Antifa goes to federal prison

| December 18, 2021

Some Antifa booking photos, collage courtesy of Andy Ngo

Poetrooper sends in a report from PJ Media on some of the Antifa thugs getting sentenced to federal prison for their antics over the last couple years.

From PJ Media;

December is to Antifa as Godzilla was to Tokyo, and it’s just in time for Christmas!

After over a year of watching many of the violent thugs walk away from justice, December 2021 is proving to be a nightmare for the Democrats’ commie street urchins. The man-bunned Nancy-bois of Antifa are actually starting to see the insides of jails and prisons. Santa DOES read my wish list!

Let’s take a look at some of the non-binary creatures who will be celebrating Christmas, and perhaps a few more Christmases, in orange jumpsuits.

Salad-dodger Jacob Michael Gaines traveled from Texas to Oregon to play tough gal with federal law enforcement. He attacked a U.S. Marshal with a hammer, striking the officer three times, back in July of 2020. He pleaded guilty to assaulting a federal officer with a deadly weapon.

The judge sentenced him to 46 months in prison.

It’s not a party without a 12-pack of Corona. Antifa yobbo Justin Christopher Moore was arrested last week for bringing half a case of Molotov cocktails with the intention of burning down a Seattle police station. He has yet to be sentenced. The feds usually take arson seriously.

This next arrest goes back to August but l had to include him. Look at his face! This clown seems to suffer from mood swings!

The seemingly bipolar Ty J. Fox has been arrested four times for numerous crimes, including felony assault on a cop and throwing an explosive at one as well. Sentencing awaits the sad, now angry, Fox.

Plenty more at the source, with all of the attendant pictures if you want to see more of what this generation’s freedom fighters look like.

Category: ANTIFA, Crime

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well, they are all going to enjoy prison as I’m sure the attention from Thor, Mr. Tiny, and their friends will be quite exciting.

All 107 genders of Antifa will be all aquiver.


It doesn’t look like any of them have used soap or a comb (for those that have hair anyways) in quite a while.


Second row, fifth from the left.

Light bulb head.


Check my comment below, “Lightbulb Head” got “memed”. :mrgreen:

Green Thumb


Now maybe the soup kitchen can feed the homeless.


How did the name Jacob Chansley, and the name “Q Anon Shaman,”
end up in this article about Dems and violent 2020 types??

Hint, Chansley had nothing to do with 2020 riots and looting.

Well, this puts it to rest for all those
who don’t want to hear about January 6 arrests and charges,
and instead of discussing January 6,
would rather misdirect back to to Summer 2020.

Apples and oranges, oranges and apples…
…. I could complete the rhyme, but some of you won’t like it.

So, this ends it.
No more false claims that all the 2020 rioters and looters are walking.
It’s late for many of you,
but they’ve actually been getting rounded up, charged,
sentenced, and jailed, all along,
in large numbers… IF you bothered to look.

Let the 2020 (and 2021) convictions and sentences continue!!!

Don’t blame me for bringing up January 6.
Blame PJ Media.


Except, this is not an attempt to make an apples and oranges comparison, nor is an attempt to “misdirect” to a previous protest to avoid talking about the later protest. These memes capture what had been argued on this site, and elsewhere, with regards to the treatment of the J6 protesters versus the treatment of 2020 protesters.

The arguments that we have made, in this area, is an argument against the media narrative. Calling what happened on January 6, 2021, an “insurrection,” insults the critical thinker’s intelligence:

However, the same leftist, propagandist, media tried to label the actually violent riots as “peaceful”, an action that became a subject of memes:

When someone calls for overthrowing the government and replacing it with communism, categorizing this with “peaceful protest” would be a hell of a way to describe an actual call for insurrection:

How did these congressmembers treat the different protests?

As for the number of people being held accountable, this would have to be quantified. Keep in mind that total number of people that were involved with the 2020 riots, compared to those who were involved with the capitol riot. When comparing the two groups, this has to be statistically weighed. Divide the number of 2020 rioters who are being held accountable for their actions, by the total number of 2020 rioters. Do the same with the number of J6 rioters. That is just one part of what is needed to statistically weigh this.

This is just a glimpse of what is being done here, that you dismiss as “misdirecting” or “redirecting”.


thebesig, I agree you in the labeling by the lefty media, the term “peaceful protest” was bullshit from the beginning, and the term “insurrection” is false, at best, an “attempted insurrection”, on a case by case basis, by select individual January 6 knuckleheads, who went there specifically to stop Congress. Not everyone on January 6 was “caught up in the moment”, despite their court claims in hopes of leniency, not when wearing battlegear, and carrying mace, poles, nightsticks, and in at least 2 cases, guns. Insurrectionist individuals illegally entering the Capitol, and throw in some assault, theft, and damage for many of them. No denying that. Worse, for quantifying the numbers of 2020 vs 2021, as you plainly see, the lefty media has always been playing down 2020, while trumpeting and showcasing each January 6 knucklehead when arrested and charged, and then more on big court days, plea bargains, and more recently, sentences. Also, the media plays down how many arsonists and looters from 2020 were never identified, while playing up that number from January 6, 2021, and encouraging the online sleuth movement (for January 6, but NOT for Summer 2020). It may take until 2023 to square away the actual numbers of 2020 vs 2021. As for “treatment of the J6 protesters”, now THAT is apples and oranges. I have both in my county, among several others, and all anyone needs to do is deploy the Fu of Google on Samuel Lazar (jailed until trial for macing DC police), and then deploy the Fu of Google on Leo Brent Bozell IV (son of crickets media transparency pundit Brent Bozell, sitting at home on no bail, with a HersheyPark year pass and throwing parties, although he broke a Capitol door glass, climbed through a smashed out Capitol window, chanted from the Senate balcony, shifted the large network TV video camera towards the floor, and then participated in rummaging on the Senate floor). That’s the apples and oranges of January 6, depending on who wants them held accountable, and who wants them to get off. Also, J6 FGS for some on… Read more »


I see you’ve saddled up on your high horse once more. Must be a hell of a view, looking down your nose like that.


All answered below, SFC D.
All answered below.


I had my answer before I even posted. Enjoy the ride and don’t fall.


We weren’t arguing about the “innocence” or “guilt” of the J6 protestors. On both, and on Gab, I’ve argued against people who wanted to make this one where they stormed the congressional representatives. Trump wanted a peaceful demonstration, and that’s what I argued should be done.

The apples and oranges comparison are on the innocence or guilt argument, as your examples of J6 rioters who broke the law show. Not only is that an apples to oranges comparison, it’s a strawman argument. Lazar’s acts do not change the fact that a common complaint, among those held due to their involvement in the January 6 Capitol riot, involve having basic rights violated.

The argument, that I and others here pushed, is the double standard being applied. THAT’S the ACTUAL argument. This is NOT an opinion, but fact based on complaints from the rioters themselves. In fact, a judge had ordered a probe into the treatment of the J6 rioters. This fall, they were moved due to how they were being treated. It does not matter if they’re innocent or guilty, our Founding Fathers had an expected way that people held in confinement should be treated. Dislike Lazar’s actions as much as you want, he has a right to due process, and he has a right to dignified treatment while in confinement consistent with what the founding fathers wanted in cases of confinement.

Again, THAT’s the argument, focusing on Lazar and ignoring the double standard IS the apples to oranges comparison.

Focusing on whether someone should be in prison for their acts or not misses the big picture… These folks treated as if they are traitors, actual insurrectionists, when they should have received similar treatment in prison for others who had been charged with the same or similar things they’ve been charged with.


True for several held in DC jails,
but NOT for Samuel Lazar.

Lazar was arrested in July, and jailed in PA, NOT DC.
Treated really well in PA, too.
Girlfriend visits. Access to a lot of other perks.
Lazar has tried everything to get out, and failed.
Lazar also tried to stay in PA,
even citing DC conditions,
but ultimately failed there, too.

Lazar was transferred to DC jail in November,
AFTER moves and improvements, and AFTER the September article (and argument).

I’m sure Leo Bozell isn’t concerned about Lazar
(and neither is Daddy-O Brent Bozell (III)),
but Leo must be shitting solid gold bricks by now,
seeing that his wait out for leniency has failed,
and others who did less than him are getting real time.

2022 or 2023, machts nichts,
both Lazar and Bozell will see 1 year or more in prison
and/or DC jail each.
And be treated well, too.

Why? Well, if you know Daddy-O Brent Bozell (III),
he won’t let something like prison mistreatment go unspoken.
Well, that is, when it eventually involves his own son.


We have no argument regarding Lazar, he threw himself under the bus with his statements about spraying mace on police officers. This applies to any other rioter that committed offenses and are later charged with those offences.

Nobody was arguing that those that committed a crime should get away with the crime.

My main argument was the inconsistency in treatment between this group and the group that protested the previous year. That’s what they’re doing in Venezuela and elsewhere, that’s not something they should do in the United States.

Trump called for a peaceful protest, he needed their numbers, but as part of his message. The folks that turned this from a demonstration to a riot worked against the message that Trump, and the thousands of peaceful protestors there who did nothing wrong, was sending.

I also read accounts of embedded agitators in the crowds. These accounts were not just from January 6, but also the previous year. This is a tactic that was used in both Iraq and Afghanistan, throughout the Middle East, and in Asia, to stir violent protests and riots. Any statement that this was happening, coupled with a statement that foreign or government actors were involved, should be taken seriously as the long-term end result is not good.


Well no, that isn’t how law in the US works thankfully. Whatever someone did in Wisconsin will be treated completely different than if a similar thing were done in DC. Certainly it would be impossible to do the same thing in two different places.


5JC: Well no, that isn’t how law in the US works thankfully. [REPEAT POINT] What I said to you the last time you said that: False. Our justice system is not supposed to take two groups committing same or similar acts and treat them differently like what we’re seeing with two different protests/riots. A big picture concept that you’re missing is that those who commit crimes supporting a political agenda, an approved one, are getting away from being truly held accountable. This occurs in third world countries where the political leadership is abusing its power. By arguing that our justice system does not work the way KoB indicates it should work, you’re advocating that our justice system, in reality, is no different from that of Venezuela. Anybody that pays attention to current events, and ties things to history, would be alarmed at this double standard. As with the case of the Colectivos in Venezuela, Antifa and BLM could potentially by used as a civilian “military” that a more restrictive government could use to exert control on the people. Antifa/BLM already do this, by showing up to conservative rallies for the purposes of starting trouble. 5JC: Whatever someone did in Wisconsin will be treated completely different than if a similar thing were done in DC. Certainly it would be impossible to do the same thing in two different places. I’m not arguing about the different treatment that people get in the hands of civil authority at different local jurisdictions, or at different states. I’m arguing about the different treatment, on the national level, that is being meted out to those who protested on January 6 compared to those who protested the previous year. For example, Nancy Pelosi, in the previous year, asked why there aren’t any more uprisings. This same woman turns around and fights for the standing up of a commission to look into the January 6 protests. That is a part of what I’m arguing above. The other is the different standard being applied towards the two different protest groups. The intent, of the Founders when it came to… Read more »


It’s always cool when Leftists do anything, of course. /sarc


Ol’ Poe will admit to a tendency toward verbosity but he does believe Marine Dad has him beat.

It took him 151 words to tell us ever so smugly:

“I told you rightwingers so.”

And even then he’s wrong because, as the besig capably points out, comparing the outcome of a single, one-off event to countless nights of violent rebellion and lawlessness over a period of multiple monthe is, quite clearly to everyone but MD61, an apples and oranges comparison.


Sorry, missed your comment.
I was busy typing out a long reply comment,
a reply to thebesig’s long reply comment.

Let me know if thebesig is over 151 words,
and if he is, if he is due some snark by Poetrooper.
He won’t be getting any snark from me based on word count (alone).


Well if it’s true what they say about pictures and words, he’s well north of 4,000 by my count.

But then, he couldn’t have made his main points in just five words.

And you could have…😜


All answered below, Poe.
All answered below.


Gateway pundit has an article on this very subject today. They have a video, but they say it is 11+ hours long. Look at it if you have 11+ hours of free time.

I wonder how many will keep up the tough guy or gal image when they arrive at the big house, or will suddenly discover they are somebody’s property. Doubtful they will continue with the hard ass persona they projected on the outside.


Omigod, Odie, don’t you know better than to inject Gateway Pundit into the comments thread when MarineDad61 is on board?

All hands prepare for snide ridicule…😜


No, just some truth,
that Joe Hoft knowingly LIED in this new article
on his platform of poop The Gateway Pundit.


Bring the snide ridicule 😁

Perhaps people who disagree with different news sources can share with some of us who they consider to be reputable and trustworthy. Let us go look at their info source.

Gateway pundit also reported on Amazon warehouse tornado disaster, or is that story not true because, you know, gateway pundit.

I drive past that industrial park nearly everyday, and it looks pretty real to me.


It’s like Occupy Democrats.
They get some things right,
but they get a lot wrong,
and when they do, it’s whoppers.
Who here would defend OD?

Or, our many Stolen Valor and military phony shitbirds.
From current Mayor James and Scout Leader Cole,
to legendary stalwarts like Bernath,
and even good ol’ departed Elko POW*MIA Brown.
They all get a lot of it right,
even most of it….
but then they F it all up with whoppers.

That’s where The Gateway Pundit is today.
They get a lot of it right,
but they F it up with whoppers.

Today, a whopper that YOU led me to.

Hate to say it….
being this is a Stolen Valor and military phony website…
but defenders of Occupy Democrats and The Gateway Pundit,
if they are not careful,
end up making themselves look like (military) phony enablers and defenders.

Not a good look.. for a website like this.


Well, if you don’t approve of the look… look elsewhere.


Are you saying The Gateway Pundit got it right,
and I got it wrong?

Or, are you just venting,
because Gateway Pundit bullshit is exposed again,
and it’s the bullshit you like to read and believe?


Don’t be obtuse. If you don’t like the look HERE, you are free to look elsewhere.


MarineDad has decreed himself the arbiter of what is acceptable and what is not, regarding news organizations. It’s for your own good.


Here is the link to The Gateway Pundit article you are referring to.

Below, I will clearly show you (and everyone else)
a HUGE problem (a grave LIE) in this article.
Right here, inn this paragraph…. the 1st paragraph I checked, followed by the checking of the linked 11 hr 55 min YouTube
(that I will link in my next comment).

[At 9:22:10 Matt Gaetz says, “We came here today to debate.”
He also mentioned in that 5-minute speech that through facial recognition it had been determined that some of the “protesters”, who were dressed in MAGA outfits,
were actually Antifa people.
(So they knew that as early as Jan. 6th!)]

[Who Really Benefitted from the Jan 6 Protests?
One Reader Shares Their Observations
By Joe Hoft / Published December 18, 2021 at 10:00am]


Here is the YouTube video
linked in the article by The Gateway Pundit.

I didn’t watch 11 hours.
I jumped right to Matt Gaetz, and his 5 minutes.
Matt Gaetz begins at 9 hrs 20 mins 55 secs.


Finally, here is the Washington Times news article
that Matt Gaetz refers to in Congress on January 6,
as seen in the YouTube video above.

Matt Gaetz spoke on what he saw in print on January 6.
Gaetz believed it at the time, which is fine.
(But, as you’ll see next, it’s foolish for any Congressman
to take hot off the press news to microphone
on the floor of Congress.)

HOWEVER… There is a major problem here.
A problem with THE GATEWAY PUNDIT.

The Washington Times ran a CORRECTION to this story.

[Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that XRVision facial recognition software identified Antifa members among rioters who stormed the Capitol Wednesday.
XRVision did not identify any Antifa members.
The Washington Times apologizes to XRVision for the error.]

Later in this (corrected) article…

[The Washington Times erroneously reported late Wednesday that facial recognition technology backed up that speculation and identified two Antifa members.
In fact, XRVision has not identified any members of that far-left movement as being part of the attack.]

CONCLUSION – The Washington Times fessed up to their mistake.

CONCLUSION – HOWEVER, Joe Hoft of The Gateway Pundit
ignores the Washington Times story correction,
pushes the long disproved LIE of Antifa via facial recognition, and then goes further with the outrageous conclusion of
“(So they knew that as early as Jan. 6th!)”

Worse…. Joe Hoft has had 11 MONTHS
to see the correction in the Washington Times.

Is anyone here willing to defend this spoon fed bullshit
by Joe Hoft and The Gateway Pundit?
Poetrooper? (You snarked 1st.)

It’s a FOOLS GAME for anyone to believe, push, or defend anything coming from The Gateway Pundit.

Because… The Gateway Pundit just did it again.
I would have never seen this new LIE,
if not prompted (here on VG) to go check it out for myself.

Thank you for reading.
Oh, and F TGP.

[Facial recognition identifies extremists storming the Capitol]


MD61, as several of us tried to tell you the last time this came up, we get it that you don’t like Joe Hoft and Gateway Pundit. They have become red meat bait for you.

And you just can’t ignore it…😜


It’s not a matter of like.
It’s a matter of truth and lies,
and willingly lying,
just like this website’s long history with Stolen Valor and military phony shitbirds.

Well, that’s what The Gateway Pundit just did.
Again. Today.

I see it everywhere…
Sad to see otherwise intelligent and respected Americans who
read bullshit,
enjoy reading bullshit,
believe bullshit,
enjoy believing bullshit,
push bullshit on others,
enjoy pushing bullshit on others,
and then……
snarking, criticizing, insulting, and/or labeling anyone who exposes and criticizes the bullshit
(and the bullshitter).

Defending Joe Holt & The Gateway Pundit today,
with their latest bullshit,
is a really bad look, Poe…
considering this is a Stolen Valor and military phony website and all.

Read above to my last reply to Odie.
Because it sure looks like you haven’t read the others.


And yet, as ol’ Poe has said before in similar discussions with you, MD61, you have no problem relying on Wikipedia as a source and left-biased fact-checking sites to support your contentions.

But keep it up–you’ve turned this into entertainment for a bored old man…


My source today,
TGP’s source, The Washington Times.

Difference is,
the Washington Times ran a correction,
something TGP doesn’t seem to (ever) worry or care about, and, in this case, completely ignored from their source,
as if the original false story stands.

IMHO, because TGP’s fooling of fans and readers isn’t an accident, it’s intentional.
It’s TGP’s goal.

Fill us in on tomorrow’s TGP headline.


“Fill us in on tomorrow’s TGP headline.”

Okay, probably will go something like this:


USMC Steve

There were a significant number of FBI types as well as their paid operatives involved. Very few of the people involved in that were actually conservatives who didn’t like being fucked out of their country by a rigged election. I am surprised at how few of you apparently recognize a false flag operation, because that is what this was. It was a provocation, and a set up by federal operatives. Note how long after the event any sham trials were held and what was finally done after they kept most of the people “accused” of such heinous crimes locked up in solitary confinement pending their “trials”.


I’m old enough to remember the Senate holding an illegal Kafkaesque ‘trial’ where the controlled functionaries of foreign control where: judge, jury, witness, executioner.

This is no longer about perverted elections, imo, this is about our government being knocked off the Foundation in toto and in a struggle to remain relevant, lashing out at every perceived slight.

God help us all.


Waiting for the comment that says…

Holy shit, MarineDad61 actually got it right.
The Gateway Pundit dropped another load of shit,
he accidentally stumbled onto it,
he checked it out, gathered up the sources, verified it,
laid out the sources here, and proved (once again)
that The Gateway Pundit really is full of shit.

I’ll start the YouTube 10 hour crickets video,
now that Too Mean to Die by Accept has finished playing.


Look closely at some of the pictures above. Many of the men look too much like women. In other news, check this meme: :mrgreen:




Sapper3307 (& 26Limabeans),
The meme for Lightbulb Head looks more like
Scrotum Head (Dick Face?).


They look like characters out of the old Dick Tracy cartoons. Upper left corner reminds me of Flathead.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Can you imagine just how quickly some of those snowflakes will get their asses handed to them the moment they demand say, to “be called by their choice of pronoun” or any shit like that?

E4 Mafia '83-'87

Fresh Fish! Fresh Fish! The Sisterhood is going to land themselves some Fresh Fish!


Good! Merry Christmas, MFs!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I’m suprised that the supreme ruler and head of the new DC Kremlin hasn’t had the courts put a stop order on the arrests of those 55 antifa members who act as the arm of the new Kremlin (WHITE HOUSE)) as well as the KKK.


What we have, heah…is a real good start. Now if we could get some of the Burn Loot Murder crowd in the same jails, we could really say we’re making progress.

And NO, MD61, I don’t compare the stupidity of what a few did on 6 Jan to the maliciousness of widespread real looting, burning, and pillaging. That is almost like comparing Lee’s invasion of PA (no foraging/pay for what is taken, Lee’s orders) to Sherman’s March thru GA and the Carolina’s (forage liberally upon the Countryside, Sherman’s orders). Or maybe what Sheridan did to the Valley (a crow would have to pack rations to fly over it).


All answered above, KoB.
All answered above.


Wasn’t asking questions OR looking for answers, MD61. I was simply stating opinions of mine to put Pantifa and BLM trash in the same jail. Popcorn?

Paragraph two (2) were known facts long before ANY inherwebz sites came about. And there is NO way, in my humble opinion, that the “destruction” of the 6 Jan idjits compares to the MASSIVE amount of destruction done by the Burn Loot Murder crowds. I condone neither’s actions. I’ll also state this opinion. If the “Insurrectionists” of 6 Jan had of been a REAL insurrection, it woulda made Sherman’s March look like a simple case of malicious trespassing. If BOTH parties of the grubermint of “We, The People” keep poking the folks that just want to be left alone, a REAL Insurrection WILL come along and it WILL NOT be pretty.


To ol’ Poe, the thing that leaps off that page of mugshots is how almost all of them are physically unattractive, a trait shared by many criminals. It would be interesting to find out how many of these misfits have troubled or even criminal pasts.

I’ve been maintaining to Miz Poe for a long time now that BLM and Antifa and their like recruit angry misfits, among them many petty and serious criminals, to fleah out their ranks and to provide the violent vanguard in their most unlawful acts.

The attribute shared most widely among them is not political discontent but anger arising out of the sorry status in life allotted them by their unattractiveness among other things.

It was notable that of the three “political activists” that young Kyle shot that violent night, the three who were the most determined to ‘get” him, all had significant criminal records.

While Lars would likely deny it, ol’ Poe’s convinced that a large percentage of those drawn to, or recruited for, such violent political events aren’t ex-military officers like Lars, but far more likely, if they have any military service at all, to be those separated early in basic training as unfit to continue.

Looking at those mugshots, one impression keeps rising in this old man’s brain: misfits–homely, unhappy misfits…

Hack Stone

Hack Stone believes the phrase that you are looking for is “useful idiots”, individuals on the lower end of the Intelligence scale, never developing skills that would pay more than minimum wage, and easily manipulated. The leaders fire them up with some words of encouragement, promise to “halve their back”, then send them out to wreak havoc that the leaders are too smart to do themselves. Just like how Phil Monkress was able to find some flunky on the All Points Logistics payroll to battle the military blogs over Phil’s claims of being a US Navy SEAL.


“physically unattractive”

The one guy with obvious facial burns…..
I’ll bet he didn’t get them working on a carburetor.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Those goofus-looking monkeyshits are going to quickly find out that Bubba, Thor and Company don’t give two hoots of a ratfuck about politics, they just want their asses as well as at least a ramen cup a day.

RGR 4-78

An ailment of ANTIFA’s is being sent to prison. Hopefully a boastfulness of BLMers will soon follow.


Should be a lesson in here. These AntfiFa, while stupid, were used. The Dems used them to their ends and left them high and dry. I saw on their “super secret” chat and message rooms where they were being promised legal support if it came to it. So that helped temporarily when they would get bail or released… didn’t when it really mattered. The Dems/Liberals got what they wanted and let these people take the wrap.

I’d like to say this will backfire but the Dems seem good at information manipulation.


“…they were being promised legal support if it came to it.”

Yes. By deep pockets and a guard of ‘impartial observers’, or political officers.

Those safety green hats stand out and are always within spitting distance of the action; Charlottesville, Portland, Minneapolis, LA, NYC, etc; 9-out-10 times observing violence.

But hey, ‘they’re impartial’.

Hack Stone

Just like Phil Monkress. See Hack’s remarks to Poetrooper’s comment above.

Amateur Historian

Good. Now release the Jan. 6 protesters back to their families and it will really feel like Christmas. 🎄


Without Law there is no Order. Without Order law’s bastard twin is dispensed by evil hairless monkeys.

A plague on all of our houses.

I could be wrong but Spring 22 will see PsyOp 2020 Redux and we’ll go through this all again. Many of these criminals have not been caught, and with the never-ending Cold To End All Colds still ‘around’, I’d bet mightily that the above foot soldiers will be released to apply their craft yet again. All in the name of ‘health’ of course.

All of that may seem a bit paranoid, yet looking from where I sit I’m not seeing too many successes lately. Steel yourselves.


I shall celebrate this good news. Thanks.

Those dipsticks are going to learn some hard lessons in spontaneous order, and what becomes power and authority in the absence of the ones they hated and opposed.

A Proud Infidel®™️

IMHO not a one of those screeching snot monkeys looks like they’ve ever held a real job, been useful or productive to Society and contributed to anything other than being part of a mob. Yes, I know that there have been Schoolteachers arrested which offers a look at how screwed our schools are!

Hack Stone

Anything new on the two attorneys in New York arrested for firebombing the police vehicle?


I’m sure they are seeking appointments to the Brandon/Cackles administration because… Justice!


Found this… it all depends on the Judge regarding the last paragraph on their chances serving with the Brandon/Cackles administration:

Urooj Rahman, 32, and Colinford Mattis, 34, could get up to 10 years in prison at sentencing next year on a charge of possessing or making a destructive device.

They had faced a mandatory-minimum sentence of 45 years in prison if convicted at trial on seven counts, including six that will be dropped as a result of the plea.

U.S. District Judge Brian Cogan set the sentencing for Feb. 8.

The federal government is pushing for the maximum sentence, arguing the judge should apply a “terrorism” enhancement to the penalty because what the attorneys allegedly did was intended to intimidate NYPD officers.

Judge Cogan stated:

“The terrorism enhancement is going to be a big issue. I have no idea where I’m going to come out on that.”

Defense Attorney Paul Schectman argued the defendants did not deserve prison for their actions:

“(Their behavior occurred) in the heat of the moment on one of the most heated nights in modern American history.”


Ain’t that a fact! If I had a dollar for every time it was the ‘most heated nights in American history’, like the Red Sox coming back 0-4 to win the pennant against that ladies’ softball team known as the Yankees, or some such other event and my friends got all riled up, got in a minivan with a bunch of Molotov’s to set cop cars on fire… well I’d have zero dollars.

Fking lawers (sic) *should* know better. May the Judge keep them off the streets until eligible for AARP memberships.


Soapdodging Communist shitstains!


Holy shit !!!
Larsie-boi find another alias to write under ?
Damn !!!


Just a case of a commenter (Odie) innocently summoning another source,
which turned out to be a shit show article
by a repeat offender lying source,
Joe Hoft and his slag rag The Gateway Pundit.

NOTE(s) –
1. Other than calling out the Chandley callout,
I made no other criticism of Mason’s article source, PJ Media.
2. thebesig has thrown no shit at me,
and I have thrown no shit back at thebesig.
His replies are fair and well written,
and we have gone back and forth with some disagreement,
but no shit slinging.
3. Despite 1 & 2, a few other commenters aren’t happy
seeing 1 of their fave fake news sites get shot to shit,
with specific call out of the lying owner and article writer, Joe Hoft.

So that’s on those guys,
who choose to phony enable and phony defend The Gateway Pundit,
sounding like Democrats out there who defend Occupy Democrats and Joy Reid.

Not my prob,
but my pleasure in wasting some Saturday free time
exposing The Gateway Pundit for what it really is.


Here ya go, MD61, some red meat to chew on:

We here at TAH will all be waiting with bated breath for your completely unbiased assessment of TGP’s credibility.


Game, set, match.
You lose, Poe.
Not for the phony TGP article, but for your phony snarks.

But here’s a very good VG idea for you, to regain some face.

Plop that link around Pendleton, Indiana
before February 2022, when
Phony Purple Hearts Phony Bronze Star Thomas Cole
is allegedly going to meet Gen. Flynn in person,
and have Flynn vouch for Cole getting shot in the chest
and receiving 1 Purple Heart.

You’ll be the hero of VG (and Gen. Flynn)
when Flynn sues at least 3 different people in Pendleton,
for falsely linking Flynn to Cole.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Get Flynn to sue a Phony Purple Heart Phony Bronze Star,
his best friend, and the town police chief.

Or, you can go play a set with Martina Navratilova.
She might spot you a few points, or even let you win.
Then you can trot around the claim that you beat Martina.

Oh, yeah, send this VG link to Flynn, too,
so he can read all the blog comments.
He’ll make the time.
Just for you.
[Thomas Cole – Phony Urgent Fury Commando
[October 29, 2021]


Don’t turn into a sucky speller now,
over a simple word like “bait”.


Yep, I baited Poe with a false and phony bate hook,
so Poe learns a little
about what Poe’s fave fake news site likes to do to others,
including Poe.


Um, MD61, before you can be a grammar Nazi you have to know your grammar:

“Bated breath is a phrase that means to hold one’s breath due to suspense, trepidation or fear. Bated breath is a phrase first mentioned in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.The word bated is an abbreviation of the word abated, meaning to lessen in severity or amount. Bated is rarely used on its own as an adjective or verb anymore, but it lingers in the English language in the phrase bated breath.”

But then I didn’t expect you to know that. Perhaps if you had “Google Fooed” as you like to admonish others…


Made you look.
How does it feel?

I see ZERO difference between
the phony defenders of
Les Brown & the Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass,
the phony defenders of
Phony Legion of Merit
San Clemente Mayor Gene James
(or any other phony elected official),
and the phony defenders of
the brothers Heft at TGP
(or any other known spreader of the fake and false).

BONUS – Vest for sale.
POW*MIA vest.
In Idaho.
Someone can snatch up a bargain,
and go join their phony defender brothers
at the Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass.

[POW VEST NEW SIZE 46 – $50 (Blackfoot)]

Green Thumb

No more, no Les.

As he continues to steal valor and chili money from beyond the grave….


Green Thumb,
Crickets from Elko, Nevada.
NO mention of a 2022 chili feed.
They should have put up a date by now.


Green Thumb,
Speaking of No more, no Les…
That photo of Les wearing a badge
on the PD’s Book of the Fake…
Gone with the wind.


Nobody really gives a pinch of shit about Gateway Pundit. You really don’t understand your audience. You’re the problem. Your arrogance. Your holier-than-thou attitude. You are preachy, condescending, and a closed-minded know-it-all. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: You and Lars have become opposite sides of the same coin.


I think he doesn’t like TGP because they may have had an article referencing uncorroborated/able Fed data once or twice? Imagine getting that wrapped around the axle about SOP for the MSM and yet TGP seems to be forthright in retract/correct. Funny, that.

Indirectly I get exposure to TGP, Mister Complains-too-much’s kvetching makes it seems like I should give them MORE reads purposefully… and maybe a subscription!

Like the bulk of us don’t have fking discernment. Prick.


The problem with you
(and Poe, and 1 or 2 others)
is that you’re so F’d in the head over Lars/Commie,
that Lars can be absent here, take a break,
go on 2 weeks leave, or go AWOL for 10 days, and….

(text search “Lars” on this VG article for proof)

… he’s still in your F’d up head(s).

Both you and Poe, on various VG political articles:
-predict Lars’ arrival
-predict Lars’ response
-piss all over Lars, even in his absence.

And you both did it again, right here, in the last 32 hours.

Lars/Commie may be a whack-a-doodle leftwingnut,
and come up with some outrageous comments
(obviously, to tweak you guys (effectively)),
but it’s clear that you (and him, and him over there)
have allowed Lars to penetrate your brain, even in absentia.

And now, you think you’re going to lump me?
Fat F’ing chance.

Scrape off Lars, until he arrives again, and posts something stupid, outrageous, or leftwingnutty again.
When he does, empty the clip.
Launch the artillery.
Drop the surplus daisy cutters.

If you can’t (scrape off Lars), even in his absence,
and you continuously feel the need to pull the stunts above,
then it’s
YOU with the problem,
YOU with the arrogance,
YOU with the condescension, and
YOU who needs to unF yourselves.

I’m not sticking up for Lars/Commie.
He’s on his own.
This is a reflection on YOUR behavior, not his.
Or, as Roh Dog says….


And with that….
Let’s see if we can (all) go another 10 weeks,
well into 2022, and a few newly outed military phony
and Stolen Valor shitbird articles,
before another round of political #2
is dropped from the sky
by the commercial airliner’s shitpot disposal.

Good luck.


As our very own Ed likes to say:



You’re just not getting it. I can’t be any more clear or direct. Have it your way.


And just for the record, I’ve never read a single Gateway Pundit article. Not even the ones you graciously post. Yet somehow, I’m butt-hurt because you’ve discredited them. I’m not sure how that works, but you know best.


Sarge, I’m sure you’ve dealt with this personality type before in a squad or platoon–the loudmouthed, know-it-all, you-can’t-prove-me-wrong type that simply won’t let an argument go.

Most likely every officer or NCO has had to deal with this kind of personality.

In ol’ Poe’s experience, it does not usually end well for the know-it-all jerks…

Prior Service

I’d like to see the list of injuries received by these chumps once they check into jail and are forced to live in the general population without their homemade body armor, and have no chains, skateboards or frozen water bottles. I suspect many of them will be going down for the count.


Rectal bleeding
Testicular atrophy
Nasal tearing
Missing toenails


Actually, a few of them are probably going to level up in mayhem. They are attending a very strong school of such things.

Count on it. Some of those dipshits are going to graduate Cum Loud.

USMC Steve

These sorts are used to acting any way they want to, secure in the knowledge that there will not be any consequences to their actions. They picked places that would cater to them, and prison is not going to be one of those places.

USMC Steve

It appears now that I will have to skip over two posters due to their lack of validity and excessive length of post to make points. Lars and MarineDad.