And the sign said long haired freaky people need not apply…
Plans, plans, everywhere the plans.
With Obama preparing to undo the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, the military is preparing programs and materials to recruit queer youth. These programs will exploit the isolation and oppression felt by many queer youth and recruiters will lie to queers (and everyone else) about the benefits of military service while hiding the truth of imperialism. By engaging in queer counter-recruitment, we protect and strengthen our queer communities while undermining US imperialism. In this workshop, we will provide a context around queer militarism and develop some concrete strategies for engaging in queer counter-recruitment.
Sign me up! I’m in for some serious queer counter recruitment!
Male Lesbians Against Bush Unite!
Category: Politics
I can see it now…Signing Bonuses replaced with Signing boners..diversification of job choices to include combat stylists and even the addition of male stewards on all air frames!
I mean, just think how many we can “trick” into signing up with the summer line of acu’s! I hear a pastel version they’re calling “California Camo” is in the works!
Dude… said queer like, alot. No one says queer anymore, that’s like… gay……
Yes, it’s almost queer what a proclimity they have for the word “queer”, almost as if they are using it in a context other than odd or abnormal. It doesn’t make me at all gay how often then mention queer.
Yeah, hate to queer the desire of the queer people to queer US imperialism, but isn’t this what the queer movement has been all about since, oh, Bill Clinton wanted to queer up the armed forces? So which way do they want it? And, I mean that in a social engineering way, not the other(queer)way.
Only a lefty anti war group could rationalize a public campaign to keep gays out of the military in a positive and politically correct light.
So now, if you oppose gays in the military, you can say with a straight face that you don’t want them in the military for their own good.
“So now, if you oppose gays in the military, you can say with a straight face that you don’t want them in the military for their own good”.
Dave, great point! And we’re just looking out for them, so they don’t participate in imperialism, and they can strengthen their “queer communities”.
Just remember that those who like a “Gay old time” will get it in the End!
Praise the Lord and pass the Ammo…….
Where in the socialization process do some people go so horribly wrong?
PS enjoyed the moron meetup and love the blog.