we’re stuck with Obama because George W. Bush f*cked this country with 8 years of his bs. The majority of Americans wanted a 360 degree change from Bush … here we are and now we’re suckin. The truth hurts.

Anonymous For Cause

You were missed. I just can’t get that good, good, hate from anyone else!

In other news, I thought you were TSO at first and had gotten married without telling us.