Being a cisgendered heterosexual ‘does not’ make you straight

| July 17, 2022

The term “cisgender” means a person who identifies with their biological sex. According to the linked Yahoo!life article, gender and sexuality exist on a spectrum. There is an implication that the traditional definition of a heterosexual, sexually attracted to the opposite gender, should be redefined based on the “multiple genders” concept. The article combines the two into “cishet”.

From Yahoo!life :

First, let’s take a step back. For the most part, society in the U.S. is heteronormative, meaning that it’s set up with the assumption that most people are heterosexual and cisgender, says Harvey. For example, there’s not a coming out process associated with being cishet, as there is for individuals who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Because of that, everything from legal systems and medical forms to children’s books and the variety of greeting cards available at your local CVS is geared toward being cishet. If you don’t identify as such, the experience can run the gamut from isolating to dangerous to everything in between.

For those who identify as cishet to be more inclusive, it’s important to think about the language you use, not make assumptions about someone’s sexual or gender identity, and generally “try to walk around with an active mind,” says Harvey. “There’s just so much engrained stuff around gender and sexuality that it can be really hard to undo that.”

Saung adds that conversations about privilege often define the term as being a special advantage in society. Certainly, privilege can manifest in that way, but they say, you should instead think about the idea as “a lack of additional barriers.”\

One way to educate yourself is learning about the symbolism of the LGBTQ+ pride flags:

“It’s less about it being a kind of positive step up and more of an absence of obstacles or things that get in your way based on who you are,” Saung explains.

When you’re in a position of privilege, it’s important to realize that not everyone has the same opportunities or access as you do. That said, Saung notes that it’s less about helping those with less privilege than you and more about understanding how all of our systems–gender included–hurt all of us. Making legislative tweaks and passing laws that address issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community one at a time can make a positive difference, sure, but recognizing your privilege and how it allows you to move easily through the world compels you to ask the question, how can we create a new system that values everyone?

And that sounds like a future worth fighting for.

Yahoo!life has the article here.

Category: Democrats, Liberals suck, Society, YGBSM!!

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This us why jihadists think the west are destructive preverts and try to blow us up.


Not so sure. Most jihadists I’ve come across were also pedophiles with a strong preference for males and sometimes young girls. If the prophet consummated his marriage with a 9 year old why would he want to be different?


As always with totalitarian crazies, it’s okay when they do it.


I don’t need to ‘undo’ shit.

I’m normal. It’s ok to be normal.

I tolerate those with different; opinions, motives or ideals; conditionally, so long as they don’t effect me.

Then there’s another group, a group that makes me want to hold someone’s face against a belt sander.

That group put themselves “in a position of privilege” and have wielded undue influence in order to alter all of society, using contrived harm to form grievances. The choices this group make are sacrosanct to our Leaders, so now The Unliberal Alliance make laws to force dissenters conform to The Others’ choices.

It’s a religion of Man. The catechism is abrogation of Nature and Her perfection for the trite wind of ill-constructed morality.

I’m not sure perfectly how the story resolves, but history indicates a high probability of mass graves. And no one wants that*.

*anyone rational, anyway.


Testify! I’m a male that likes real, biologically born that way females. Going by current Tee Vee shows and commercials I must be the queer one.


There’s gotta be a joke about gun bunnies and their love of tubes in there, somewhere.

The Stranger

Oh shit…it’s about to be on like Donkey Kong! Don’t mind me, I’ll just be sitting in that corner over there munching on some popcorn 🍿.


STR8 is OK! No H8n!

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous

These insane* perverts want to force me to date an insane pervert who thinks he is a girl?

Let me introduce them to a Mossy Maverick 88 in 12ga, ‘K?

*insane =df someone who does not recognize what is real, has no logic to their beliefs, and insists that their psychotic visions are real.


Ho Lee Fuk buying a greeting card is dangerous now?

I am live and let live (with a whole lot of I don’t want to know/care) when it comes to this stuff but for fucks sake they need to quit spamming the world with it.

Prior Service

The only thing even close to right in this article is that most people are normal-sorry, “heteronormative.” (How wrong is it that auto-fill was nice enough to bring that word up so I didn’t have to go look back in the post.)

A Proud Infidel®™

I say if it has a dick it ain’t a Chick!


Correctamundo. A fellow (actual adult male) who likes real adult females is not a “hater” just because he doesn’t want to be surprised by a large cock under “her” skirt.

Mustang Major

Or even a small one!


If it ever had a dick, it’s still not a chick.

The Stranger

Thank you. It’s just a dude with tits.


In general my view on possession and quantity of penises in bed is limited. The quantity is one and it belongs to me.


Straight men must date Trans wom-
Stop! Just full fucking stop!
No, no they don’t. I see that regular ole’ gay men and lesbians are being labeled as Trans-phoebes
because they’re interested in other gay men and lesbians ONLY!
I heard an interview from a lesbian that was “outed” as a trans-phoebe for refusing to suck “women’s” d!cks…imagine? It’s the snake eating its own tail.


If a hormonally-addled teenage boy won’t get hard and jerk-off to it in the Sports Illustrated bikini issue, I ain’t even considering it. XX chromosomes only, baby!

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
AW1 Rod

MUST??? Nobody tells me I MUST anything…..especially who I MUST date…..trans or otherwise. I prefer my women with a double-X 23rd chromosome pair, and no dick!

They may eat a bowl of dicks. Trans dicks.


A dog doesn’t care what gender your leg is.

Mustang Major

26Limabeans, a spew alert might have helped on this comment.

A Proud Infidel®™

How about this fellow getting shagged by a rare Parrot? Enjoy!

shagged by a rare parrot – YouTube


I do not want to know what anyone else’s sexual preferences may be, particularly total strangers or people who appear to be emotionally compromise.


Enterprising Lawyers should bring a class action libel suit against the gay-mafia for appropriating the rainbow and use the Historicity of all Scripture and Archaeology to show it’s was a sign from God(He made them male and female) to man about a past event dealing with water and not a sign about deviant life styles.

Remember, 3in1 Oil is Holy Oil for the Mechanic!


I love how the woke mob have corrupted the cis/trans concept from stereochemistry into something totally unrelated.

Cis and Trans are utilized in organic chemistry concerning the arrangement of molecules/atoms on opposite sides of a double/triple bond.

Cis means in one stereoisomer the molecules are arranged on the same side across the double/triple bond and trans means they are on opposite sides across the bond.

In human genes there are XX and XY pairs that determine gender all others are mutations.


Which is from the lLatin. Thus why cisalpine Gaul was the part of Gaul on the Roman side of the Alps. Transalpine Gaul was the French side.


One way to educate yourself is learning about the symbolism of the LGBTQ+ pride flags:”

Hell No

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Why oh why do I keep saying that this shit can’t get any better.


I am minded to quote Chief Rybeck: ” What kind of babbling bullshit was that?!”


The LARPers sure have some confusing rules to their game.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

So many assumptions in this word salad, and 99% are wrong. Without further fisking, I’ll say that “a”, “and”, and “the” are the only correctly used words in this mish-mash write up.
So, I’ll ignore the whole premise. And anyone that chooses to accost me over this flaming asshattery, may end up with a cracked knee and/or missing teeth.

Mustang Major

I read the article on Yahoo news yesterday. If I recall, the accompanying article reported on the increase of rectal prolapse. Go figure.


“Normalization of deviance” … that’s what this article champions!!! Or rather, “Normalization of deviants.”

I found that term during my annual safety required reading — it was not meant to be used the way I just used [perhaps even misused]; however, it perfectly explains, for me, what the Left are trying to do!

The phrase was coined by Diane Vaughan to explain the root cause of the Challenger disaster:

Normalization of deviance is a term first coined by sociologist Diane Vaughan when reviewing the Challenger disaster. Vaughan noted that the root cause of the Challenger disaster was related to the repeated choice of NASA officials to fly the space shuttle despite a dangerous design flaw with the O-rings.

Last edited 2 years ago by rgr1480


I’ve been in a number of classes where Vaughn gave that presentation, and I would suggest that you used the terminology perfectly. For those that haven’t seen / read it, he describes how they ignored situations that were outside parameters / norms, because nothing bad happened as a result, and over time, the parameters were changed so that the new norms were ones that used to be unacceptable, and finally, it got to the point that it bit them in the ass, and the Challenger went all splodey on them.


Or, more immediately, now:
comment image


I can’t even keep up with this stupid logic anymore. I guess I’m glad the Navy is implementing pronoun training.

Also, I’m glad I’m retired now, so I’ll never have to deal with said dumbass training.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone just read the above article, and he has no idea what the frigging point is. What special “special advantage in society” does Hack have as a male born person attracted to female born people? Is there some tax advantage? Reserved parking at the mall? Free refills of Slurpees at the local 7-Eleven? Inquiring minds want to know.

A Proud Infidel®™

Didn’t it get you some kind of cush job at some woman-owned outfit selling outdated Red Hat Software to the Federal Government?


Unfortunately… same here, too:

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous

Stopped at a fast food joint this morning to grab something to eat. Told the lady at the window, “yes ma’am”, and it hit me, did I just offend her/him/whatever?

Then I said the hell with it! If my good manners offends you, it’s your problem, not mine!

A Proud Infidel®™

I like to use the line “If I have offended you, then I forgive you!”


I like that line.
I think I’ll adopt it for future use if and when the occasion arises.


Welcome to it GB.


I like it

A Proud Infidel®™

Anymore IDGAFF about what one does in their spare time behind closed doors unless they’re a pedo. I’m hetero, cisgender and I take issue when someone else tries to force their stuff down my throat telling me I HAVE TO accept it, there will be problems every time that happens.


I see what you did there.

The Stranger

I don’t even bother with that cis bullshit. This song sums it up, even if it performed tongue in cheek:

Josey Wales




I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, but I ain’t dating no trannies. I’ll be a pacifist when it comes to combating that hate.


Is it me or did the author find a John F’ng sKerry look-a-like..