Tuesday FGS

| May 23, 2023

Glock 17

Would-be burglar shot dead by homeowner in Huntsville; no charges filed, police say

Howard Koplowitz
A woman who tried to break into a Huntsville home early Friday morning was shot dead by the homeowner, police said.

The would-be burglar, identified by Huntsville police as 38-year-old Nicole Linton, attempted to break into the home in the 100 block of Hartside Road around 1:40 a.m. Friday, said Huntsville police spokeswoman Sydney Martin.

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Houston police investigating latent self-defense shooting in Midtown parking garage

Shannon Ryan
A man was shot and killed in a busy Midtown parking garage on Saturday afternoon in what police believe may have been an act of self-defense.

Officers were called to the 3200 block of Louisiana Street near Elgin around 3 p.m. When they arrived, a man, said to be in his 30s, was found dead, according to HPD Det. Sarin Chettry.

Chettry said surveillance footage shows the man in his thirties attempting to open the suspected shooter’s driver side door while he was sitting in the seat, causing him to open fire.

Police were able to locate a knife near the victim’s body but said it was too soon to confirm if it was his, if he brandished it, or if it was visible during the incident.

It doesn’t appear that there was any physical or verbal dispute between the men prior to the shooting, Chettry said.

Legal analyst Steve Shellist told ABC13 involvement and visibility of the knife would likely impact their decision.

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ABC 13

That’s some mighty fine legal analysis right there Steve. Thanks again to our own Gun Bunny for today’s links.

Laws made by common consent must not be trampled on by individuals.
George Washington

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

A female perp! Rara avis.
Equal opportunity in action.
Gets equal results.

Flying lead does not discriminate.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I don’t think it would matter if the knife were “involved” and “visible”.
Just the fact of the perp attempting to open my door, and not going away when told to, would be enough to warrant escalating self defense.
(verbal warning; showing weapon; shooting weapon)

What? No warning shot? /SARC/

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

‘Ed, are you deliberately attempting to provoke our favorite dirt digging doggie with that Glock display?

(pops popcorn, opens liquid libation, settles back in comfy chair, awaits ensuing entertainment)

Actually, I enjoyed the first half of the article, with its brief history of “shall issue” concealed carry.
The second half was acceptable boilerplate.

So much for that “…shameless pandering…” that Compatriot Graybeard alluded to last week, eh, Tox? When my comms link went tits up last Thursday I used the text app on my Fruit Fone to inform our Beloved AW1 Ed that my inerwebz machine linky was “hors de’ combat”, the much ballyhooed and vaunted 5G wireless was as sketchy as ChipNASA trying to make time with OAM, limiting my ability to search for FGS and monitoring the TAH net. You may recall that the gun pr0n featured from Friday thru Monday were classic examples of firearms built as God and Messrs Browning, Colt, S&W, et al intended. The diabolical laff you were hearing in the background of said posts was ‘Ed giggling knowing I couldn’t see them. Upon the re-establishment of comms, I immediately went “on the hunt” for FGS, thus notifying Kid Squid that all was right in the net. The “shameless pandering” became a sharp stick to the eye for the long suffering Gun Bunny with the plastering of a plasticized abomination “…using design features found in John Browning’s Hi Power pistol as well as a few other features he [Glock] gleaned (read STOLE) from dozens…” including plasticware storage container manufacturers. *sigh*

A twofer DRT and you D’weeded miscreants will get a another short break as The Bunny of The Guns will be off the net again for a travel day into the Gunshine State for the upcoming graduation of Grand Son. Life is good. I’ll try not to let the numerous soccer Moms hanging around the pool, fawning over and fetching refreshments to The Gun Bunny distract me from my duties for Team TAH…much. The struggle will be reelz. Too all of my Adorable Deplorables…hugs and smooches, see y’all in my dreams.

The Father of our Country weeps.


Yeah, I figured that our Shameless Panderer Squiddy was up to something. Now we know the Rest of the Story.

Safe journeys to see Grand Son walk the stage. Just remember if you spend too much attention on the Soccer Moms OAM may get a little jealous and give ChipNASA another look. Jus’ sayin’

Being in Harris County, the Houston self-defense case may be a little iffy, depending on the feelz of the DA’s orifice.

Nicole Linton’s career was nic’ed in the bud? I suppose that homeowner’s answer to the question “Would you hit a woman?” has been sufficiently revealed.


The 1911 is just like a Glock. But for men. Tupperware belongs in the refrigerator. 😉

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Love your “brackets” at the bottom of the post.
“It’s twue, it’s twue” (Madeline Kahn, “Blazing Saddles”) on one side, “It’s false, it’s false” on the other.
Bravo for subtle humor, well played.


It took me a couple of glances to pickup on it, even after you described it. Nice and subtle, Mr. Sublime.


Dude reports “migrants” trespassing through his property. Border Patrol kills him.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The property owner failed to follow The Four Esses:
Shut Up


Mmm, mmm, mmm, image of a Glock 17 at breakfast puts a feel good spin on the day! Less weight, looks great, shoots straight😎


So, your use of that particular emoji with sunglasses ( 😎 ) indicates you’re blind, hence the “looks great, shoots straight” line?


“A blind man on the corner is better off than me
Hindsight’s 20/20 and I still refuse to see
It ain’t easy, it ain’t easy bein me”


jeff LPH 3 63-66

Another incident where a lady was in the shower and she heard a knock at the door and yells, whose there and a voice yells out “Blind Man” so she runs out of the shower without any clothes on and picks up a couple of bucks for a donation and when she opens the door, the man says where do you want these blinds hung lady.

I put the above in on Sunday FGS

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Remember when the glocks first came into the US and all the peeps that knew nothing about firearms were saying that it would be easy getting through the airlines check points because the were made out of plastic. Brink’s always were a S&W customer and when they merged and took over US Trucking, we now had a mixture of Colts which were Police positive .38’s. Two Thompson .45 subs were found in the range under the ramp leading down into the main trucking/office/vault. Thompsons were turned over to ATF at 90 Church street

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Too bad about about the Thompsons being found by irresponsible persons and turned over to the BAT-FEces.


Just sayin’.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

This needs to be put on Tee Shirts….