Dicksmith talking out his arse again, rebutted by Democratic Chairman of Armed Services Committee

| August 11, 2009


The Kansas Senate delegation is also holding up nominations of nine other Justice and Defense nominees over NIMBY issues. I guess I could understand this if I subscribed to unfounded fears that the most secure prisons in the United States are unable to hold more terrorists in addition to those already held at those prisons. But even then, I don’t think the Secretary of the Army has any authority over this decision.

Ike Skelton, Democrat, Chairman House Armed Services Committee, in a letter to the Secretary of Defense, August 10, 2009:

I realize the great challenges involved in identifying secure locations to which to transfer detainees currently held at Guantanamo. In that regard, I would like to make you aware of two strong concerns that I have regarding any consideration of transferring detainees to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas…

I have strong indications that, if detainees from Guantanamo were to be transferred to Fort Leavenworth, a number of Muslim countries would decline to continue to send their students to the Command and General Staff College. This would have a very negative outcome for our military officers, the school, and the health of our relationships with Muslim nations.

In addition, as you may be aware the United States Code precludes the proximate detention of American and foreign individuals. Although relevant case law interpreting the U.S. Code does not prohibit certain co-location under particular circumstances, plans to transfer Guantanamo detainees to Fort Leavenworth would require additional expenses for military construction and enhanced security so as not to run afoul of the law. I urge you to look carefully at those costs and security requirements in making your recommendations to the President.

So yeah, there might be other concerns jackass, and if you want to start ascribing things to a certain party, maybe you should do some research and see that some of your party is also involved.

This dude never tires of being wrong.

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim


I wonder why these D-Bags get all hung up on our ability to control these inmates. That’s never been a serious issue. We’d have NO problems dealing with them in house, especially at Leavenworth.

No, the REAL problem is that by housing them in the states, it provides an opportunity for their “friends” to try some stunt to attempt to break them out. Like, oh, I don’t know, maybe take over an elementary school and hold the kids for ransom, like in Beslan?


Moving these @ssclown terrorists INTO the states ramps up the danger to US Citizens by an order of magnitude.


Hang in there Roberts and Brownback. We don’t want no stinking jihadis in Kansas.

Dave Thul

“What the hell!” says Dicksmith, “none of that info was listed in the Google search I did on Gitmo!”.