Three More Are Accounted For

| September 26, 2021

Per DPAA’s “Recently Accounted For” webpage, the following formerly-missing US personnel were recently publicly announced as having been accounted for.

From World War II

S1c Buford H. Dyer, US Navy, assigned to the crew of the USS Oklahoma, was lost at Pearl Harbor, HI, on 7 December 1941. His accounting was announced on 20 September 2021.

S1c Joe R. Nightingale, US Navy, assigned to the crew of the USS Oklahoma, was lost at Pearl Harbor, HI, on 7 December 1941. His accounting was announced on 7 September 2021.

F2c Benjiman C. Terhune, US Navy, assigned to the crew of the USS Oklahoma, was lost at Pearl Harbor, HI, on 7 December 1941. His accounting was announced on 20 September 2021.

From Korea


From Southeast Asia


Welcome back, elder brothers-in-arms. Our apologies that your return took so long.

Rest easy. You’re home now.

. . .

Over 72,000 US personnel remain unaccounted for from World War II; over 7,500 US personnel remain unaccounted for from the Korean War; and over 1,500 remain unaccounted for in Southeast Asia (SEA). Additionally, 126 US personnel remain unaccounted for from the Cold War; 5 remain unaccounted for from the Gulf Wars; and 1 individual remains unaccounted for from Operation Eldorado Canyon.

Comparison of DNA from recovered remains against DNA from some (but not all) blood relatives can assist in making a positive ID for unidentified remains that have already been recovered. The same is true for remains which may be recovered in the future.

On their web site’s Contact Us page DPAA now has FAQs. The answer to one of those FAQs describes who can and cannot submit DNA samples useful in identifying recovered remains. The chart giving the answer can be viewed here. The text associated with the chart is short and is found in one of the FAQs.

If your family lost someone in one of these conflicts who has not yet been accounted for and you qualify to submit a DNA sample, please arrange to submit one. By doing that you just might help identify the remains of a US service member who’s been repatriated but not yet been identified – as well as a relative of yours, however distant. Or you may help to identify remains to be recovered in the future.

Everybody deserves a proper burial. That’s especially true for those who gave their all while serving this nation.


Author’s Note: S1c Nightingale’s accounting was announced in a recent DPAA public announcement vice on DPAA’s “Recently Accounted For” webpage. While a number of other individuals were also recently announced by DPAA as having been accounted for in similar public announcements, I am reasonably certain that the remainder of them have already been memorialized in “No Longer Missing” articles here at TAH. If anyone notices an individual among those announcements that I’ve missed, please so advise and I’ll correct the omission.

Category: No Longer Missing

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A Proud Infidel®™️

*Slow Salute*


Welcome Home Warriors. We Salute your Service and Pay Honors to your Sacrifice.

Thanks Hondo.


Welcome home.


Welcome Home


Welcome home Brothers. Rest in peace now.


On a somewhat related note the remains of Captain Emil Kapaun, were flown back home to Kansas Saturday for final internment Tuesday.

“The sequence obtained from 2019H-314, Sample is consistent with the reference for Emil Kapaun.”

MARCH 3, 2021 When his phone rang this past March, Ray Kapaun was working at home on Whidbey Island, north of Seattle, avoiding COVID-19 like half the country. His phone ID said the call was coming from “Fort Knox.”

Green Thumb

Welcome home, men.

Rest well.


I believe deaths on the Oklahoma were second only to the Arizona. As I’ve watched this weekly occurrence I’ve been surprised how many Oklahoma sailors were among the unknown.

This installment has me wondering, how long did it take to make 1st and 2nd class Petty Officers in the pre-war Navy?

Skivvy Stacker

Welcome home, fellas. It’s been a long time.
Sit back and let us put some Glenn Miller on the radio for ya, and we’ll get some Donut Dollies in here to dance with ya. The war you missed is long over, and we’ve had a few more since then. We can’t seem to learn our lesson, and stop killing each other. Well, that’s how it goes, I guess.
But it’s nice to have you back, and to know you were never really lost, just kind of misplaced. You get to be buried properly now. You might not know all the people who will be in your old home town to greet you, but they love you just the same.
And your souls? Well, they can now go and Stand the Rails with the rest of the officers and crew of the Okie. She’s getting ready to sail one final time to a far shore. That shore is a place of peace and beauty like nothing here on Earth, and nothing any of us have known. You lucky Swabs, you get to see it soon.

+Eternal rest grant unto them, Oh Lord; and may perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.
signed, Rev. Mark Ambrose Lauer 29September2021