Times Square recruiting station bombed

| March 6, 2008


Photo from Associated Press

The US military’s busiest recruiting station was bombed early this morning by…well, your guess is as good as mine. Laughing Wolf at Blackfive writes;

Well, Berekeley upped the ante; and, now it appears someone has met them and raised again….

AP tells why the Times Square was chosen;

The recruiting station was renovated in 1999 to better fit into the flashy ambiance of Times Square, using neon tubing to give the glass and steel office a patriotic American flag motif. For a half century, the station was the armed forces’ busiest recruiting center. It has set national records for enlistment, averaging about 10,000 volunteers a year.

Big Dog explains why he thinks it’s domestic terrorists and not one of our more traditional enemies;

The bomb in Times Square elevates the resistance to our military to a new level. Certainly, this could have been an act of terror but I dismiss this idea because a terrorist would have wanted a detonation when people were around so as to maximize death and destruction. The person who did this in the early morning hours is a coward who was making some sort of statement. The bomber chose this particular time because he lacked the testicular fortitude to confront the recruiters with his violence, and act that would have allowed them to dispatch him in short order.

Gateway Pundit has some pictures of the damage and some likely suspects;

Michele Malkin rounds up the news so far. Ed Morrisey at Hot Air writes;

Now the movement has decided to morph into domestic terrorism. Of course, the people responsible will claim that they bombed the office during the night to keep anyone from being hurt. That’s exactly the same kind of rationalization that people like the Weather Underground and the SLA used at first, anyway — that terrorism was justified by their politics. In fact, a few like William Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn still claim that.

When an unoccupied aborton clinic is bombed (I think that’s wrong and evil, too, by the way) the media and activists are all over it condemning the act, I wonder if this will get the same exposure. Probably not. Since no one was hurt, it’ll be ignored – until next time when someone is injured or killed. But if this was indeed intentional the FBI and local cops should track these felons and goof balls to the ends of the earth and then deal them harsh sentences to prevent the next little weasel coward from killing himself or others.

UPDATE: The best I’ve read today comes from Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs;

The left is already in a tizzy over the event worried that it’s going to cause a backlash against them. In the words of Kos Diarist Cool Blue Reason.

“Inevitably, we’re going to start hearing about “left-wing terrorism” from the usual suspects in the media. And I’m guessing the drumbeat is going to be especially loud in this political environment.”

And you know what CBR, you are absolutely correct. Do you want to know why, the reason is because you are more than happy to surround your self and associate with those who openly hate and attack those who defend us. You support groups like Code Pink and MoveOn.org who call our soldier’s baby killers and murderers. You clap when “students” swarm and destroy recruiting stations and you support world leaders who actively call for the destruction of the very country that defends your right to do so.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Protests/Rallies, Terror War

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Recruiting Station in New York Bombed…

At 3:45 this morning a bomb went off at a Times Square recruiting office shattering the glass front with an impact that was felt in surrounding buildings. No one was injured in the blast and police are looking into reports of a person on a bike who mi…


[…] This ain’t Hell wonders if we’ll see the same amount of coverage as we do when an abortion clinic is attacked. […]

509th Bob

With their “Recreate ’68” meme, nobody should be surprised as this type of crap happens. After all, unlike abortion clinics, which are “guarded” by 18 U.S.C. 248, Congress is unwilling (if not afraid) to pass a similar law protecting access to recruiting stations. Will the FBI, ATF, or local law enforcement expend any real energy tracking these people down? No, not really. If, by pure happenstance, they identify the person or persons responsible, they will take action. But, as demonstrated by the gutlessness of the Berkeley Police Department, and the Washingon Metropolitan Police Department (regarding the vandalism of a recruiting station by the SDS), don’t hold your breath waiting for the law to enforced against left-wing hippie thugs.