Gas rebates being discussed for Americans
According to a White House official, one of the options being considered to help Americans address high gas prices is a gas rebate card. These cards would help Americans mitigate their struggles against the other effects of inflation. This includes having to decide between additional gas or some essential purchases.
From FOX Business:
A White House official told FOX Business that the administration has not ruled out the distribution of gas rebate cards. The cards would hypothetically subsidize the price of gas for Americans – many of whom are struggling to make ends meet with fuel now priced at the level of a luxury good.
“The president has made clear that he is willing to explore all options and hear all ideas that would help lower gas prices for the American people,” the official told FOX Business.
“No decisions have been made,” the official clarified.
The national average price for regular gasoline rose 10 cents last week and hovered around a record high of $5.01 per gallon.
However, some states saw their averages jump more than twice as much the same week.
In fact, the top 10 states with the highest weekly increases tracked by AAA saw prices jump at least 21 cents over the seven-day period ending on Monday. West Virginia saw the biggest leap in prices.
Joe Biden blames the war in Ukraine. Fox Business has the article here.
Category: Economy
Been holding on to this pic for a hot minute, this is the moment to post the dankest of econ memes.
Declaring the target hot, expend all munitions, make THIS MFer GLOW!
Poor George, someone needs to stop Uncle Gropey
Alright, last one from me. If you don’t know what ‘MMT’ (‘modern’ “monetary” “‘theory'”) is, you should look it up.
Forewarning, have someone strap down your arms so you can’t throw your phone/computer.
Just another way to use our money to buy votes.
Reading my mind.
Next week!
“The president has made clear that he is willing to explore all options and hear all ideas that would help lower gas prices for the American people.”
Not fucking around with or repealing your predecessor’s progress and policies (which WORKED) would have been a great start, you vindictive fraud.
Everything that is happening to American Citizens now is punishment for having the gall to vote for President Trump.
Deckie, you beat me to it. Some options I can think of, just off the top of my head, release the oil and gas leases for production, start harvesting the vast amount of oil and gas in our own country and use the money you want to give in gas credits for helping refineries to restart. I could go on but I preaching to the choir.
“…willing to explore all options…” What options? How many more ways he can screw the taxpayer and continue the destruction of America? How much more deeper into debt he can drive us?
Here’s a novel idea there, prezzy creepy sniffy. Drill baby drill! Oh and finish the pipelines to transport the excess oil that we have instead of shipping it on rail tankcars owned by Warren Buffet. Quit wasting petrolem to make corn gas and ship the corn feed to the thinned out herds and flocks that are being slaughtered for lack of feed. Oh and one more thing, joe. You could just go ahead and ESAD!
Republican-in-name-AND-deeds-only sweep House and Senate, select PDJT as SotH, fire Bitch McFuckell, impeach Joe and the Hoe day 0, SotH/45th DJT can be former-45th, 46.5th, and 47th. 3 scoops of ice cream, baby!
I’m against the firewall accelerationist at this point. This Nixionian price/wage/ration shit will tip us over and THAT is far worse a proposition than the above prescription.
Here we go again!
Offering Gooberment “money” to pay for the eff-ups that Gooberment caused.
More/higher/faster inflation to ensue.
Hey, I have an idea too! Not to be the good idea fairy late in the game but… how about we pump more fucking oil and make more gas? Maybe open a pipeline to transport the oil and gas? This seems like a much better idea than printing more fucking money that creates even more fucking inflation because the problem isn’t the amount of money in circulation it is the amount of gas available.
That’s “racist” because it makes too much sense and goes against the agenda, comrade!

What a gas it was to read all the comments. BZ to all the commentors
Gas stamps. Jimmy Carter had a similar idea. There was even discussion about indexing them so some of the “minority community”- who drove big cars- could get more stamps.
The Commissariat want all of you serfs to utilize public transportation and live in urban center in order for us to control every aspect of your lives. You are not worthy of owning and operating your own vehicle!
Another money saving tips is remembering toilet paper has two, two, TWO sides that can be used! 😜
Just waffle stomp it down while you are in the shower.
All the loosing with these tyrants in control.
I wasn’t done with all the winning we had.
These b@$tards are doing the best they can to destroy the Great Bastion of Freedom.