Three DOD doctors push for quicker “gender affirming” action by military doctors

| March 26, 2023

Healthcare providers related to the military, David Klein, Thomas Baxter, and Noelle Larson, were among the authors of an article published in the American Journal of Public Health. They criticized the idea of waiting before administering puberty blockers. These doctors argued that the military should train its providers on methods involving medical actions related to gender dysphoria.

From Fox News:

The DoD providers said in the March edition of the American Journal of Public Health that the only pathway for children of military members who present with gender dysphoria symptoms is to immediately move towards “gender-affirming health care, such as puberty suppression and affirming hormones.”

The doctors said that on the basis of “human rights,” “youths… have an inherent ability and right to consent to gender-affirming therapy.”

They went so far as to claim 7-year-olds can make their own medical decisions.

The authors — David A. Klein, Thomas Baxter, Noelle S. Larson as well as clinical psychologist, Natasha A. Schvey, PhD — demanded the military train all of its providers on their ideas on gender medical interventions for minors, despite acknowledging that 53% of military-affiliated physicians in the Department of Defense health system indicated they would refuse to prescribe hormones regardless of any training.

Klein, Schvey and Baxter work at Travis Air Force Base in California, and Larson — a pediatric endocrinologist — works at the Department of Pediatrics at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Some of the authors work at Uniformed Services University — a military institution. The article recommended this institution take the lead in pushing forward trainings on “gender-affirming care” within the Pentagon health system.

Fox News has additional information.

Category: Military issues

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Old tanker

Those DOD “doctors” need their license pulled.

DUTCH in Atlanta

Those “doctors” need to be transitioned with a dull knife.


Their role model must be that other “military” doctor, Hauptsturmfuhrer Josef Mengele, who also had a fondness for medical experimentation on children.

AT1 ret

as soon as the smoking and drinking age is also 7


Stop doing their work for them.


So am I to infer that 47% ‘of military-affiliated physicians in the Department of Defense health system’ are retarded fucks with no backbone or morals?

Well, at least they’re doing better than the VA… presumptively.


They’re hoping to get a job there.


“American Journal of Public Health”
Yeah, I looked it up. It is the journal of the American public health Association.
The deeper I looked the more convinced I became that this group has nothing to do with public health.
Political health maybe but nothing that has anything to do with fighting and winning wars. More likely the opposite.


These so-called “doctors” are sick themselves. Sick in the head.


My reply is that seven year old children should be able to own and carry firearms. The left would vehemently disagree citing the immaturity of children that young. If the irony escapes them, I have no trouble pointing it out.


Here is a good article on this subject:

Transgenderism, Jazz Jennings and The Fly – The Stream


Definitely. His Mom is the worst since Norman Bates’, too.


That article is excellent. Thanks for the link. It was written by Mark Judge, Justice Kavanaugh’s BFF from the days of Blasey-Ford’s perjury fiasco conjured up by the Obamunist/Clintonista lawers. Judge was supposedly the other HS student who witnessed her assault by Kavanaugh. Except, of course, it didn’t happen; and the D-rats never found any evidence it did, other than Foney Ford’s vague, incredible testimony.


What proof id provided that these are physicians? What are their qualifications AND ranks. The DOD announced pre-pandemic that our local facility was going to stop seeing retirees and dependents. So these clowns don’t get a vote.


So you can’t buy smokes or booze on base unless you’re 21 but 7 year olds can pick their gender?

Sure why not. Just as soon as the Feres doctrine is repealed and those quacks can be held accountable