Dear WaPo; hire some real journalists for a change

| January 14, 2007

Anyone else tired of the Mainstream Media comparing Republican combat action to Vietnam like this sorry hackjob by Robert Kaiser?

Trapped by Hubris, Again

By Robert G. Kaiser

Sunday, January 14, 2007; Page B01

After nearly four years of ineffectual war-fighting, after the collapse of domestic support for President Bush and his policies, after the expenditure of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars, it no longer seems possible to avoid the grim conclusion: For the United States, Iraq has become another Vietnam.

You’d think that a journalist who has been in the business as long as Kaiser would weary of the comparison eventually. All wars are the same, you hacks. Especially wars that have to be fought against a “peace-at-any-cost” press as well as an armed and wiley enemy.

No matter how bad they try, the Left can’t concoct a comparison that equals their sorry-ass actions in Vietnam. It was the Left that got us involved in Vietnam and it was the Left that made our withdrawal a disgrace.

Category: Media

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