Navy Touts All Female Flyover
Poetrooper gave us a head’s up on this.
Inside how the Navy axed male pilots to stage all-women Super Bowl flyover
Navy changed plans to have only female pilots just days before Super Bowl
By Emma Colton | Fox News
An all-female team of pilots conducted the Super Bowl pregame flyover for the first time this year – but the Navy staged the historic moment by booting several male aviators days before the big game.
An all-woman crew wasn’t always the plan, with a handful of men picked and “very, very excited” for the flyover before they were abruptly told they were being replaced, an aircrew member told Fox News Digital.
“For us, getting to do flyovers is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said the member who spoke on the condition of anonymity, “especially for something of that magnitude.”
The Navy’s initial press release detailing the flyover on Jan. 26 said the event would commemorate a 50-year history of women flying in the Navy, but the original lineup of 15 service members only included three women…
I’m not normally a well of sympathy for pilot’s angst, but this was really badly handled. Heh, that’s the breaks of Naval Air. Thanks, Poe.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Blue Falcons, Navy
Honestly, why is this in any way noteworthy? Other than the fact that they didn’t crash into each other while doing it?
They probably asked a Male pilot for directions to avoid crashing.
It’s the Parking, always the parking…
That’s why there is ground marshalling
USMC Steve,
Only days after the US Navy announced a 1 year fatality free record,
this happened in October 2020.
I can say,
USMC pilots in 2022 who had flown these same T-6 Texans
disagreed with the Navy findings and report.
[Navy report shows no misconduct in fatal 2020 crash of NAS Whiting Field training aircraft]
Here is my philosophy on “firsts”
What are you supposed to say to that? “Great job for having all obstacles cleared out of your way and that more qualified people were not considered.” Clap.
That wasn’t the only reason Kamala was chosen, just saying.
Let’s give all your examples special participation trophies.
That would be someone’s “pet” (or fashion accessory, actually) to make them look cool for making the choice instead.

Now THAT’s a scary monster!
Yeah, and in this case the task at hand was far from challenging.
Big fucking deal.
Now…if the Navy were to claim all the pilots identified as something different than they actually are, it would probably get more applause.
Diversity, inclusion, and all that dogshit.
//sarc off//
That’ll be next year.
From America’s paper of record…
Damn, BlueCord Dad, you beat ol’ Poe by 23 seconds… 🙄
Only 23? I must be slipping Poe🤣
LMFAO! Classic!
I regret that I can only give one thumbs up to that link.
Some wag at another site said the flight team leader called the NFL just before the game and told them her ladies would be running about 20 minutes late… 😜
Duty Roster Time! 😆🤣😂😅
“Next Top Gun Movie To Feature First Black Female Tom Cruise”
“Producers of the Top Gun movie franchise today announced the historic, trail-blazing selection of the first black woman to play Tom Cruise in the forthcoming sequel.”
“Twenty-three-year-old actress Theresa Chukwuemeka-Shultz, whose previous credits include “girl with hatchet behind zebra” in The Woman King and “Ariana Grande’s black friend” on Instagram, will play the iconic role of Tom Cruise in the next installment of the series, tentatively titled Top Gun: Zoom! Smash! Pow! Kablooey!”
“The actress herself was similarly optimistic. “The role of Tom Cruise has been dominated by Tom Cruise for too long,” she said. “Audiences want to see what it looks like for a black woman to fly a jet or jump out of a skyscraper or have a weird, loveless marriage with Katie Holmes, and I aim to deliver.”
To be more inclusive, the Navy needs some trannie fighter pilots (zoomie chicks with dicks).
“Woke” Gun. I like it!
Gotta love the BBee.
Will be in Not the Bee within 6 months.
this too
I hear that Lori Lightfoot is available.
Forced diversity. The next step after hiring quotas. The new segregation. How progressive.
Democrats, once again…

For Sale…White Male Privilege Card. Never used. No reasonable offers refused.
Ha! That’s worthless, KoB. I have a race card for sale. The card has NO LIMIT!!!!
I’ve had my card for over 75 years. Never used or abused. Never had a charge on it through college, RA commissioning, jump school, Ranger School, combat tour in the Viet of the Nam, Special Forces Officer course, or law school. The same applies to my White Privilege Card. Neither gave me a free pass on anything I have accomplished.
Today, the last day of February, was supposed to be a nice day for our AOR.
Then Darkness Overcame Us.
Guess Who Showed Up…To Talk About “Affordable Healthcare”…
Same Dude who refuses to take a cognitive test as well as having a face lift and hair plugs…
Anybody here never been fucked at the last minute?
I didn’t think so.
Hang on give me a second……yes.
Hallelujah…It’s About Time…
Where Are His Parents? 🤔
“Florida Student Accused Of Attacking Teacher’s Aide Who Took Nintendo Switch Will Be Charged As Adult”
“The student is being charged as an adult and faces one felony count of aggravated battery on an elected official or education employee, according to FOX 35, adding that he’s in jail being held on a $1 million bond.”
“Body camera video shows the student saying “f–k you” to one of the deputies before he was arrested.”
“I don’t want to go to jail,” the suspect said.”
“An arrest report states that the arrested student said that he “will beat her up every time she takes away his game,” according to FOX 35, referring to the teacher’s aide.”
“The teacher’s aide was taken to a local hospital where she was released, and is believed to have broken ribs and significant bruising.”
Don’t want to go to jail, yeah well, tough shit. He fucked up. He’s going away and he’ll do every bit of that time. He’s going to learn some hard lessons, or not.
I’m not as optimistic as you that he will “do every bit of that time” but we can dream.
Would a comment mentioning the aforementioned aircraft in this flyover are twin-tailed and therefore it is appropriate that they are flown by women be considered sexist and/or misogynistic? This is a test, dickweeds. How long will it take you curmudgeonly old miscreants to figure it out?
Split tails flying twin tails? No Almond Joys here, only Mounds? “This is a Box Office, not a Cockpit!”?
I’ll depart this danger zone, put these thoughts on ice, man and leave before my goose gets cooked.
Gonna be a Payback.
Don’t you have some grid squares to cut&paste or something? Sharpen some aiming stakes?
Just waiting on the P-3 to land on this Floating Artillery Platform, pick me up, take off, and land me back to Terra Firma, Boss. Oh…wait…never mind… I’ll take the Herky Bird. I KNOW that it can take off and land on a Carrier Deck.
“Roger, Orion Ball.”
I heard the next flight crews noticed the check engine light was on and the fuel gauge was on empty.
But it wasn’t flashing, so it must not have been urgent.
I thought that the E on the fuel gauge meant enough.
And the Navy continues to flush morale down the toilet….
I didn’t watch any nfl programming and haven’t since they started the protest BS.
As to the all female flyover. big fat deal. They flew a single formation route over a stadium. I have zero issue with female pilots, I just do not see how a single formation flight was noteworthy much less historical. I’d rather they concentrate on what they did during the recent conflicts and how they accomplished the mission of the armed forces against hostile forces.