New York state prioritizes “non-white race” for COVID therapeutics
Breitbart’s got the story that the Department of Health (DOH) in New York State is advising clinicians that a person’s race (as long as it’s “non-white”) is to be considered a medical condition for the application and use of new oral COVID treatments. It’s obviously racist to deny treatment to people based on the color of their skin. It’s also pretty racist to say that being a person of color automatically means you’re somehow less physically capable of combating the disease. It’s almost like the state is saying here that white people have a superior immuno-defense system.
Here’s the relevant part of the DOH’s directive;
From Breitbart;
New York state’s Department of Health (DOH) announced recently that non-white people should be prioritized over white people for anti-viral pills in short supply.
The DOH announcement, dated December 27, said limited supply of oral antivirals will “require providers to prioritize treatment for patients at highest risk for severe COVID-19 until more product becomes available.”
Under a list of eligibility requirements for oral antiviral treatment, it said one requirement should be “have a medical condition or other factors that increase their risk for severe illness” and that one risk factor is being a “non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity should be considered a risk factor, as longstanding systemic health and social inequities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19.”
The announcement also linked to a separate undated DOH document on prioritization that contained the same guidance.
Systemic racism is the cause of, and solution to, all Democrats’ problems.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", COVID-19, Liberals suck
Ironically, the vaccination rate is low in “non-white” communities.
If there’s no systemic racism, we must create it.
So, do biracial people only get a portion of this treatment? And what about shades of skin pigmentation? Do dark skinned Latinos take priority over light skinned African Americans? And of course, for this purpose, Asian are considered to be White.
What about Canadians?
Don’t know for sure but think it’d be a toss-up, ‘beans. According to one of my former work-mates, during the initial rounds of NAFTA negotiations years ago that he attended, one of the senior IASTSE(local 33) negotiators was heard to have referred to us as ‘Mexicans with Sweaters’.
Got a Puerto Rican son-in-law paler than I am (and I’m Irish/Scot/German/English.. I get nekkid and can almost throw a shadow.) Is he non-white? Or am I Asian or some other form of non-white? It’s so confusing.
Check with Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics).
Burlington , Vermont did the same thing.
figures that’s Bernie Sanders stopping grounds
And just think that as Nooh Yawk liberals flee the cesspool they’ve made, they’ll infest other locales and do the same to them!
Yep, and those liberals fleeing Californistan will do the same to states east of them. Look at all the “good” they’ve done in Oregone and Washington already.
That’s what I consider as proof of my theory that liberal moonbats are social parasites, they render one location unlivable, then migrate to another and do the same just like a Biological Parasite moving from one host to the next.
Not if you leave their filleted corpses on pikes at the border as a warning to other Marauders. and don’t negotiate with Lord Humungus, that dude is a liar.
“Filleted corpses”. I like the way you think, Dog.
I please to aim! Nu Yawk Shitty lost 300k people in 8 months, y’all should get to work.
“It’s easy! You just don’t lead them as much!!”
Not “racist” when Leftists do anything, you know…
You assorted male crackers figured out that you ain’t wanted in these here parts yet? BIPOCs are gonna create a country where BIPOCs have opportunity for advancement, decent health care, and being elected to office, up to and including having a “Person of Color” holding the highest office in the land.
Tribalism, just like in third world sh*tholes!
What if one self-Identifies as say…black or Latino?
Just watch leftists heads explode trying to rationalize denial.
1964 called, something about civil rights.
New York is a dump. If I didn’t still have family who lived there, I’d never go back to that shithole!
So, when the non whites start having issues from the treatments they are being given, will it be the white people’s fault?
Of course! Legacy of the Melaninless White Devil himself.
I wonder if us of the ‘snow cockroach tribe’ will get reservations too.
I’m opening a casino!
More scare tactics to get people to take the Jab…
I didn’t come up with this but wholeheartedly agree…
At a time like this, you have to ask yourself:
What would Jussie Smollet do?
He’d hire some black guys for historically white roles.
Already been done. See “Hamilton”.
It would also be illegal, and I suspect that the State of New York will soon be losing large amounts of money over the lawsuits that come forth based on this.