Army DCSLOG Relieved, Demoted, Receives GOMOR
Well, this one’s a first – at least for me.
Seems that the Army’s former Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG) – MG (then LTG) Duane Gamble – has been relieved of duties, reverted to his previous rank of MG, and received a GOMOR. This was the end result of a Department of the Army Inspector General (DAIG) investigation into allegations of misconduct first made in September 2020.
Allegations of racial discrimination against Gamble were apparently made. While those allegations were not substantiated, the IG found that Gamble had “displayed counterproductive leadership”.
On relief from his position as DCSLOG, Gamble reverted to his prior rank of MG; he has apparently applied for retirement. Since he did not complete the normal 3 years TIG required to retire as a LTG, it will be up to DA and/or the SECDEF to determine Gamble’s retired grade. (The SECDEF can determine that he “served successfully” and waive the TIG retirement, but in that event will need to notify the POTUS and Congress of his intent to do so and rational for same. My guess is that Gamble retires as a MG.)
More info on this case (though fairly short on specifics) can be found in this Army Times article.
The last time an Army LTG was fired and demoted was in 2015. In that case, in addition to other misconduct an IG investigation found some interesting charges from overseas strip clubs on the government credit card account belonging to the SECDEF’s senior military aide. (Yes, on occasion apparently even some GOs can get pretty stupid when it comes to using their government credit card.)
But the individual relieved and demoted in 2015 wasn’t one of the Army Staff (ARSTAFF) primaries. This is the first time I can remember an ARSTAFF primary being relieved of duty and demoted.
My acronym OCD hates you.
You should feel better now, AW1 Ed – I’ve edited the article to define most of the more obscure acronyms above.
But I’m presuming TIG, GO, GOMOR, MG, LTG, SECDEF, and POTUS don’t need such treatment. So I didn’t spell those out above. (smile)
Or, as Hondo _could’ve_ put that:
Now THAT was some serious dick steppin bidness.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Gamble gambled his career away on a gamble and lost. He should have had a proctor show Gamble how not to Gamble a career away. Well good luck on your possible retirement and spend some sheckles Gambling down in Vegas on the slots. Good Gamble on those machines
He decided to gamble his career on a roll of the dice and got “SNAKE EYES”!
2-star or 3-star Retirment is up to Loyed, I think a silent 3-star retirement.
Change my mind.
Won’t be completely silent if it happens. Law requires SECDEF to advise the POTUS and Congress that (1) he is waiving the TIG requirement, (2) the rationale for determining “successful service”, and (3) whether any known derogatory info and/or substantiated misconduct was considered when making that determination.
Path of least resistance is to allow retirement as MG. Plus, far too many people in both political “camps” will be watching the situation and will justifiably demand an explanation if such a determination is made.
He hasn’t been demoted. You can only remain a LTG if you have an approved retirement and are retiring within 60 days (i think it is 60) or if you are in a 3 star position. LTG and GEN are not necessarily promotions, they are appointments and you have to be in a valid position of that grade to retain the rank.
So he was reverted back to MG when LTG Hamilton was appointed as the new G-4. When the SECEF makes the decision on retirement grade he will either be demoted or be allowed to retire as a LTG.
As a side note, Gamble was a good G-4, one of the better ones actually and within his staff there is significant differences of opinion and it did not fall along racial lines. From an outsider watching the G-4, it seems if you were competent, you are good, if not, well file the complaint.
I was in TRADOC when the Commander there was relieved for banging the help while married. He was doing it on the government dime too, even after being told to stop. Penises are dumb. He got busted down a star too, down to 3 as a slap on the wrist hurrying him out the door.
This guy?
“Byrnes was relieved of command in August 2005 following revelations that he had engaged in an extramarital relationship with a married female civilian. An investigation into the alleged misconduct by the Department of Defense Inspector General had concluded that Byrnes, who was separated from his wife, had conducted an adulterous affair with a married women for approximately a year and a half; continued the affair after being ordered by Army Chief of Staff, Peter Shoomaker, to cease contact with the woman; had repeatedly used government funded hotel rooms for adulterous trysts; and had violated U.S. Army financial management regulations by using his personal credit card rather than a government travel card to pay for expenses arising from official government travel.”
Yes, that guy. You would think that when the CoS Army gives you a freebie that he would take it. But sometimes the swollen head syndrome convinces some people that they can do no wrong.
He is also sometimes faking the funk as a “retired 4 Star”
Unless he was repromoted after retirement. Also a rare teenage 2LT who volunteered for the draft? I didn’t serve in that era but the story always sounded odd to me.
The interesting thing was that the details of his punishment were kept secret for the most part. But yeah, he was busted down.
He graduated from OCS in 1969:
Very odd… not sure what ‘volunteered for the draft’ even means. Registering for the draft was not voluntary and getting drafted was based on a lottery.
Volunteering to avoid being drafted was not uncommon.
“Volunteered to be drafted”..
Was always wondering the same thing.
For years, JRM would cut and paste the same thing on TAH that he “Volunteered to be drafted”..
Yes…That JRM…The “Honorary” Air Assault Badge Dude…
This is why my gov travel card stayed it’s ass in the hotel in my computer bag with all my other rewards cards.
And while TDY (Traveling around Drunk, Y’all) none of the female student got the digits, not even that smoking hot West Point Cadidiot. Saw her dancing with the other chicks in towndown Columbus…
I wish there was a stronger word than ‘regret’.
MG Gamble’s predecessor at DCSLOG, Ret. MG Aundre F. Piggee, was also stripped of a star. Piggee reportedly committed plagiarism on his Army War College thesis when he was a LTC. The website Military Corruption really body slammed MG Piggee. They called him ‘functionally illiterate’. The guy allegedly couldn’t write a coherent memo or E-Mail. Apparently, MG Piggee was blessed to be surrounded by exceptionally smart & talented captains, majors, LTCs who could think & write for him.
Aundre F. Piggee – Wikipedia
Depending on the precise date of his departure and/or suspension from his position as DCSLOG, the technical reason for Piggee losing a star on retirement may well have been that he did not have had the 3 years successful service required to retire at that grade. Since Piggee’s case seems to have been handled rather quietly (your link above is the first I’d heard of it), I suspect that was what happened.
Piggee began duties as DCSLOG on 23 Sep 2016. While his retirement was apparently effective 1 Dec 2019, I’ve not been able to find out when he departed and/or was suspended from his position as DCSLOG (terminal leave may well have factored into that determination also). If his departure/suspension of duties as DCSLOG happened prior to 23 Sep 2016, he’d not have had 3 years service in a 3-star position.
Didn’t see that article either.
That article gives his retirement date, ninja. But if there’s any mention of precisely when he may have been administratively suspended from duties or begun terminal leave in that article, I certainly missed it.
Pretty sure either event would serve as a formal end-date for consideration of whether he met the statutory 3 years TIG normally required to retire in grade for officers O5 and above.
FWIW: I’m afraid – who I used to think highly of – may well now be a sensation-mongering and sometimes less than accurate source. In particular, their assessment of the Grazioplene case is completely “off the mark”. claims that the Grazioplene case is another example of the Army “letting off GOs easy” when guilty of serious misconduct. In truth, Graziplene’s criminal sexual misconduct was not reported to authorities until roughly 10 years after his retirement. The Army then investigated Grazioplene, recalled him to active duty when charges were found to warrant trial, and attempted to court-martial him.
Unfortunately, the allegations concerned crimes that the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces found to be subject to a 5 year statute of limitations. That had long passed.
Task and Purpose has an excellent discussion of the Grazioplene outcome here. Unlike, the Task & Purpose discussion is
They posted a very strange article.
We have never received this “letter” with a “pamphlet” from the VA.
We are retired Army so we thought we are Veterans…???
Anyone here received this “letter”?
Apparently I was also left off the distro.
👍👍👍…Or we are not considered one of the 9 million Veterans world wide…(sarc on)
Very Bizarre..🤔
Actually, I seem to remember receiving something like that from the VA earlier this year.
It immediately went in the recycle bin.
I thought it was a perfect example of wasteful government spending because, well, “reasons”.
Yeah, Hondo I gotta agree w/ you. MC really FUBAR’d the Gen Hyten sexual assault allegations, and generally hasn’t been the same ‘tough but fair’ outfit for a while. The death of founder & editor in chief, Major Glenn McDonald, has seemingly cast MC adrift into the tabloidy arena.
Agreed. McDonald was IMO a pro’s pro, and was both meticulous and credible.
His successors? Not so much.
I have come across a few HBCU grads that were functional illiterates. At my first command they sent me a 2LT who was reading and writing on a 3rd Grade level. He came to me as a rehab transfer because he couldn’t pass a Table VIII. He then proceeded to become a discipline headache by doing some of the dumbest shit I have ever even heard of during my time in the service.
Apparently, while Gamble may have been politically incorrect he was effective and the majority of his subordinates said that his style, while while non-standard, worked. So basically he was innocent of the charges but was not as smooth as they wished, so they relieved him. Seems pretty political.
That’s IMO one of DC’s major problems today. Best I can tell, there style trumps substance nearly 100% of the time.