Weekend Open Thread + Holiday Open Thread

| November 11, 2022

How is everyone’s Veteran’s Day? Today’s open thread is a combination of a regular open thread and a holiday open thread. Whoever gets first today wins two contests, the WOT first and the HOT first. There will be three open threads on the week of Thanksgiving, a MOT, HOT, and a WOT.  Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Hack Stone

Oh wise and all knowing Magic 8-Ball, will Hack Stone retain his rightful title as First Commenter for This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread for Veteran’s Day 2022, or will he have to resort to his mostly peaceful supporters to express their displeasure by sending a handyman to Nancy Pelosi’s home at 02:00? Magic 8-Ball says…

Hack Stone

Hack Stone would like to express his gratitude to his loyal supporters for ensuring that his Make TAH Deplorable Again policies will continue an additional week, precluding the initiation of mostly peaceful riots.

The masses have Spoken. Now, avert your gaze.


Ain’t showed up all day and now you come in here taking a hammer to your F5 key and sends me to the Ladies Room by two (2) seconds…for a second place trophy. May you choke on a CongRat as the rest of us dine on beef beast meaty loaf, cornbread, smashed taters, and creamed corn casserole.

Hack Stone

King of Battle, always the gracious loser.









The Pups of Missy Sissy Pee State will tuck their tails when The Big Dawg comes into their poodle pad tomorrow.



It’s a Dawg eat Dawg world out there.

More curious to see if the Saban recovers from his 2 play loss to two teams knocking Al out of the playoffs for the first time in a decade and the Tide washes away the Rebels back to the Magnolia State or not.

The Rebels would dearly love them some revenge on being beaten down the last dozen years or so.

Last edited 2 years ago by 5JC



Dammit. Third. Oh well. Have a great weekend, all you dickweeds and weedettes!

PSA: Fuck Joe Biden.

Commissioner Wretched

Rats of the Cong go apparently to Hack Stone for being FIRST on the Veterans’ Day WOT. Guess the Magic 8-Ball was right this time?

Hack Stone

Be sure that your Magic 8-Ball has a valid calibration sticker attached, otherwise you’ll take a hit on that FASMO.

Lurker Curt

Present for the FIRST (h/t to KoB) time in a while

Commissioner Wretched

With the coveted FIRST being under Hack Stone’s care for the next week, I humbly present a trivia column for all to enjoy. So … enjoy, already.

Who was the original choice for the role of Colonel Klink in “Hogan’s Heroes”?
By Commissioner Wretched
Thanksgiving is coming up later this month. That’s a wonderful holiday, and yet it is one I dread.

Why do I dread it, you ask? Well, I’ve been on something of a dietary kick for the last couple of years, having managed to lose more than 100 pounds of unwanted me in the process, and Thanksgiving – being a holiday centered around food – is a real challenge.

Commissioner Wretched

The challenge, of course, is knowing when to stop, especially when there are so many more delightful consumables on the table. In years past, I would take my Thanksgiving meal at an all-you-can-eat restaurant (I’ve tasted my own cooking and lived to tell about it), and recently I’ve been invited by dear friends to join them for the holiday repast.

The hardest part is knowing when to quit.

So I have to focus on that. At the same time, I also want to focus on this week’s trivia, so here you are … excuse me while I go plan how not to gain weight in a couple of weeks.

Commissioner Wretched

Did you know …

… one tablespoon of honey is the collective lifetime work of twelve honeybees? (That makes me feel bad about all the honey I’ve enjoyed, for some reason.)

… at least one of America’s Founding Fathers didn’t think Independence Day should be celebrated on July 4? John Adams (1735-1826), who served as first Vice-President and second President of the United States, felt it should be July 2. The reason? While the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, the actual vote on the resolution was two days before. (What’s 48 hours between patriots, anyway?)

Hack Stone

Another bit of trivia, prior to 1776, colonists under King George would celebrate Dependance Day every July 3.

Commissioner Wretched

… ants leave maps for other ants? Well, not exactly, but close enough. When ants walk along the ground, they leave a trail of pheromones which other ants can sense and follow. And the more ants that walk the trail, the stronger the trail of pheromones. The ants sense the pheromones with their antennae, as they do not give off any kind of odor.

… the shortest river in the world is in Montana? Called the Roe River, it is only 200 feet long, or just 2/3 the length of a football field. (Mighty rivers indeed!)

… the bite of a grizzly bear is strong enough to crush a bowling ball? (Yet another reason to keep a huge distance from a grizzly bear.)

Hack Stone

And to keep your bowling ball out of reach of the common bear.


I went down a bit of a rabbit hole on the Roe River and the Guinness World Record (I’m a nerd)…

It basically devolved into this weird pissing contest between the Lincoln County (Oregon) Chamber of Commerce and a Lincoln Elementary School (Great Falls, Montana) 5th-grade teacher, after an appearance by a future NFL punter/TE on The Tonight Show…

The wise people at Guinness did the only sensible thing and abandoned the category, altogether.

Commissioner Wretched

… an iconic character role in a 1960s comedy series was almost given to another actor? From 1965 to 1972, Hogan’s Heroes – a comedy set in a German prisoner-of-war camp in World War II – entertained millions with its almost inconceivable plot. Commanding the camp of Luft Stalag 13 was the incompetent Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Klink, played to perfection by Werner Klemperer (1920-2000). But Klemperer was not the original choice of the producers for the role – they initially wanted Howard Morris (1919-2005), best known perhaps as the character Ernest T. Bass on The Andy Griffith Show. Morris could do one of the best German accents in the business at the time, and his style of acting fit the original description of Klink. Klemperer, in fact, auditioned initially for the role of Sergeant Schultz, which went to John Banner (1910-1973). 

Commissioner Wretched

Following a few rounds of discussion, Klemperer won the revised role of Klink, and Morris was hired to direct several episodes of the series. According to sources who would know, Morris was thrilled to have the chance to direct. (I know nothing … nothing!)

Hack Stone

Quite a few interesting actors considered for roles they never landed.

Carroll O’Connor was a contender for Jonas “The Skipper” Grumby on Gilligan’s Island.

Studio executives wanted an actor on contract to portray Mike Brady on The Brady Bunch, that actor being Gene Hackman.

Farrah Fawcett was a contender for the role of Julie Kotter on Welcome Back, Kotter, but lost the role because producers thought she was too good looking to portray the wife of Gabe Kotter. ( Hack just learned this one today)

Would you believe that Don Adams was not the first actor to portray Maxwell Smart? Comedian Tom Poston was originally cast as Agent 86, but ABC rejected him for the role. The role was then given to Don Adams, and debuted on NBC. And that is probably one of the wisest casting decisions ever made, because Hack Stone recalls Poppa Stone busting a gut from laughing so hard.


Farrah & Michael Jackson died the same day. FF’s passing only got relatively small mention.

Hack Stone

Back when WTOP allowed comments on their news article, someone posted on the Michael Jackson death article that Farrah Fawcett died the same, and her death was getting no attention. Someone posted something like “Farrah Fawcett had a drug addicted jailbird son fathered by an alcoholic.”, to which Hack Stone responded that he did not know that Farrah Fawcett was Marion Barry’s mother. That comment got a lot of thumbs up.


Klemperer (a U.S. Army veteran born in Germany who also had his own uniforms for Klink made for accuracy/fit) specified in his contract that the Klink character wouldn’t succeed in his fictional schemes.

Commissioner Wretched

… some breakfast cereal is rather magnetic? Cereals like Wheaties™, which are fortified with added iron, have so much iron that individual flakes can be lifted with magnets. (If you decide to try that, take a picture and send it to me. I’d love to see it.)

… the largest species of snake which ever existed did so about 65 million years ago? Known to science as the Titanoboa, the fossilized remains of the snake show that it grew to a size of about 48 feet long and weighed about 2,500 pounds. (Uh … yeah.)

… if you add up the amount of time your eyes stay closed in blinking each day, you get about 30 minutes? (I really have to try to get one of those jobs where someone sits around and counts all that.)


Did you say Wheaties?


Years of eating Wheaties may result in this…😉😎

In all seriousness, we still like Bruce. Not sarc. Above statement was making light of his situation.


Well, Bruce could have ended up a cereal killer’ y’know.



Commissioner Wretched

… Great Britain once had a phone hotline to report errant traffic cones? Initiated in 1992, the idea was for people to call and report out-of-place traffic cones as a method of improving public service. The system was removed, however, after being mercilessly mocked as a waste of government money. (If they thought that was bad, I can list several dozen more that are sillier.)

… seven different types of twins exist? I know, you thought there were two: identical and fraternal. Nope. In addition to fraternal, you actually have: unique identical, mirror, conjoined, parasitic, semi-identical, female identical, and male identical twins. (And they say two heads are better than one …)

Commissioner Wretched

… a museum for rabbits can be found in the United States? The Bunny Museum, located in Altadena, California, is home to a massive collection of rabbit-themed art, memorabilia, and curiosities. It’s been called – seriously – the “hoppiest place on Earth.” (I can’t top that one, so I won’t try.)

… the last Medal of Honor for the Civil War was presented in 2014? President Barack Obama (born 1961) made the presentation to a cousin of First Lieutenant Alonzo Cushing (1841-1863). Cushing had been killed in action during the Battle of Gettysburg while defending Union positions on Cemetery Ridge. His bravery had been noted, but not recognized, for 150 years following his death in the war.

… more people die annually from bee stings worldwide than from all poisonous snake attacks combined? (That’s the buzz, anyway.)

Now … you know!


The Bunny Museum still requires those visiting to wear masks or face coverings…



CW: You lost 100 Pounds!




Happy Veterans Day!

LOVE this guy’s Hoodie…His Hoodie is BETTER than Uncle Festus Fetterman’s!

Hoo-Aahh! 😉😎🇺🇲


We Is Bad…


Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.


What’s frightening is they would most likely win. Republicans campaign. Democrats count the votes.


Extracted from the Book of WOT Firsts (or as close to Veteran’s Day to make it a HOT/WOT), here are the past Holders of the Title:

2015 – Skippy (and rightfully he should hold the title, as he previewed he and his wife’s newest addition to the human race, Genevieve Hugette).

2016 – AW1 Ed

2017 – mike niner charlie

2018 – ChipNASA

2019 – Hack Stone

2020 – Wilted Willy

2021 – 5JC


I’ll settle for 35’th for today, this day of days !!!
I’m finishing up from painting my kitchen from a horrific prison issue color of chartreuse to a bright yellow that brings a lot of Sunshine into my beautiful home here on God’s gift to America and the world…
The Great State of Texas.
Here’s some of the natural beauty of this wonderful place.


I am a very tired Squid, cooked brunch at the VFW. 3 gallons of S.O.S. smoked a ham and a 15 lb chunk of beef, plus eggs, taters etc. Currently medicating my back with Mr Daniels magic elixir.


A blessed Veteran’s Day to all of you here on TAH.


Oooooo looking forward to the 3-peat Thanksgiving


Happy Veterans’ Day to all you vets.

Added two things last Monday to my Thanksgiving List:
1) The cardiologist said my irregular heartbeat (post vaccine) is gone, he doesn’t need to see me again.
2) The oncologist said I’m in remission.

Rain in the AO. Turnips coming up in the garden – they may make if we don’t get a freeze. In Texas anything seems possible.

Got out & planted some freedom seeds this week. Was overall pleased with split times and accuracy.

Hope y’all have a great week. Don’t let the turkeys get you down.


Great news on both counts! I still wake up 2-3x/wk with a racing heart since Austin made me get the vaccine over a year ago.

Good luck with the turnips.

Freedom seeds need planting, now more than ever.


Dang. Hope you recover from that too! Too bad we can’t make Austin pay your medical bills.

I still have two nieces who are not speaking to me because I dared to question the CDC and rejected any further experimentation on my carcass.

“People will forgive you for being wrong. They seldom forgive you for being right.”

Harris County went even deeper blue this cycle. Their trash comes up I-45 to our AO – we gotta keep locked and loaded to deal with it.


Austin might not be paying my medical bills, but the people who voted for the people who put him in charge certainly are (democracy always fails because the people are stupid).

Family is a block obstacle, but it breaches itself. I’m sure your nieces will come around; hopefully sooner rather than later.

Despite a quarter-century in uniform, I aged very well (some say it’s genetics, others that I insist on remaining immature)… I still get ID’d for beer. My daughter (now 21) refuses to introduce me to her college friends. Should I be wounded by her assumptions or proud of her wisdom?

A Proud Infidel®™

ME HERE now, and I once again award myself Honorary First.



Mark Kelly has been declared the victor in the Arizona Senate race over republican challenger Blake Masters. Senate now tied at 49-49. Awaiting Nevada & the Georgia runoff. GOP need both, and Dems need one (Kamala the tie breaker).


At this point, I’m OK with the Dems winning every remaining race. In two years, they won’t have a divided Congress to blame for the shit show.


Look who’s back in the saddle news again.
Worse, he chose Veterans Day.
Worser, his lawsuit contains the words “not a battlefield”.


[Alec Baldwin Sues to “Clear His Name” in ‘Rust’ Shooting] https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/alec-baldwin-files-counter-complaint-rust-shooting-1235260733/

Last edited 2 years ago by MarineDad61

Thanks for the link. In the article, it says Baldwin alleges in his cross-complaint that he pulled back the hammer and released it and the pistol fired. That admission confirms my speculation that he pulled the hammer all the way to full cock and then released it while holding back the trigger. In that mode, the pistol will fire. The only other way it would do so is if he pulled the trigger with the hammer in full cock. The FBI confirmed that with tests on the death SAA clone. Baldwin and whoever loaded the pistol with what were supposed to be dummy rounds should share liability for the death. The husband’s wrongful death suit has been settled by Baldwin and the production company for an undisclosed amount.


In other words, the pistol functioned as intended and designed and Alec Baldwin is a dumbass. Here’s hoping he picks a fight with the wrong person and gets put down. He has a bad temper and a tendency to go after those he perceives as weaker. That can put you in a bad situation if you start shit with the wrong guy or gal.

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) takes it in the ass.



I guess you hate that veterans are getting lifetime passes to national parks.


No. It’s much more personal than that. We’re just not that into you.


Those passes are no big deal, they were giving them out at the national parks at the entrances to everyone over 55 or 60 for years. I have one I was given over 13 years ago at Mt. Rushmore.


This seems like another case of President Scratch-&-Sniff taking credit for something that’s been established for a while.

*Except, of course, it allows for bad-paper shitbirds to claim veteran status. Because quality of service is oxymoronic for Kandahar Joe.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hate_me