Sunday FGS

| April 23, 2023


4 men charged in Bethlehem Township home invasion; 2 were shot by resident, one is at large

Dan Sheehan
Four men were charged in an early morning home invasion in Bethlehem Township, the Northampton County district attorney’s office said.

Two of the men were shot by an occupant of the house, leaving one in critical condition, and a third remained at large Thursday afternoon.

According to a news release, Millito Delgado, 45, Michael Matas, 29, Francis Ferrando, 23, and Anthony Santiago, 29, entered the house on the 2000 block of Willow Park Road around 4 a.m. Thursday.

Three people were in the house, one of whom opened fire and hit Matas and Ferrando.

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The Morning Call

The Morning Call will leave the identity of the gentleman depicted in the article up to the reader, as they keep that information elsewhere. Or something.

Suspect dead, 2 officers injured after chase leads to shooting on east side

By: Matt Adams
INDIANAPOLIS – A suspect died and two officers were injured following a shooting on the east side.

According to IMPD, it happened in the 3000 block of N. Post Road. IMPD said the officers’ injuries were believed to be non-life-threatening. On Friday, police announced that both officers were released from the hospital.

There were some road closures associated with the investigation on Thursday, including parts of 30th Street and Post Road.

During an update around 2:20 p.m. Thursday, Assistant Chief Chris Bailey said the incident involved a pursuit that ended with a barrage of gunfire. According to Bailey, the Indiana Crime Guns Task Force was working on an investigation in conjunction with the Lawrence Police Department.

They spotted a suspect as part of that investigation around 12:40 p.m. and tried to pull him over near 30th and Post. The man had a passenger in the vehicle and didn’t stop. Police twice tried to disable the car, but those attempts failed.

The car eventually turned in to a business parking lot as police followed and ran into a dead end.

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Fox 59

No further word on the officers’ condition; hope for their speedy and complete recovery.

Mr. Gheb… Claw- your assistance please. The deceased was armed with an evil black rifle, and the horrific damage inflicted by this high-power weapon on a car is breathlessly showcased. Thanks again, Gun Bunny.

Today on the NATO line, our military forces face east to prevent a possible invasion. On the other side of the line, the Soviet forces also face east to prevent their people from leaving.
Ronald Reagan

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Gotta love the Darwinian Effect of poor victim selection skilz. Are we seeing more of PVSS, or are we seeing more cases where citizens are fighting back? I’m good either way.

Soooo…a scary black AR Type Rifle is to popo cars as to what a P-38 is to C-Rat cans of peaches and pound cake? Got it! Swift and complete recovery for the wounded LEOs.

Socialism/Communism? So great a lifestyle that is must be enforced at gunpoint.

“…shooting his opponent 15 times in the head.” And that’s the way you make sure he knows he’s dead, girls and boys.

“…had worked closely with American firearms designer, John Browning,…” And that’s the way you know it’s designed properly, girls and boys.

Lubs me some 7.62.

Speaking of lubs me some…I would put aside my normal avoidance of Sister Golden Haired Surprises Ms Thangs for that little fun sized one depicted today. Must be that mischievous come hither smile she’s giving me. I’d get into some mischief with her.

You were right, FIRST (ht 2 -Dog) Class Big Dog. I do *LIKE* today’s selections.


“AR-47s have no place on our streetz”

If you look at the image provided by FauxFifeNiner, you’ll see the offending offensive ah-saltification rifel and the expertly placed rear sight aperture. /s

The journos’ line of questioning seems to indicate that the diseased had modified rate of fire mechanism, add that to the list of crimes the criminal dun ‘criminated BEFORE he got put down like the dog he were.

But yeah, ‘…something must be done…’.

556 be like.jpg

[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week. […]

The Pirates Cove

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Back in the 70’s, I sent in a $2000.00 money order to buy the FN-FAL that I saw in Shotgun news. I waited and waited and waited for word about it and after a month or two, I called the number and the sellers brother aploiged that his brother couldn’t get the gun into the states so I received my money back. Now they are around. Saw one in a gun store awhile back.


Sorry I’m so late to the party, Ed. Had to make a Wally-World run this morning.

So, with no further ado, the Whiz Wheel®™ spins:

Daniel Yefter Ghebrehiwet (DRT) 45 x 3 = 135


Love my FAL, sweetest shooting rifle in the safe. Hate it being Metric, but parts are still sorta mostly kinda easy to find.


I would bet all those guns coming through the “faucet” the mayor is talking about, are coming from Chicago. Beetlejuice was always saying the ones in Chicago were coming from Indiana…I’m sure its a two way spiget!!?!

CUrious if the AR-15 was chambered in something in other than .223? Glad the officers survived, and I pray for their speedey and full recovery!
Also, it is not clear in the picture, but it must have had a pistol brace on it, since those are much more deadly than regular AR-15s.