Portland politician back in the news for Stolen Valor accusation

| October 16, 2022

Seems Jo Ann Hardesty of the Portland City Council is getting some more news attention, this time from being accused of stolen valor. You may remember mention of her before – she is an extremely left-wing lady on the Porland, OR City Council. Now, if you stand out as left-wing in THAT mess you have to be something special, huh? She received national attention a while back, when on her way home from a casino she disagreed with her Lyft driver – for refusing to roll up an open window (which was rolled down per Lyft’s Covid precautions.) Poor guy was damned if ya do, damned… His solution to an obstreperous passenger was to drop her at a  gas station. Hers was to call the cops.

“Well, I’ve got a Lyft driver that decided he would just drop me off at a filling station. Well, I’m not getting out of the car, in the dark, at a filling station, not happening – all because I asked him to put the window up. I’m not leaving.”[ Wiki

Kind of a surprised HE didn’t call the cops first.

Anyway, she’s described as a defund-the-police (except when you want one) Antifa-supporting liberal firebrand who seems to repeatedly make an ash of herself. She has been targeted for large personal debt (maybe she should take lessons from Stacey Abrams?), channeling funding to friends  and dubious contacts.  But her latest row is with an unnamed self-described veteran who claims she has misrepresented her Navy service career and wants answers:

According to the man, he had partnered with a non-profit to file a Freedom of Information Act request for her military service records. He cited a 2018 Portland Mercury endorsement of Hardesty which claimed “your campaign had given them paperwork. They said you were honorably discharged in 1979 before continuing in the reserves into 1984.”

“All of that is a lie,” the man stated. “So, I’m just wondering what information you actually gave the Portland Mercury?”

The man went on to say, “But that’s not the only misinformation I found… In other interviews and on the city’s website you have said you served aboard the Samuel Gompers from 1978 to 1983.”

“As I said, I have your military records. That’s a lie. You served aboard for 13 months.”

The man then stated, “I’m going to move off the military records for just a moment and talk about your fake college degree, Ms. Hardesty. On LinkedIn, you claim a college degree from a Baltimore Community College, but on election filings, you admit, in the 2018 election filings for city council…” but was abruptly cut off by Hardesty, who asked Mayor Ted Wheeler, “Should I allow him to continue to lie about me on the public record?”

The man objected to Hardesty attempting to silence him, to which Wheeler replied, “Let’s do this. You finish and then the commissioner gets to respond. How about that?”

The man agreed but Hardesty got up and stormed out of the room.

The man continued by saying, “So back to the fake college degree on LinkedIn, Commissioner Hardesty claims an Associate’s of Business from the Community College of Baltimore, but in the 2018 city filing for city commissioner, she admits that she dropped out and she does not have a college degree.”

Post Millenial

I am shocked – SHOCKED! –  that a politician might lie about their past record. But it seems to me that since she made her service a matter of public record, she should have proof of what she claims. Any vet I know has their 214, for instance. Disclosure – all the reporting on this is from a right-wing reporter with whom she has an on ongoing “adverse relationship”, and corroboration from other sources is almost non-existent at this point.

In the long run, this may matter little – Baron Samedi Ms.Hardesty trails her election opponent in the polls 49 to 22%, so unless she pulls a Biden, she’s history.  Hopefully Portland will serenade her out with:  Roy Clark

Category: 2022 Elections, Democrats, Politics

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Hack Stone

Maybe her military service was classified, much like JR Majewski’s time in Afghan of The Stan.

If she does indeed lose her seat, she’ll need to explore other careee options. Anyone know of All Points Logistics has a branch in Portland?


I don’t think so, but perhaps there is a place for her at a proud, but humble, woman-owned tech company that sells Red Hat software to the government. Her public sector background and experience in trying to close windows may suit her well in the role of “Director of Postal Operations.”


Lying, embellishing Skrunt. My shelf of shocked faces is as barren as my field of phuques.

Green Thumb

An All-Points Logistics diversity hire.

Phil Monkress would be a fool to pass this one up.


Remember kids, stolen valor, or inflating you military service for personal gain, what ever it may be, is ALWAYS the rancid cherry on top of the shit Sunday that is you.
As horrid a person as she is, I have to wonder what her rate was? Maybe she failed out of A-school and spent those 13 months aboard ship chipping paint and doing every shit detail they needed bodies for? If she was a guy I could see her claiming SEAL, only to be outed in this fashion. And of course she never finished college, yet says she did. Those idiots in Portland need to vote her out next month.

Daisy Cutter

This photo appears to be her from the USS Samuel Gompers (AD-37) 1982-1983 cruise book, pg 28, Admin Dept – a Personnelman 3rd Class Petty Officer. She said on another website she was in personnel. She is not found in the 1981 or 1984 cruise book under Administration, but could have been a non-rate striker in another department. Her last name was Allen at the time.

Although the last name is obscured, photo confirmed on a tweet from her at: https://twitter.com/joannpdx/status/1326602233849413632?lang=zh-Hant

PN3 Allen-USS Samuel Gompers 1982-83 Cruise Book pg 28.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by Daisy Cutter
Old tanker

Does anyone actually think that the portland voters are going to care she lied, about anything? She has the eminent qualifications for office. She is black, she is identifying as a she, she is demokrat and she is liberal. Therefore there are no grounds from removing her from any office in liberal hell hole portland, home of antifa.


Well, so far she’s down 27 percentage points, but since this IS Portland, the question becomes whether her opponent is just as much of a loon, if not more so. I get the feeling that regardless of who sits in that seat, the policies won’t change. But, like Mencken said, they (the Portland voter) deserve to get it good and hard.


Her opponent is another Democrat because she failed to a majority in the primary. That Democrat wants to refund the police.

But this telling:

“Gonzalez: Commissioner Hardesty, have crime and homelessness gotten better in Portland since you were elected to City Council, or have they gotten worse?
Hardesty: The factors that contributed to houselessness and violence were not directly related to my role on Portland’s City Council. As you well know, we’ve had a pandemic. We had a worldwide racial justice movement. We had wildfires and no one on City Council worked harder for the most vulnerable people that we have in the city of Portland. I’ve been a champion for 30 years and I will continue to be a champion for folks who have never had a voice at City Hall.”

So crime is caused by wildfires and the pandemic? Waiting on proof for that. The worldwide racial justice movement? Not sure what she means… If she is talking about her BLM protests, than yeah that triggered a ton of crime.


Yep. It’s Portland. Replacement will be even more radical and nutty.

Not sure how many sane people are left in that city. Most people with any common sense probably left long ago.


Someone that lived there said this is spot on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErRHJlE4PGI

Last edited 1 year ago by tshe
USMC Steve

There ya go. She is black, she is female, she is a socialist democrat. That is all they need to see or know. And she will screw them every opportunity she gets to make out for herself. And they will deserve it for voting for her based on unimportant and irrelevant nonsense.


Well, ole lying Joe Biden (the big guy) sets the bar high for telling baldface lies as a public official. She is only following his lead.


Burnt Skeleton is a keeper!

Skivvy Stacker

That’s it!! The Crypt Keeper!!
I KNEW she reminded me of someone (or someTHING) familiar.


Comrade Hardesty is my HERO!!!

Retired Mustang

Now, now….Jo Ann is better than beatlejuice….at least she is a veteran. No stolen valor here. No embellishment here. The real embarrassment – the people who voted for her.

Skivvy Stacker

She looks like “Snoop Bitchy Dog”.

Green Thumb

She kinda resembles the Crypt Keeper.



Crypt Keeper and Nancy Pelosi’s love demon.


Education AND military service LIES on her Wiki….

[After graduating from high school,
Hardesty joined the United States Navy.
She served for
six years
and was stationed in the Philippines.]

[She graduated from Edmondson-Westside High School and
earned an Associate of Arts degree
in business and accounting
from the Baltimore City Community College]



Cue up the Village People.

“In the Navy” (Simpsons version here)
“Y.M.C.A.”, but substituting the acronym “F.O.I.A.”

John Seabee

That’s a LADY???? Surely you jest…

John Seabee

Baron Samedi??? C’mon now, the good Baron is much better than her skanky features. Perhaps she is more akin to Grande Ezili