Republicans are looking to kill their neighbors
This is what Malcolm Nance claims. He argues that the Republicans are an insurgency, and that they are looking to kill their neighbors. Because of this, Americans have to fight them before the Republicans “kill” them. He also feels that the Republican Party is harboring “White extremism” and “terrorism”.
From Fox News:
He began, claiming, “Here in the United States — to characterize that to understand just what kind of terrorism we might be dealing with, you have to actually label it as white extremism because we have 30% of the population of the United States who no longer believe in the democratic norms that we established in the founding of the country.”
Though it wasn’t clear what that “30%” specifically represented to Nance, the Amazon summary for his new book, “They Want to Kill Americans: The Militias, Terrorists, and Deranged Ideology of the Trump” claimed that “as many as 74 million Americans have expressed hostility towards American democracy.” Obviously, 74 million is the number of Americans who voted for former President Trump in 2020. It seemed that was the group he was referring to.
Somehow Nance pivoted from all Trump voters to the threat of those at the January 6 riot in the next sentence, stating, “Let’s just be honest about that. The January 6 uprising was an attempt to overthrow American democracy. And we have now learned from these hearings that Donald Trump intended to go there to march down to the well of the House of Representatives and essentially be crowned as a king.”
There was no effort on Nance’s part to distinguish between the rioters and millions of Trump voters.
Nance then referred to the GOP as the “base” of this white extremist insurgency, which operates similarly to insurgencies in “Iraq,” “Syria” and “Libya.”
About the Trump-supporting extremists, Nance claimed, “It was pretty clear at that point that they were going to try to either overthrow the government or they were going to settle in for a long-term series of destabilizing actions using a political party, the Republican Party, as their political base and then using violence, threat of violent extremism as a way to manifest change in the street.”
Fox News has the rest of the article here.
Category: Democrats, Liberals suck, Society
Well, he had to do something to take up his time in The Ukraine, hey let’s write a book.
Is he still in Ukraine cosplaying like he’s actually fighting the Russians? Here’s hoping he steps on a land mine. Fuck. This. Guy.
And by the way…I’m part of a “white extremist insurgency”? I have it on good authority that I’m one of those diverse “brown people!” BLUF, if anyone ever refers to me as Latinx, they’re getting punched in the “mouf.” And point of order to that vapid cunt Jill Biden, call me a “breakfast taco” and I’ll use Scheherazade Ali’s advice and give you an open hand slap to the mouth. Si se puede!🤣🌯🍺🙃
As a ‘Boil food until flavorless and translucent’ (british) American, I stand with you ‘breakfast taco’ Americans.
All types of Food-Americans need to resist the globalist elites or we’ll all be “soylent green/bug ‘meat’ people of earth”.
Testify! This Southern American of mixed mutt heritage stands shoulder to shoulder with ALL of my freedom loving Brothers and Sisters.
This sissy punk shouldn’t have any fear of being killed by “fellow” American ’cause true American do not consider him to be “one of us”.
Straight out of the demonrat/socialist/marxist playbook…accuse the others of what you’re doing. Sounds familar, don’t it?
I, too, have sampled the delights of British cuisine. I did not find it to be translucent. Looking back, I rather think it was the inspiration for the title of a popular book/movie—Fifty Shades of Gray.
Ahhhh …. shepherd’s pie. Fond memories of Britain north of the Humber.
Ah the memories. My beautiful Ireland born mother made that for us. Yum! That and lamb. Double YUM!
British food peaked at Fish and Chips.
A couple of months ago my wife and I were joking around and I referred to her as “Latinx” trying to be funny. The moment where she reverted to Spanish was the exact moment that I knew that I had f’ed up. Still not as scary as when my Mother-In-Law starts “talking” to me in Spanish.
Yeah, you done fucked up there. 🤣
My wife tries to give me crap about not learning Spanish after marrying into a Hispanic family almost 20 years ago. My reply is that she expects me to know an entire language while understanding military time is still too hard for her even though she was an Army brat and then married me.
No, he is back here. I think he only spent a week over there larping. We should get a FOIA on him. I bet he is an embellisher.
Her certainly talks like an embellisher. “…when you use a rifle in a defensive purpose. Half the time, you’re not aiming.”
I know we’ve had people here say they worked with him, and this public persona he’s developed (and made mad money off of) was not who he was in the service.
Well, if he was a crypto officer, he would not typically find himself in a situation to know much of anything regarding the proper use of a rifle in the defense. However, I’ll bet he knows his way around a coffee maker!
My lawer mentor was a crypto sgt and retired warrant officer who did a tour in the RVN; he never claimed his was a trigger puller and would regularly admit he was a REMF. The people managing the codes and secure commo aren’t ever allowed outside the wire. Also, he if full of shit. Don’t look at the sights and you will likely miss the target. He has been watching too many Hollywierd movies and TV shows.
Game over, man! Game over!
I’ma retired Cryptologist. We find ourselves in the field more you think deploying with SEAL teams and the like.
And though I never was with SF operators in the field I did deploy on many ships and flew on recce aircraft for two flight tours. More than a few pucker factor moments.
Cryppies served on USS Pueblo and USS Liberty. Heck those ships were where they were because of us.
And remember the EP3 that landed in China back in 2001? Many of us on board. As a matter of fact I flew on that exact plane in that exact area many times.
OK. But Nance retired in 2001 before 9/11, so I don’t see him runnin’ and gunnin’ with a SEAL team. I’d bet he couldn’t even field strip that AK variant hanging around his neck.
I never said Nance did. Frankly I don’t know what he did. As an Arabic linguist it is very easy to be deployed all the time.
However all my tactical experience took place in the Cold War and the Middle East before 9/11.
My point is that we cryppies are NOT desk bound as many imply here. I begged to deploy as a young Sailor and got my wish in spades.
A very sad case in point that we deploy is the CTICS killed in Mali a few years back.
I knew him when he was an E6. Scratch my head wondering what happened to him.
I’ll tell you what happened to him; he became infected with progtardism and TDS.
Here’s the 411 on Nance from SOFrep. Opinion: A Matter of Honor and the Fiction of Malcolm Nance | SOFREP
I hope Malcolm gets professional help before his views get him “Red Flagged” and he loses his shiny AK.
I wonder if he is a Mason?
SECDEF Austin would approve.
As the grandson of a Mason, if he is, he needs to get the boot
When they tell you who they are, believe them.
This one is looking for an excuse to shoot folks he doesn’t like.
This blowtoad is the poster boy for…
Both stupid and worked at it with crazy.
If ignorant cunt had a face.
This the kind of guy who thinks he is ready for a fight when in reality he has no idea what he is about to walk into while also being unaware that the very side that he is on will gladly hang him out to dry when they have no more use for him or will throw him under the bus to save their own skins when they are cornered. In chess, that is called being a pawn which makes you disposable. He could also be the guy who talks all tough then flees when he is confronted with danger.
Here is a stark warning for you and everyone that thinks like you Malcom Nance, do not let your mouth write checks that your ass cannot cash. You may end up regretting it in the long run if you are fortunate enough to live. When you and the rest of your unmerry band of worthless thugs decide that using the no quarter strategy on your political opponents is a good idea, do not be surprised when the side you are against decides to fight back while returning the same gesture. Santa Anna found that out the hard way.
Yep, if he’s not careful, this may be the last thing he ever hears:
I can play the bugle and, being of Mexican descent, it would be a touchstone to my heritage. White supremacist, my ass. Did I mention that this clown can get fucked?
He wanna hock horns with my people, ?
A handful of magic mushrooms and tracers is on my bucket list.
¿Estås listo?
Siempre estoy listo, mano!
I saw Tool do this live at Ozfest back in ‘98. It was incredibly well done.
Hey douchenozzle, if you’re ever fortunate to find yourself here consider this as me calling you out.
No. Balls.
If you weren’t blinded by the silver candelabra lighted, 5-course meal of human suffering supping, fart-sniffing circlejerk of the entrenched political elites, finding yourself crawling from lap to lap under the table with avarice crumb-seeking, you’d realize the only enemy to freedom, with it’s resultant prosperity, is your inside trading tyrannical patrons.
Youz a bitch that’s never make it on his own, and this scares you to the point you’d advocate wholesale slaughter of your Countrymen?
I can smell your insecurity from here, ‘Mister’ Nance.
bottom quote: “Anyone who runs, is a Pedo! Anyone who stands still, is a well-disciplined pedo”
Don’t know why it truncated but I blame Fornald Druhmpff.
The way Nancy-boi has that rifle sling around his neck, he couldn’t shoulder the weapon to fire it. Plus, someone who saw a wider shot of that pose said the mag isn’t locked into the mag-well. The Krinko is just a prop for the photo op.
That’s the way kids think they need to hold a weapon “for safety” today (“low port” with no control of the gat, can’t shoulder quickly, etc.)– some end up holding the damn things butt-first and leading with that.
Try doing a 3- 5 sec rush when you stub your barrel into the dirt or take an extra second to get down, kids. (Yeah, I’m gettn old/grouchy… )
I have wondered why a muzzle-down carry has replaced the muzzle-up carry I was taught. My guess it was environmentalists who forced the change–a muzzle-up carry is a danger to birds in the event of an accidental discharge, whereas a muzzle-down carry only endangers other soldiers from shots to the leg and ricochets. Priorities, ya know.
British army in ’70s Northern Ireland… didn’t want to jab locals with loaded L1A1s w/ 24″ barrel + 4″ flash hider while patrolling through markets in quaint little villages.
Everybody else (especially SWAT teams on Miami Vice TV show w/ shorter weapons) took it from there and it became “cultural memory” for Gulf War II as folk with previous actual experience to the contrary had retired by then.
I grew up w/ WW2 and ‘Nam vets who patrolled w/ weapon at high port and arm on the stock for weapon control. Kids get confused when I ask them how they’ll do a 3- 5 sec rush today. (Gotta plant the butt, then bring the muzzle down ready for action and they’re befuddled.)

Folks who normally did things like that, in Iraq, were those who generally were not in combat arms, who were not in combat support that rolled out constantly, who were in the Force or Navy and who did not normally roll out. They were given enough training to at least be of some use if they came under fire. There were times when we’d roll into the FOB to do a refit, just to find many of the things we needed bought out. Meanwhile, some of these folks were walking around with things that they did not really need as their jobs were done in the FOB.
The guy in the photo above comes across as someone like that. His pose in the photo suggests that he’s not actively engaged in the fight but is doing something in Ukraine’s equivalent of a FOB, or somewhere else in the rear.
And he looks forward to his “turn in the barrel,” too.
Who the @uck packs commie iron?
Commies for one.
I did for about four months in the Viet of the Nam. Had a nice East German underfolder AK-47. But we had US made ammo for our AK’s. Mostly I carried mine in the Hueys for our insertions. And twice on the ground, when I went out with our LRRP teams. I tried to talk my operations officer out of his Swedish K, but he wouldn’t part with it. It would have been handier in the aircraft.
I just looked up this malcom nance who did his time in as a Navy desk jocky (cryptology) and for a person who had knowledge of all the stuff I just read about him, RACIST comes into my head.
Forgot to add that I’m safe since I’m a Conservative.
How does breaking codes (no interaction with people required) translate into “Republicans are the Ameri-AlQaeda”?
He’s on the demoRat team with all the other shit birds. I wonder if he is a blm member.
More’n likely.
Wow, did he get his brainwashing at UC Berzerkely?
Fuck. Him.
And, by the way, I’ve got reasons to kill my neighbors that have nothing to do with politics. Bunch of straight white trash that smoke pot all day and the idiot dad walks around open carrying like he’s some kind of badass. And don’t get me started on how they treat their dogs. See, absolutely nothing to do with politics.
Sh*tbags gonna sh*tbag, politics not necessary.
In the event of an emergency, I tend to think of those who have what I need as a source. It is up to them to decide how that works out.
Damn. He’s onto us.
The only that that fat fuck is onto is a plate of ribs!
Goddamn it. I meant to say:
The only thing that fat fuck is onto is a plate of ribs. Please update your notes accordingly!
Malcolm Nance.
Ralcolm Rance?
Malcolm Nance? isn’t he the clown who fraudulently claimed he was going to the Ukraine to do super high speed infantry stuff?
It is always interesting to know how a black racist thinks about conservatives and such. Know your enemy and all that…
Apparently the Bunny of the Gun hasn’t seen fit to bring this up, so I will. I hereby move that we drop the ASSteroid of Insults on this clown 🤡.
Pappy, Gun Bunny been like that peanut butter on a cheese cracker; spread real thin. Still trying to play catch up. ‘sides, I do like to give others a fighting chance to be FIRST…on the EARNED NEVER AWARDED TAH Friday WOT and the making a motion for the deployment of the TAH AOI.
Not sure if this attention whore is actually worthy of the bandwidth required, but I will give a rousing SECOND! Anybody got an AYE they can turn loose of?
ChipNASA has been elusive of late, claiming “work” related distractions. I think that he is actually (a) pineing away for the affections of OAM or (b) has relocated to her AO and is attempting to charm and court and woo her with his ways.
LOL, bite me.
I’m catching up.
I’ve recently taken up a new hobby called VA ballroom dancing and I’m not leading so I’ve been out of pocket a lot, many appts and regular work to boot. Lots of steps with which I’m unfamiliar and I find myself as usual an awkward white dude with no rhythm. 🫣
That’s why I’m about a week and a half behind and I’m on here at half past a monkeys ass to midnight .
Smooches fuck wads.
Just like a fat guy doing PT I’ll eventually make it up to the front of the group. 😛🫡🖕