England; “We did what we was told to do”

| September 8, 2009

Just A Grunt sent us a link to this video of an interview BBC did with Lynndie England.

Clearly, the only remorse she has is that she was caught and has become a national pariah. England blames her behavior on her boyfriend, Charles Graner, and her schoolgirl crush on him. She says she did the things she did to please him and keep him. She says Graner would say “If you love me, you’ll do this”. I guess, not once, did it run through her mind that maybe she didn’t want a long term relationship with a pervert;

I guess the most disgusting part of the interview is when the interviewer asks England why she’s smiling in one of the pictures and England tries to explain that she’s not really smiling – just keeping the cigarette smoke out of her eyes (at about 4:20). The whole interview is just like that moment – she explains why what we see in the photos isn’t what’s there in front of our lyin’ eyes.

It’s a blessing for the rest of us that she doesn’t like to go out in public. The interviewer says she’s “one of the most notorious women in America”. England laments that she’s considered a “villain, a monster because I appeared in a photo for a split second in time”. She depends on manipulating the press to rehabilitate her image (ala Squeaky Fromme) and although BBC does seem to hold her feet to the fire in this interview, they can’t hide their sympathy for her.

Category: General Whackos, Media, Usual Suspects

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“We did what we was told to do…”
liberal ending: “…by the Bush administration.”
reality ending: “…by my sociopathic boyfriend.”


I guess she was out sick that day in boot camp they talked about the ROE and legal versus illegal orders. Silly girl.


Um, Yuck. She just makes me ill. While I believe that what happened was more humiliation versus torture, she definitely knew right from wrong. They all did. She deserves whatever repercussions get thrown her way.

Richard Romano

How did this woman get so bloated? She looks like she’s gained 50lbs.