Wagging the Dog
Never let a crisis go to waste. “We will continue to stand with the people of Ukraine as they defend their freedom and independence with extraordinary courage and boundless determination,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said.
Cool, Tony. You mean we will continue to dump billions of tax dollars into a black hole. I suppose a strategy with an end game is too much to ask for. So…
Since a hot war has broken out and Vlad is threatening to use nukes, this would be a great time to send in the 101st Airborne. For training, ya know. Poetrooper sends.
The U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne is practicing for war with Russia just miles from Ukraine’s border
Mihail Kogalniceanu, Romania — The U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division has been deployed to Europe for the first time in almost 80 years amid soaring tension between Russia and the American-led NATO military alliance. The light infantry unit, nicknamed the “Screaming Eagles,” is trained to deploy on any battlefield in the world within hours, ready to fight.
CBS News joined the division’s Deputy Commander, Brigadier General John Lubas, and Colonel Edwin Matthaidess, Commander of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, on a Black Hawk helicopter for the hour-long ride to the very edge of NATO territory — only around three miles from Romania’s border with Ukraine.
Got it, Vlad’s a bad actor and Russia has invaded a European neighbor. SecState Milquetoast’s rhetoric doesn’t exactly inspire and there is no cogent plan to end the conflict. If the Progs are suddenly worried about the economy (stupid), what do you suppose the markets will do when Vlad opens a basket of sunshine over the Black Sea? Better question, what will Joe’s Handlers do with the 101st?
Thanks, Poe.
Category: Big Pentagon, Dick Stepping, Russia, Ukraine
With as much respect as these fibers will allow, who the FUCK wrote this and WHAT have they done with our Ed?!
This clearly hacksorized and posted article was written by a madman of mine caliber!
The hunt is afoot for the bastards that done did this!
Agreed. I’d also like to point out proximity and stress lead to much mistake.
Let’s hope Joe’s, of either side, keep the rounds in their pants.
Democrats are hopin’…
I keep hearing this conspiracy theory that the Dims’ll shutdown the midterms with a false flag, domestically or abroad.
As much as I’d like to see a change in priorities for this country I have my doubts to what extent filling the Congress with a bunch of Republicants would really move then needle, thereby rendering a staged event moot.
All I really know, I’ve got nothing figured out:
Expects lots of “found” Democrats ballots again.
I’ll go ahead and make a note. Any attack that shuts down the election will be called by Roh Dog.
Certainly the intent is to make Biden look muscular instead of witless. Even placing the 101st on the board can’t fix that. If they play wag the dog with Russia the shit sandwich that gets unwrapped will end life as we know it. Even Dimwits handlers aren’t that damn stupid. If they unleash that kind of hell they will be the first against the wall.
Democrats are often known for putting politics before common sense. Just sayin’.
NO!!!! I’m not calling it! Others have! I’m going to have an alibi and multiple witnesses!!!!
You trying to get me Lee Harvey Oswalded?
oh. boy.
Personally, I’m good with paying to destroy Russia’s army by proxy. Definitely prefer more accountability in the expenditures though. Otherwise, do svidaniya, Ivan! (And all your equipment too.)
The RF is fully capable to reduce the Ukrainian infrastructure to the 1850s and will continue to do so until their newly-subsumed territories are left alone. (Putin’s words, not mine)
No sane individual should like what has happened, is happening, and what is to come. That being said, the time to take the pot off the burner is now, lest it boils over to a new hell:
I can hear the cries of ‘escalate to deescalate’ and ‘muh democracy’. Save it. War only enriches those who rule. Always has, always will.
(all this ain’t directed at you, PS. I got on a roll. I agree that the idea of reduction in RF armor is an attractive notion but limited in practice. Pyrrhic victory and all that)
Democrats want the “short, victorious war” which is often neither (as the Argentines found over the Falklands).
Just in time for us to get more involved in that Tar Baby (can we still say that?) and give prezzy sniffy creepy’s handlers to declare a National Emergency and postpone (indefinitely) the mid-term elections. They are concerned that the polls are correct and the demonrats are going to take a shellacking on 8 November.
Odd that the WWIII that Trump was supposed to get us into comes around 2 years after he “lost” the election.
You can still say that. At least as long as I’m alive and loyal to the principals on which this nation was founded, you can say whatever the fuck you want.
Even if I disagree with what you’re saying (I don’t, in this case, because I appreciate literary history over butthurt bullshit).
We are expending treasure, a very little American blood, cooperating with Ukraine in destroying what was once considered a near peer military while also shortening the life expectancy of one of the most destabilizing anti American regimes in the world. A mafia state dictatorship that exports weapons to every one of our enemies and is a major source of both cybercrime and international money laundering (with all its market distorting effects).
We also get the benefit of actually doing the ethically right thing in supporting Ukraine and being on the right side of history in Europe…again.
This is a bargain for the US.
Anyone that is against our support for Ukraine is consuming too much Russian propaganda.
We have spent what? $13 billion in aid, military equipment, training, and INVESTMENTS…investments that likely will recoup some of these costs.
Our annual defense budget is $760 billion…and this has done more to degrade a threat nation than decades of defense spending.
This is honestly your opinion? How… liberal of you.
Fuck your dirty little war, Lars. The current admin of Ukraine would be something you’d idolize.
You are again missing the point. Putin gives a rats turd about anything except Putin. If he has to destroy the world to declare victory for himself he will.
Dementia Joe knows that his days are numbered his sole mission is to try to win the election because he will probably be not alive for the next one.
More like 40 Billion USD, Lars, and no end-game. Just keep throwing tax dollars into a black hole ’till the end of time? Fuck that noise.
Stay classy!
The frequency in which you all agree with Russia and Putin on what American foreign policy should be, and what American domestic policy should be…is alarming.
And it should be a wake up call regarding the information streams you all trust.
There is a reason Putin is funneling millions into GOP campaigns through straw donors.
There is a reason CPAC likes to invite Putin aligned autocrats as guest speakers. And CPAC tweets Russian propaganda using Russian talking points and on at least once occasion; tthe Russian flag.
And there is a reason a popular right wing media source has current and former Russian state journalists on their payroll.
And I don’t think it is a coincidence that Tucker Carlson has been one of the most effective and celebrated propagandists in Russian history. When he whined about being spied on by the NSA he inadvertently admitted he communicates with Russian intermediaries.
Goddamn… you’re boring.
Today, on this episode of I’m Old Enough to Remember:
Tucker is an American citizen and journalist. As much as it pains you, he has the right to privacy. Why don’t you concern yourself with real issues like how does the MIC/NSA spy. Edward Snowden dropped that nugget years ago and I’ve heard nary a complaint about that from you.
Illiberal snot.
HEY Major Moonbat, despite me not having the Kollidje edjukayshun you have, I bet that I make more money than you do, I have very useful Blue-Collar Skills that I make a nice living from and last week I made a campaign donation in your name to Hershel Walker’s campaign for the US Senate.
WTF? Who agreed with Russia about what?
Lars is lock-wired in the transmit mode, 5JC. He spouts a litany of Prog talking points, each more ludicrous than the one before. The rest of us lower life forms are in awe of his conviction.
He’s on the Media Matters’ distro list.
He has to earn those Soros bucks; we can’t expect him to subsist solely on government cheese.
He is a hot mike of bullshit.
It’s a mistake. Both Biden and this war.
Men At Work – It’s a Mistake (Video) – YouTube
Great tune from an underrated band.
My turn?
On WTF ARMY they covered the rodent infestation of the 101st camp,,,, NASTY.
They got first pick, so we got stuck with the seagull.
Do they no longer teach joes how to mitigate the limited MRE selection?
Rats is protein, and quite tender when braised in beer.
It’s also the best way to prevent hantavirus. Do they no longer teach environmental health?
The deploying 101st Soldiers do not represent additional U.S. forces in Europe, but are taking the place of Soldiers assigned to 82nd Airborne Division Headquarters and the 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the 82nd Airborne Division. 101st Airborne Does Photo Op In Romania – A Son of the New American Revolution (sonar21.com)
As usual, more spin (read propaganda) to make it sound nefarious and we are preparing to enter the war. 4,600 light infantry soldiers – not likely to have the Russians shaking in their boots.
Ah I see, CBS does play it up a bit to try to make Joe look strong. It’s actually more like 10,400 troops with the 3rd ID shuffle.
“…CBS does play it up a bit to try to make Joe look strong.” Occam’s razor – this makes the most sense. I am curious – what is your source for the 10k soldiers? And also pardon my ignorance of Army (go Navy!) organization, but what is the 3rd ID?
Feel your pain, aG. I still have my Navy-Army Transliteration Guide near at hand. Third Infantry Division-
Third Infantry Division (army.mil)
Ol’ Poe generally prefers the much broader based Squiddish-All Other English online translator… 😜
Another doggie barking, my, my. Wonders will never cease around here.
The deployment was announced back in May. I used to keep up with such things back in the day.
“As usual, more spin (read propaganda) to make it sound nefarious and we are preparing to enter the war.”
Well this liberal four-star seems to think we just might do that very thing, Grim:
David Petraeus: US May Lead Multinational Force Against Russia in Ukraine (thegatewaypundit.com)
CON-gress critters, and their family load up on defense stocks…BOHICA!
Are we to be told the status of how many of the deployed Soldiers have been vaccinated against COVID, and have completed their DEI and Recognizing White Rage training, or is that subject to operational security?
Of course it is. Diversity is a force multiplier.
“Diversity is a force multiplier. We must do this together — all ranks and ages, races and religions, sexual orientations and identities — all of us.”
Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria, USAF
If this shit gets any deeper, Department of Defense will start recalling military officers with expertise in Ukraine – Russian relations.
Ensign Hunter Biden, reporting for duty!
It should have been inmate Hunter Biden locked up tight in the stockade. Oh well, we can dream.