Who will get the oil in the Gulf?
The Washington Examiner editorial board writes this morning that it’s going to get a little crowded off our shores in the Gulf of Mexico with oil platforms – unfortunately, none of those platforms will be American;
Brazil, China, India, Norway, Spain and Russia have all signed agreements with Cuba and the Bahamas to initiate exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico within the next two years. So the prospect of seeing Russian oil rigs 45 miles off the Florida Keys — where American oil companies are now forbidden to drill — is a very real possibility.
The other day I wrote about the Obama Administration underwriting Brazilian oil drilling off of their coast and ours. Now we face the prospect of watching the money and jobs that could be part of our economy floating a few miles off our own shores – financed by our own government (read that: our own earnings confiscated by the government).
As I wrote the other day, there’s a very strong possibility that developing our own natural resources could be the engine that provides the jobs as well as making us energy independent for the next few decades. There hasn’t been a refinery built in the last 30 years (30 years ago last month, Jimmy Carter promised that we’d build a refinery and a pipeline every time we needed one). Decades worth of oil and jobs lay fallow in Alaska.
And who do you have more confidence in to drill clean and protect the environment – China, Russia, Cuba or the US? Apparently, someone is going to drill no matter what we do – shouldn’t it be us?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Foreign Policy, Liberals suck
I have several dogs in this hunt. I have worked in the oil fields, I live in Florida, and I fish for pelagics throughout the Gulf of Mexico, Florida Strait, and the Western Atlantic. I have never seen an argument from anyone anywhere that would suggest that any country’s oil industry is as concerned with water quality as that of the USA. There is NO valid reason for the USA not to produce oil from under these waters- none! That we would allow others to do it while restricting US companies suggests that the politicians have no regard for our water quality. Over water drilling has not produced any catastrophic spills, and most likely won’t. I suppose that there is the chance of that, but with foreign companies doing the drilling, the chance is much greater. This sorry lot that we have allowed to be not just in office, but in POWER would sell us down the river so that they can claim their piece of a New World Order. Jimmah Cahtah caused the “Department of Energy” so that we could become less dependent on foreign oil. While spending tons of money on the department, we are still very dependent on others for our oil. Those who know that there is no good reason not to drill continue to use the stale, useless argument that allowing US drilling in the Gulf and other over water locations would take ten years to put that oil at the pumps. How many years has that argument been used? If we had shot them out of the saddle then, we would be pumping that oil into our cars now, even using it to heat the science labs as they invent alternative sources of energy. The average American voter don’t give a damn whether his dollar supports his next door neighbor or some radical Mosque in Saudi Arabia. This is one case where the NIMBY argument is null and void. There will be drilling, but will it be US oil or Terrorist oil? America is so screwed. I fear that this bell cannot be unrung.… Read more »
Well, Jonn, you know that we are so evil that we can’t be allowed to drill for oil anywhere, especially our own back yard!! Get with the program, will ya!!!
to borrow a quote ” drill here, drill now” seems kind of obviouse to us in Kansas where we are waiting to tap into new oil and gas formations below the arbuckle.
You read my mind. WHY IS IT NOT US??? Then, there would be jobs, economic stimulating, and, should I say it out loud? Individuals will prosper!!
Alas the Pied Piper chooses to spend 2 freaking billion on his communist pals whose workers benefit zero, and so far, neither will we.