Weekend Open Thread

| May 6, 2022

The pro abortion argument likes to showcase instances of rape, threats to mother’s health, and other extenuating justifications for abortions. What they do not like to mention is the abortion reasons that fall under “convenience”.  Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Hack Stone

Magic 8 Ball, will Hack Stone score two consecutive First Commenter for This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread titles by crushing the competition on Friday May 06, 2022? Magic 8 Ball says…

Hack Stone

We asked 100 Deplorables who should have the title of First Post For Weekend Open Thread, and your responded “Hack Stone”. Show me Hack Stone!!!!

Hack Stone


May Kong’s Rats be upon you in your FIRSTNESS, Hack Stone. That YK3 software you downloaded on the site has really helped you out. The Gun Bunny was distracted by a call from one of his Adorable Deplorables. Whispering Sweet Nothings into the ear of an Adorable Deplorable will take precedence.every.damn.time.

Green Thumb

Magic 8 Ball: Is Phil Monkress still a turd?

Hack Stone

All Signs Point To Yes.

RGR 4-78


Commissioner Wretched




Commissioner Wretched

Once again missing out on the coveted FIRST, your humble correspondent now offers the weekly collection of trivia. Enjoy, fellow deplorables!

Did some people take “comet pills” to ward off possible effects of Halley’s Comet in 1910?
By Commissioner Wretched
The arrival of May brings with it a thought or two.

Not many more than that can fit inside the vast open spaces of my mind these days, so I’m glad I have room for at least those.

If April showers do indeed bring May flowers, what do June and July bring?


Insert your own rimshot here.

The other thought about May was rather fleeting, I’m afraid, and it has already gone on its merry way.

So I’ll stop thinking and bring you the trivia you came here to read in the first place. And remember, you can always drop me a note at didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com and I reply promptly.


Did you know …

Commissioner Wretched

… carrots have no fat? They do have a lot of minerals and vitamins, though. Carrots are also about 90% water. (And the other ten percent must be carrot.)

… the average American spends $92 a month on coffee? You probably don’t notice it being so much, but that means you are spending $1,092 per year on coffee. (I don’t know who this “average American” is, but I find I spend a lot more on coffee than he or she does!)

Commissioner Wretched

… asteroid fields are nothing like they are depicted in movies? When you watch a film like Star Wars, and see a spaceship dodging and weaving around all those asteroids and other rocks, you’re seeing something that does not exist. The Asteroid Belt, located between Mars and Jupiter in our Solar System, has millions of asteroids, but the chances are that any spacecraft going through the Asteroid Belt won’t encounter – or even be in visual range of – an actual asteroid. They’re just too far apart. (But it’s much more dramatic if they’re close together!)

… a popular brand of candy uses a logo designed by a surrealist artist? Chupa Chups™, a brand of lollipop created in Spain but now popular world-wide, uses a logo that was designed by artist Salvador Dali (1904-1989). The candy company was founded in 1958 in Piloña, Spain, by businessman Enric Bernat (1923-2003). (I always wondered about that logo … now I’m sure!)

Commissioner Wretched

… you may know an ultracrepidarian? You might even be one. An ultracrepidarian is a person who gives opinions on things they know nothing about. (Oh, shut up.)

Hack Stone

Thanks, Hack now has an additional skill to add to his resume.


“Use the word ‘ultracrepidarian’ in a sentence.”

“Fuck the ultracrepidarian Joe Biden.”

Commissioner Wretched

… people once took “comet pills” to stave off the effects of Halley’s Comet? In 1910, as Halley’s Comet was approaching Earth, astronomers studied the comet and its tail and discovered a poisonous gas called cyanogen in the tail of the comet. When it was determined that Earth would pass through the tail of the comet briefly, scientists said the cyanogen would only cause some vivid sunsets, but the news media went crazy with the story. Public hysteria led to people barricading themselves in their homes as the comet approached, filling in cracks in the walls to keep anything from outside getting in, and buying concoctions called “comet pills” which the sellers claimed would protect people from the effects of the cyanogen. Needless to say, the passing of Earth through the tail of Halley’s Comet did not cause the world to end or people to die, but the gullibility of some is apparently timeless. (Follow the science …)


Mark Twain was born in the year Halley’s Comet came, and famously predicted he would die when it came back seven decades later. (1835-1910) He was right.


I need to add this to my story-horde.
Per chance I was substituting for our Favorite First Daughter-in-Law at their homeschool coop, and the history lesson covered the era of Ronald Reagan, Geo. Bush Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush, and – of all things – the “Y2K bug”.
Among other events, y’rs truly is one of the programmers who had to check COBOL programs for the “Y2K Bug” and stay up New Years Eve to ensure the world didn’t end when January 1, 2000 happened.
Talking to the students about the absurdity of the hysteria around the “Y2K Bug” – they connected it (on their own) with the hysteria around COVID 19 (toilet paper, anyone?) and we concluded that such media-induced panic is senseless.


Actually had the only Y2K- related injury– dropped a Y2K-complaint computer on my hand, had to go to the medics (a finger had to be bandaged and immobilized to heal properly).


All I got was midnight pizza.

Commissioner Wretched

… the Washington Monument is the tallest unreinforced stone masonry structure in the world? The 555-foot marble obelisk towers over the city of Washington, D.C. Built to honor George Washington (1732-1799), first U.S. president, construction began on the obelisk on July 4, 1848. But by the fall of 1854, the money raised for the monument’s construction had run out, and work was stopped. It wasn’t until August 2, 1876 that Congress appropriated enough funds to finish the work, but by then the marble used to finish the structure was being quarried in a different location and had a noticeably different color. (The worst part about the Washington Monument is … it doesn’t look anything like him.)


The Washington Monument’s apex is made out of aluminum, at the time it was considered a precious metal being about the same cost as silver. The Apex is approximately 100 oz and is 97.87% pure.
(all credits to wiki for particulars)


I had to look it up, but the distinction between the San Jacinto Monument and the Washington Monument is that the former is the tallest masonry column in the world, while the latter is the tallest stone column in the world.

The San Jacinto Monument is a 567.31-foot-high (172.92-meter)[2][note 1]column located on the Houston Ship Channel in unincorporatedHarris County, Texas, about 16 miles due east of downtown Houston. The monument is topped with a 220-ton star that commemorates the site of the Battle of San Jacinto, the decisive battle of the Texas Revolution. The monument, constructed between 1936 and 1939 and dedicated on April 21, 1939, is the world’s tallest masonry column[4] and is part of the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site.[5] By comparison, the Washington Monument is 554.612 feet (169.046 m) tall, which is the tallest stone monument in the world. The column is an octagonal shaft topped with a 34-foot (10 m) Lone Star – the symbol of Texas. (Wiki)



(This is in reference to a comment I had that went to be approved. Dunno what I did wrong with the former. Solly.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Graybeard
Commissioner Wretched

… jam, jelly, preserves and marmalade are made of different versions of the same thing? Jam is made from mashed-up fruit; jelly is made from fruit juice; preserves are made from whole fruit; and marmalade is the same as preserves, but made with citrus fruit. (Which puts marmalade into a real jam, if you ask me. Which you didn’t.)

… following his term as president, Ronald Reagan was offered a movie role? An actor most of his adult life, Reagan (1911-2004) served as 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. After he left office, the producers of the movie Back to the Future III offered him the role of Mayor of Hill Valley. Reagan was a fan of the movie series, but reluctantly turned down the role.  (I guess being a movie mayor is a step down from being a real president, but what do I know?)


Keep in mind, in the first Back To the Future movie, when Marty ends up at Doc’s house in the 1950’s and Doc is quizzing Marty about the future to figure out if his story is true, Doc asks him who the President of the United States is… The answer? Ronald Reagan.

Commissioner Wretched

… there’s no real mystery to the “mystery flavor” of Dum-Dums™ candy lollipops? It’s just a combination of the end of one batch of candy and the beginning of another. (The real mystery is … what two flavor batches?)

… the online matchmaking service Tinder has made a successful match in Antarctica? Needless to say, the two parties involved were both scientists. (A warm relationship in a very cold place!)

… carry-out restaurants could be found in ancient Rome? Archaeologists have discovered evidence that take-out restaurants were popular places in Pompeii. Ruins of such places, along with writings, indicate that carry-out food was a pretty brisk business back in the time of the Caesars. (There’s room here for a “Pizza, pizza” joke, but I’m not doing it.)

Now … you know!


Now that’s downright weird. Ol’ Poe just watched a video about those Roman take-out places just a half hour ago… 🤔 

Last edited 2 years ago by Poetrooper
A Proud Infidel®™️

Yes, April showers bring May flowers, the Mayflower brought Pilgrims, so how did Herpes get here?

On the Captain’s dinghy.



A Proud Infidel®™

🤣 😎 🤣 🤣

Hack Stone

We have seen quite a few bullshit lawsuits, thanks to Daniel Bernath, but it is nice to see his legacy lives on. How the hell is the owner of the vehicle responsible if the car dealership hires an idiot who can’t drive a manual transmission?


A Proud Infidel®™️

That POS of a lawsuit needs to be dismissed with prejudice!


Knee cap adjustment

The Stranger

And the attorney put in the can for 30 days for contempt for wasting the court’s time. I’m sure a shyster lawer would be REAL popular in the LA County lockup.

The Stranger

Sorry, I assumed LA since the linky was for Fox LA. Apparently this occurred in Michigan, but still, shysters would still be “popular” in jail regardless of where said jail was located.


Same way you could sue a gun company if someone bought a gun, someone ELSE took the gun and committed an illegal act with it. Made no sense, but that was one of the things the PLCAA prevents. Me, I’m thinking the Jeep owner should be suing the dealership for many, many things.


Reading between the lines, I’m thinking that’s what the dead employee’s lawyer is looking for him to do.

They sue car owner because they can’t sue the dealer, then car own sues the dealer.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I bet the lawyer will say that the vehicle owner should have told the peeps at the dealership that the vehicle was a stick with 4 on the floor.


Ford GT Owner Crashes Because He’s “Unfamiliar” With Manual Transmission: Police

Kinda like this guy? Road and track has the story. With multiple air bags deployed, it’s most likely totaled.

Green Thumb

Lori Benton is frowning….


BOY what a SLACKER Crowd we have here today, with the exception of Hack Stone (But of course, Mr Grey Poupon!)
May you continue to rule with fairness and deference to your unwashed masses.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone will be a kind and benevolent dictator, much like Queen Hillary would have been if it wasn’t for those meddling Deplorables. Now, avert your gaze!




Russo-Amish armor?


Looks like explosive reactive armor…no? 😜 



A Proud Infidel®™️

Top Twenty and I award myself Honorary First once again.


Green Thumb

On the bridge of the USS Enterprise:

Yeoman Smith: “Captain Picard, we have an incoming sub -space message from Star Fleet Command – Priority One”.

Captain Picard: “On screen”.

Captain Picard: “Admiral Green Thumb, what a surprise!”

Admiral Green Thumb: “I wish it was so Jean-Luc. As you know, you are getting very close to the border of the All-Points Logistics Zone. The stench must be horrible, even in space”.

Captain Picard: “It is Admiral. But rest assured, my crew and I are taking evry precaution and are prepared for any scenario.”

Admiral Green Thumb: “That is good to know, Jean-Luc. But before you cross, we at Star Fleet Command wanted to relay a final message – “Phil Monkress is still a Turd”.

Captain Picard: “We assumed as much Admiral, but thanks for the warning”.

Admiral Green Thumb: “Good luck Jean-Luc and be careful. We can almost smell the stench from All-Points Logistics on Star base 2389-T. Green Thumb out.”

Green Thumb

Captain Picard: “Number One – Hail the Crew. Relay the Admiral Green Thumb’s message. I want to maintain transparecy in this situation”.

Number One: ” Roger, Captain. Ensign, open a channel – Enterprise crew, this is Commander Riker – we have just received a message from Star Fleet High Command – Phil Monkress is still a Turd. I repeat, Phil Monkress is still a Turd.”

Number One: “Mr. Wharf, go to yellow alert and prepare Stench Level #5 protocols”

Mr. Wharf: “Understood, Sir”.


Mr. Worf, man. Come on! What’s next, Darth Fader? 😉

Green Thumb

My bad.


I thought something smelled fishy about “Mr Wharf”

Green Thumb

Space Cadet Wickre: “Admiral Green Thumb, we have a subspace distress call from the USS Enterprise”

Admiral GT: “Put it through to my ready room”.

Space Cadet Wickre: ” Right away, sir”

Admiral GT turns on monitor: ” Captain Picard, do you require assistance?”

Captain Picard: “Admiral, it is worse than we thought/ The stench is overwhelming once you cross the All-Point Logistics Zone. But that is the least of it. Their seems to be some pervasive thoughts or virus that has permeated this ship and impacted he crew.

Commander Riker has promoted himself to full Admiral and it talking about participating in the Romulen Wars. Sir, he would have been 13. Data is going on and on about the new Phildo burger and a side of lies in 10 Forward. Chief Obrien is wearing a Native American head dress and attempting to speak in different language. Mr. La Forge is trying to put his finger in my ass and we keep getting hailed by a new de facto group of, bear me with me, Phildo Supporters.

Green Thumb

And Admiral, that is the half of it”.

Admiral GT: ” Jean-luc, can you extract your self to this side of the All-Points Logistics Zone?”

Captain Picard: “I think so, I have the Doctor Crusher working on an possible antidote as we speak.”

Admiral GT: “What is it, Jean-Luc?”

Stay tuned or toss out thoughts……

A Proud Infidel®™️

“Admiral? We kinda have a situation.”
“What is it?”
A malfunction of one of the heads, it flushed improperly and we now have a streak of Giduck down the lower port side of the ship.”


Presently awakening from a long nap.

Finished radiation last Tuesday. The ladies from the radiation office all sign a “Certificate of Completion” with very nice little notes. The staff there are very encouraging, and make the process bearable.
Mrs. GB is recovering from her knee surgery well. No pain and only some swelling. Follow-up today said she could begin using it more and if she did too much, her knee would inform her of it the next day.
Harvested the first zucchini this week. Corn is tasseling, beans coming up, tomatoes blooming…
Youngest granddaughters have been out berry harvesting, their mother making dewberry cobblers.

God has blessed us greatly, and I pray he blesses each of you TAH Deplorables as well.


Good to hear the improved medical update, Graybeard! Also good to get the intel on the veggies and cobblers. Raid Mission parameters are being updated as we speak. Basic Combat Loadout will consist of butter for the zookeenies & corn, bacon for the beans, Dukes Mayo for the tomatoes, and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream for the cobblers.


Right now I’ve got a pot of gumbo on the stove.
The last of last year’s okra, some smoked beef, some chicken, 1 1/2 onions, some garlic, some Tony’s Roux Mix, and all simmering nicely on the stove.

Will make up a pot of rice for a base and make Mrs. GB happy.
(There are those who deny that okra goes in gumbo, or that roux mix is a “real” roux. Cry me a bayou, Bordeaux. I’m not married to you, thank God!)

Last night we finished up some butternut squash pudding I made. Believe it or not, I have plenty of butternut that has survived storage over the winter. I still intend to make some butternut bread (like banana bread) one afternoon. Have several jars of butternut canned, too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Graybeard

Well, daggummit.
I had not been out to the garden since last night’s storm (2.7″ rain, lots of wind, power out for 7 hours).
It looks like a wind gust when through the middle of the garden and knocked down 1/3 of my corn. I don’t know if they’ll recover enough to make or not.

Insert string of invectives here.


Well, dagnabit, and I done issued a Warning Order to the FIRST (ht2 Hack Stone) Racoon Raider Regiment to prepare for a reconoiter to place themselves in an overwatch forward deployment on said corn patch. TXNorsky done rustled up…err I mean requisitioned, some beef on the hoof beasts, driving them in from the West. The Butter Battalion has already melted down vats of God’s Goodness for slathering purposes. Guess I need to recall the Ice Cream Trucks too, huh? The crows found the pies cooling on the window sill? Oh well, back to the Ops Bunker. We’ll study a new plan over a pot of cheese grits with shrimps and bacon.


I’m hoping that it will recover – although at 6′ and tasseling it may not.
The ever-uncertain nature of growing one’s own food.
Although I could have added some tree rat to the stewpot this evening, Mrs. GB doesn’t like me hunting them so close to the back porch.


Yeah, that ain’t looking good at all. May have to feed them tassled out stalks to the pigs. I read somewhere that the pigs will turn those stalks into bacon.  :bacon: 


Congratulations to you on finishing the radiation.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Would like to see the time shown on the comments.


On station.

Hack Stone

If true, IMO it does. But after the “Ghost of Kyiv” incident, I think I’d wait for 3rd-party confirmation before accepting the claim as real.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hondo
A Proud Infidel®™️

I kinda have an idea for a new business. Like Ice Cream Trucks, only these will be for Adults and vend booze! The Scotch Truck will cruise playing bagpipes, the Tequila Truck playing Mariachi,…


I believe Texas law allows this.

Hack Stone

What will the rusted out 1980’s vintage Jaguar dispense?


That’s supposed to be an image of a can of Silver Thunder Malt Liquor.

Don’t know why the image won’t post.
