Iran Deal II Disaster

| August 29, 2022

Iran is the world’s number one state sponsor of terror, funding Hamas and Hezbollah. Last week Iranian missiles struck near the U.S. consulate in northern Iraq. In Yemen, Iran provided advanced equipment such as unmanned aircraft, training and other support to Houthi militants. The Mad Mullahs have allowed Al Qaeda facilitators to operate a core training pipeline through their country since at least 2009. The Iranian’s have continued support for terrorist plots targeting Iranian dissidents in Europe such as Salman Rushdie, and now here in the United States.

These facts are no mystery- they’re stated here- US Department of State

One of the Trump’s triumphs was cancellation of Obama’s “Joint Cooperative Plan of Action” deal (JCPOA) with Iran. That was then.

Medicated Joe’s Handlers are obsessed with renewing the Obama Iran deal. They’re dedicated to undoing everything Trump did during his term, regardless of benefit or effectiveness. MJH’s are also unhappy with Obama-legacy personnel’s criticisms, so the combined ego of this administration wants to outdo Obama’s and believes a new version of the JCPOA would do just that.

And damn the consequences.

Israeli spy chief reportedly slams Iran Deal as ‘strategic disaster’

Andrew Miller – Thursday

Mossad chief David Barnea said in a recent meeting that the United States “is rushing into an accord that is a lie,” Times of Israel reported on Thursday.

Barnea was also quoted as saying that the deal is “very bad for Israel” and “a strategic disaster.”

Barnea explained that the deal as it currently stands “gives Iran license to amass the required nuclear material for a bomb” while also providing financial benefits to Tehran that could help the country advance terror through proxies.

Several Israeli leaders past and present have railed against the reinstatement of an Iran nuclear deal. The current prime minister this week urged President Joe Biden and Western powers to call off talks with Iran on the issue.

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid called the emerging agreement a “bad deal” and suggested that Biden has failed to honor red lines he had previously promised to set.

“The countries of the West draw a red line, the Iranians ignore it, and the red line moves,” Lapid told reporters at a press conference in Jerusalem. An emerging deal, Lapid said, “does not meet the standards set by President Biden himself: preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear state.”


This is the road to a Middle East Nuclear Arms Race, and this administration is wedded to the insanity. There is a slim hope. If Dems refuse to submit the new Iran deal for congressional review, they will be violating the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (INARA). Stay tuned.

Category: Government Incompetence, Iran

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There is a slim hope. If Dems refuse to submit the new Iran deal for congressional review, they will be violating the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (INARA). Stay tuned.”

And they care not a whit, and the RINO’s don’t have the balls to call them out on it / put a stop to it, so they will do what they want, and get away with it as usual.. Just ask Hunter..


About Hunter… that other shoe….


If it’s stupid, Democrats will insist upon it!


And too many stupid people will keep voting for them.

I keep wondering at what stage will some of these idiots finally wake up, the New Great Depression or Nuclear strikes in CONUS courtesy of WW3.


Nuke the site from orbit…it’s the only way to be sure.


A Proud Infidel®™

All Biden will do is say *DUHH!* as he barely avoids shitting his pants while he signs it like Soros and his ilk tell him to.


Barry and the Brothers sings, Inshallada with cheese.

Bagdad Bob said it’s a mostly peaceful storming of the Palace too…


“This is the road to a Middle East Nuclear Arms Race.” Not quite. Mutually Assured Destruction will not hold Iran at bay – they have openly confessed to an intention to destroy Israel given the means and opportunity. They have the motive already – Muslim hatred of all things Jewish. This ends one way – mushroom clouds.


At a hotel bar in Abu Dhabi a few years ago, I almost got in a fight with an Iranian who took issue with something some PSYOP douchebag had said. My Standard Arabic isn’t bad, but my Farsi is nothing and my gulf dialect is almost as bad – so I don’t know why he was pissed, but I got the impression that it didn’t matter. He wanted a fight and trusted that his connections would beat ours as soon as the authorities got involved.

We didn’t take the bait, thankfully, but I’ve no faith in mutually-assured distraction being a deterrent for that country.



Autocorrect is digital tyranny


It’s been nearly 15 minutes since Iran has threatened to kill all the Jews in nuclear fire. Biden, the anti-semite, likely finds this reasonable. The sad thing is the Trump Peace process was working and they simply threw it out.


I would love to wake up some morning and see that Israel
destroyed the entire leadership of Iran overnight along with any
infrastructure related to nukes, nuke technology and any people
working on it.
Now that would send a message. To Obama and his Cabal.

Old tanker

There is just no limit to the stupidity president dementia will demonstrate.

IMO liberal dems (are there really any other kind today?) should be listed as domestic terrorists. Given what this administration wants to do in the middle east they should qualify as terrorists internationally as well.

Last edited 2 years ago by Old tanker

Sorry Israel, if you haven’t noticed fucking over friends and allies is what we do. If we sign the agreement and Israel gets nuked are we then a state sponsor of terrorism?