Friday FGS

| December 23, 2022

California Marine recruiters help take down smash and grab suspects in Los Angeles-area mall
The suspects allegedly used hammers to smash display cases inside a jewelry shop before fleeing, police said

By Louis Casiano | Fox News
Two suspects involved in a smash and grab robbery inside a Los Angeles-area shopping mall were taken down by U.S. Marine recruiters while fleeing the scene Tuesday afternoon, police said.

The robbery occurred at a jewelry store in the Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance. Four people wearing masks and armed with hammers and gloves destroyed the glass to display cases and grabbed as much jewelry as they could, Fox Los Angeles reported.

As they were fleeing, two suspects escaped. The other two were taken to the floor by Marine recruiters who worked in the mall and some bystanders.

“[It was] the Marines. The Marine Corps… They stepped up, they tackled them down,” a person who captured the robbery on video told the news outlet. “Two got away, two got tackled down, and they stepped it up. That’s enough. Time to fight back.”

The recruiting station is next to where the robbery took place.

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Fox News

The yearly competition for Poorest Victim Selection Skills just got more interesting.

Sioux Falls officer on administrative leave after shooting 2 people at Kum & Go gas station

Trevor J. Mitchell, Sioux Falls Argus Leader
A Sioux Falls Police Department officer is on administrative leave, following the shooting of two people during a traffic stop Tuesday afternoon at a gas station in north central Sioux Falls.

The two people, a 48-year-old man named Thomas Earl TwoBulls, and a 22-year-old woman, are recovering. The man had non-life threatening injuries and has since been released from the hospital into police custody. The woman is still in the hospital, but her exact condition is unclear, Sioux Falls police spokesman Sam Clemens said during an update with media from Sioux Falls Police Chief Jon Thum on Wednesday morning about the incident.

The shooting, initially reported at about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, started as a traffic stop, when an officer pulled over a vehicle with “substituted plates” or license plate tags that don’t belong to the vehicle, of which is usually a sign of a stolen vehicle of tied to hide other criminal activity in the vehicle, Thum said.

As the vehicle pulled into the Kum & Go gas station near the intersection of Minnesota Avenue and Russell Street and parked by the gas pumps, the officer made contact with the individuals inside, of which there were four, Clemens and Thum said.

As the officer started talking with the driver, they “picked up on some hints that she was being deceptive to what her identity was,” and he asked her to step out of the vehicle, Thum said.

The driver refused, and as the officer attempted to pull the driver out of the vehicle, Thum said the vehicle was put into reverse and started to accelerate rapidly.

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The station is named, what? Trevor misspelled San Franscisco. Thanks again for the links, Gun Bunny.

There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet an enemy.
— George Washington

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Robbing a jewelry store next to a Marine recruiting office?
Now that’s just plain stupid I don’t care who you are.


I always think of this case when I think of Marines dealing with criminals:


“The thief’s two accomplices, who were armed, fled”

Yep, you can always count on dirtbags leaving their dirtbag
accomplices behind.


What were those Marines thinking. They violated the civil rights of those two citizens who were merely attempting to make a living. Obviously a case of privilege and stereotyping.

Hack Stone

They better log those two as contacts in the Schedules and Results Planner. They have to account for that twenty minutes when the Station SNCOIC reviews their results for the month.

The SNCOIC where Hack was assigned was the biggest dick who ever wore a Marine Corps uniform. The guy was a weasel, short balding with a pointy nose, who obviously was the inspiration for Mr. Burns on The Simpsons. And to give you an idea of how big of a loser he was, he drove a Yugo.


You know what a 4 door Yugo is called?

A Wego.


With the optional dual exhaust pipes, they can be used as a wheelbarrow.


Yup. It seemed one had to be a complete and total dick to be considered for CRF (Career Recruiting Force, aka Can’t Remember Fleet.)

I especially loved hearing the Chief Recruiter telling me, fresh off 7.5 years of sea duty, what it was, “really like in the fleet,” despite his never having seen a ship in almost 20 years. It was then I looked at his lack of warfare qual or SSDR down at my dolphins and 5 SSDRs and just chuckled to myself.

Hack Stone

It was so satisfying when Hack heard that the shithead was pulled off of Recruiting Duty and kicked out of the Corps. Pissed away about 15 years time in service.


Damn, a Yugo… last time I saw one was over in Germany in the late ’90s– some troop owned the thing and had The Club on it. (At least he was optimistic.)


“As the vehicle pulled into the Kum & Go”

Would make more sense if it happened as the vehicle pulled out.


No “Happy Ending” for 2 of these folks…and that’s no bull.

The lads were hammered by the Devil Dogs.

Seems as if George had strong opinions on “…take care to avoid unnecessary wars…” and “…to stay aloof from foreign entanglements…” Yeah, how’s that worked out for the American Service Member…and Taxpayer?

Imma gonna need a bigger stocking hung on the mantel for Santa to put my gift in. And just like Jeffery and Sam, the stocking did/will not hang itself.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here… you’re probably more interested in sister golden hair or a black haired beauty in stockings.


I admit nothing…call my lawer.


Looks like a fun place to shop!

RGR 4-78

Every sign on that marquee is 100% sexual innuendo. 👍 


Is the ” Parking In Rear” the sign for Brucie’s Bath House?

RGR 4-78

That’s one Recon I will not do.

Daisy Cutter
Hack Stone

They were being “jumped in” as part of the gang initiation.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Nice pic of Santa which reminded me that when I was down at the beach the other day, there was a cat walking along the shore so I new Christmas was near, but of course everyones heard of SANDY CLAWS


I was a “bag-toter” in Torrance for a few months before becoming the NF recruiter for NRD LA back in the day. Back then the offices were on Sepulveda just south of the mall. Thing about LA was good neighborhoods and bad could be right next to each other with no buffer in between.

Semper Fi, Marines, and well done.