Bar Backtracks After Losing Business
We recently wrote about The Fairfax Bar and Grill in Indiana asking people to leave who expressed their opinions about the Bud Light – Transgender social media influencer controversy.
“We will not tolerate intolerance here”
They posted a statement that concluded with: “Should you feel the need to discuss this matter in public you will be asked to leave. We will not tolerate intolerance here.”
The bar added: “”Unfortunately due to all of the bigotry and hatred that has surfaced around the Bud Light controversy any patron wanting to voice their concerns about the issue will be immediately asked to pay their bill and leave our establishment.”
As it turns out, their business was severely impacted, and now they are begging customers to return. The bar has deleted their original statements but sounds like they are still reprimanding customers for expressing their views.
Bar that kicked out customers after Bud Light controversy makes desperate plea to win back business
After telling patrons boycotting Bud Light to leave, the bar has made several statements indicating they need their clientele to return.
Though it initially blasted social media users for flooding the initial statement with “blatantly transphobic, homophobic and racist comments” and claimed it was committed to not allowing “hate” at the establishment, the restaurant admitted, “With the departure of some of our regulars, we have needed new clientele, and you have answered. I’m not gonna lie, we still need more of you right now.”
On Thursday night, the bar posted yet another, more conciliatory message that seemed to be welcoming people with different viewpoints on the Bud Light issue, provided they were civil.
The post, which is still up on the bar’s Facebook page, read, “A lot has been said – some correct, and some incorrect – and I want to clarify my stance. What I really want to convey is this: just be respectful. Different opinions are welcome here as long as they are delivered respectfully. We’d no more want ugly, aggressive or rude interactions about which sports team someone thinks is better, than about societal issues.”
[sarc] Wow, I’m guessing many of us didn’t see that one coming. [/sarc]
An alternate approach would have been to mobilize the transgender community to “Get out there and DRINK” to show their support. The problem is that they are one-half of one percent of the U.S. population. So, until that changes The Fairfax Bar and Grill may have to kiss a lot of backsides to get their clientele back. I guess the bar owner may tolerate the intolerant if the greenbacks are good.
I may have had more respect for them if they rode that horse until it died – having to close down due to a decline in business, but at least they would have stuck to their principles. Instead, it appears that they wet their finger and stuck it up in the air to judge how the political winds were blowing — and got it wrong from a business perspective.
[sarc] Rumor has it that they will try to recover lost revenue by selling t-shirts based on the sign they now have hanging in the bar window. [/sarc]
Category: Politics
i feel like that kid on the simpsons “ha ha” helping the woke be broke.
“A lot has been said – some correct, and some incorrect…”
Must be a female owner because that’s a very female Non-apology “apology”
To translate: ‘some correct’ is THEIR belief and the ‘some incorrect’ is YOUR belief
They’d really like you just come back and leave your money at the door and go
This is how you find out people’s true feelings.
I’m sure many regulars had no idea how Woke/Leftist/Libtard the owner(s) are
I’d take my business somewhere else…but that’s just me
Start of a sea change in America?
-The exodus from blue states to red.
-The entertainment industry losing hundreds of millions on woke releases.
-Athletes finally protesting trans competing in women’s sports.
-More and more reports of civilians stepping up to stop criminals.
-Mainstream Media reporting on Hunter Biden, and not by choice.
Then there’s polling data, but we’re all a bit auld ta be believin’ in the Little People, too.
It’s always interesting to see what happens
when anyone runs with “free speech”…
and it’s really only for free speech for one side, not the other.
Any business doing this should predict a loss of business.
Perhaps half, depending on local demographics.
[The Fairfax Bar and Grill limited who can comment on this post.]
It appears they have shut down commenting on their Book of the Fake.
Seeing a dearth of comments on the long scroll,
they apparently poofed a whole bunch of comments as well.
They had a swarm of bad reviews on Google related to this boneheaded move that went **poof** rather quickly as well.
Nothing brings in the crowds like hosting a Drag Queen Story Hour. Patrons can take advantage of the updated restrooms, where each stall features a Glory Hole.
Butt Light is still… well:
The Queen of Beers
Bud Light identifies as “beer”.
Nothing says go woke go broke like pissing off 99.50% of your potential customer base.
This, again:
phobic |ˈfōbik|
having or involving an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something:she’s phobic about spiders | treatment for phobic anxiety.
About those ‘racism’ claims… put up or STFU. This coming from a group* that calls reciting FB(lie) crime stats ‘raysiss’, and will ignore a’many problem for political cache.
*I fucking HATE using the ‘this side this’ and ‘that side that’ argumentation but actions like this indicate a level of virtue that suspends all logic, reason, or rational discourse.
And double fuck this bar for all these BL ads me and the missus have been seeing. They’re AIDS.
THE SAME FUCKING CROWD hollering about Pud *OOPS!*, Bud) Light taking a nosedive are the same ones who bawled for statues to be removed as well as for Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben to be removed from packaging, ditto with the gal on Land O’ Lakes butter, as well as “The General Lee” car in “The Dukes of Hazzard”. What happened to Bud Light and Anheuser Busch is Consumerism where the general public says “Screw it, I’m not buying that anymore” leaving everyone else alone to choose for themselves while the cancel culture of the left wants to ban everyone else from having the choice, eliminating the product, fuck the snowflakes, I’m on the bandwagon of leaving everyone else alone to choose for themselves.
OH, and if WE are “the intolerant ones” then which side of the fence had their herders and handlers stirring up their minions to harass those wearing Trump shirts and hats? Whose supporters had to put up with being pelted by eggs at rallies? Fucking liberals projecting yet again.
“It’s not fair when you hit back!”
Like left/libtards’ idea of “gun safety”– anyone they dislike (and would attack) doesn’t have any.
They did indeed, but those companies could have gone with telling them to FOAD, and saying don’t buy the product if you don’t agree with our presentation of it. None of those outfits would ever have suffered significant financial harm from that, and conservatives and other non-insane folks would probably have bought more of their stuff to help out. Look at Mike Lindell and the MyPillow line. They pissed of the left and are selling more stuff than ever.
Props to Mike Lindell for selling his product in the face of all the ChiCom substandard stuff, but his commercials are as annoying AF.
His cross necklace dangling outside his shirt makes me cringe everytime he’s on TV, and that silly commercial of him talking to the couple through their medicine cabinet reeks of a Money Pit ripoff… keep waiting for him to remind the wife she’s low on birth control
I’m legitimately arachnophobic (I have a “spider scream,” will run away, have nightmares, etc). I am not “phobic” of anyone’s orientation/delusions, and I most certainly do not run away screaming.
Has this skeery deranged chickie ever been identified? she is certainly famous on the intarwebz.
I say IF IT HAS A PRICK IT AIN’T A CHICK, fuck their feelings.
So where are the “minority” of peeps that the bar is sticking up for to come in and have a few brewskies while the “Majority” of their reguler customers are going to a different watering hole. It was always the squeaky wheel minority that got the oil while yours truly whom is from the silent generation (B-1945) never got involved with a lot of my own generation on some of these things. So things look like they are changing with people getting fed up with this woke BS.
The LBGQT+ crowd drinks White Claws and Mimosas. Beer would ruin their girlish figures.
The sign in the bar window should have said “Come Inside Me, Just Don’t Be a Dick.”
( Was that wrong? )
Not to mention…
![comment image](
“Was that wrong?” Not at all, we can all get along so long as there’s a tacit understanding that we’re all broken ghosts inhabiting meat suits made out of stardust.
In better terms:
The frailty in, and duration of, our Terrestrial Tours of Duty should be focused on that last part, be mad but “don’t be a dick”.
Now, let’s test you on what you have learned.
Screw ’em. Get woke, go broke!!! Shit like that happens when you piss off you customers en masse.
Beer is a working man/woman beverage and you fucked with it. Then you fucked with our right to free speech.
Now the public is saying fuck you.
Since AOC is clearly an expert in all things and has prior experience spilling drinks, maybe she should step up to the plate ‘n get’r done.
A salty take with Salty.
I don’t know who started this “influencer” thing, but anybody who is influenced by idiots like this should be de-programmed.
It was invented by folks who could not accept that high school graduation ended their evil power over others.
Or just wanted to get paid for sh*t- posting on teh Interwebz.
I have no clue how the social influencer thing works ,looks like it is a job avoidance technique to me but , Dylan M. has had an influence I’m not sure it was the hoped for response but he has had an influence for sure!
I think when one is a social media influencer it just means you’d like to be a celebrity but you’re not really talented at anything.
Ditto. These people have zero social utility.
In the olden days they would be sweeping the streets of meadow muffins or working in a sweatshop power by a steam engine.
IMHO Mulvaney appears to be too incompetent to even work for the TSA!
Mostly people paid attention out of morbid curiosity.
They violated one of the most important rules of life; “Don’t shit where you eat.” We, The People, will vote with our wallets.
They chose….poorly
Agreed. Gordon Ramsay’s take: ‘whether it’s a multi Michelin star restaurant or simply a Mom and Pop business, customers talk with their feet and their wallets’. I can only addend – Suck it up, Mulvany. YOU AND YOUR SHITTY BEER, EARNED IT🖕
They made their stand, albeit standing on a pile of excrement, but a stand nonetheless.
So, stand in it.
Feet of dung
Not a hill I’d care to die on LOL
Go woke…….
Go broke
Something tells me that the bar owners and the Anheuser-Busch management have proven what most of us have known all along: These mentally ill sexual perverts are very much a minority.
A minority with political connections, but a tiny minority nonetheless without the fiscal means to support those who support them in their mental illness.
Unless this group has way more disposable $$$ and/or buys way more beer than anybody else, this is a dumb move.
Money talks, BS doesn’t get beer bought.
Nah, too little, too late.
Hopefully, we’ll read an article in the next month or two that the Fairfax Bar and Grill has been forced to shut down due to lack of business.
The virtue signaling owner/manager can eat a bowl of dicks.
They’d just blame that on transphobes and general bigotry.
While liking the bowl of dicks.
They really didn’t have any principles on it, they are probably on the leftarded side of the political spectrum and it leaked out. Any bar that tries to guide the discussions held in it is courting trouble, of various types, including financial. That they obviously didn’t take this into account further demonstrates they are socialist democrats/leftards. And now they Biden up, claiming that what they said is not what they said.
Most of those pervert freaks are on Disability due to mental illness. They don’t have much disposable income to go after in the first place
Most were also raised by “hands-off” parents who wanted to be their offspring’s PALS instead of their parents, thus NO social skills or work ethic, they just assimilated whatever liberal crap the public school system fed them!
“I believe my response would be, ‘Go to hell’.” – Spock