Self-inflicted, willful ignorance on the Left

| March 9, 2008


On Little Green Footballs, there’s a link to a Daily Kos diary entry (you’ll have to go to LGF to see the article – I don’t want those peawits over here) that seeks to defend the way women are treated in the Islamic world by essentially claiming they have it the same under all religions;

…there’s little support for the notion that women living in “traditional” Islamic cultures enjoy a lower social status than those in orthodox Christian, Jewish or Hindu communities, to name a few examples. Think of the perfectly backwards Eastern Orthodox Church, the largest Christian communion in the world. Or consider the country where women may be brutalized more terribly than in any other, the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is 70 percent Christian and 10 percent Muslim. Or go to Utah, where tens of thousands of Mormon fundamentalists believe that women are literally the property of their fathers or husbands.

Well, when I read that, it made me fairly angry that someone could be so ignorant as to disregard everything we’ve learned over the past few years – learned because the scales fell from our eyes.

I read this on Invincible Armor (in reference to this CNN article);

Crimes against women in Iraq’s south have included killings and amputations.

Police chief: “Two women were killed in front of their kids”.

Not wearing headscarves, other violations of “Islamic teachings” bring crimes.

Woman tells CNN “fear is always there,” but “we don’t know who to be afraid of”.

Yeah, I’ve heard the same complaints from Mormon women (insert eye roll here).

How about these honor killing victims – women and teenage girls – from Atlas Shrugs. When was the last time a father and brother killed teenage daughters and sisters for breaking the tenets of Christianity?

Does anyone think these missing/murdered models (link to Fausta’s Blog) were kidnapped by Buddhist extremists? Are there Eastern Orthodox Christians publicly stoning their women and hanging homosexuals from construction cranes?

How willingly ignorant can these people be to blame these atrocities on a few “extremists” and equate the barbarity inflicted on Islamic women with the treatment of women in more civil and modern cultures? It’s this blatant, self-inflicted ignorance that has gotten us to this place in time.

All of the statistical analysis mumbo-jumbo like “I’ve seen no empirical data to suggest that an Islamic majority itself correlates with the subordination of women better than other co-variables like…blah, blah, blah…” is boob bait for the bubbas (to borrow a phrase from Pat Moynihan). In the comment section of the Kos piece, all of the mental midgets fall in line with the typical “separation of church and state”, “all extremists are dangerous” blather often reserved for their empty-head, rattle-nodding to make each other feel smarter than they could ever hope.

These same Leftists who excuse the inexcusable in Islam in this day and age, are the same people who judge our own history outside of the context of it’s own time. There’s no other phrase for it than self-inflicted, willful ignorance.

Category: Foreign Policy, Society, Terror War

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I wish to send a simple message to the men of Islam. I will say it with love, but I will be firm with truth, as I think strategies must change: If you will honor what the Prophets (peace be upon them) have taught us. If you will ask Allah (SWT) to open your eyes, you will see that the greatest thing you’ll ever learn is how to love and forgive, despite what people may do to you. Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was the Holy Qur’an personified. And he (SAWS) was a kind and gracious messenger, teacher, and example, sent to us, because we are here on Earth to learn. What really destroys a man and causes him to sin is pride. I solemly say to you, that love covers a multitude of sins. By your good and kind example you could lead and inspire your wives and daughters to want to be good and patient in life, but by choosing harsh, belittling, and corporal treatment of the women in your lives you kill the spirit and create the desire to flee. You also risk your own souls experiencing the same rejection by Allah (SWT). Truly, Allah (SWT) hears the cries and pleas of women. On the last day, many will be the men who’s hearts will not be able to lie before Allah (SWT)and their own hearts will condemn them. Allah (SWT) will simply administer justice and order an angel to throw them on the fire. Allah (SWT) will say: “I (SWT)never knew you, I (SWT) know my followers by name. And they strive to be as merciful, compassionate, and gracious as I (SWT) have been to you.” For every kind word and positive reaction, in the face of negative conflict, there is the greatest reward. As Muslims, we never have anything to lose (even pride), because we should recognize that we don’t have anything anyway. Everything belongs to Allah (SWT) – even our will and pride; even our children and spouses – and what we seem to possess, is simply on loan to us by the graciousness of Allah… Read more »


Well when I saw piss Christ I was disgusted but when I saw the Prophet (pbuh) cartoons, I realized the difference between Christianity and Islam. Islam DOES NOT TURN THE OTHER CHEEK and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT, so those on the left who speak of human rights, not wanting to lose their head over the issue (literally) stay quiet.

IF Christians even thought of much less imposed Sharia law upon western women, the feminists would be barking at the moon.