Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth

| June 14, 2009

Mookie I’m-a-dinner-jacket, with the obvious help of his sponsors in the Mullah-ocracy, fooled no one and stole the Iranian election. All the leftist who routinely support despots like this and Castro and Chavez are suddenly concerned.

Al Jazeera has this report:

The US, Britain and Canada have voiced concern about reports of irrigularities following President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s claim of a landslide re-election victory in Iran.

Thousands of protesters roamed through Tehran on Saturday, waging hit-and-run clashes with police and setting trash bins and tires ablaze and accusing Ahmadinejad of stealing an election from Mir Hossein Mousavi, his reformist rival.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, the US secretary of state, said she hoped the outcome reflected the “genuine will and desire” of Iranian voters, responding to claims by supporters of Mousavi that allege that the outcome was rigged to give Ahmadinejad a decisive victory.

“We are monitoring the situation as it unfolds in Iran, but we, like the rest of the world, are waiting and watching to see what the Iranian people decide.” Clinton told reporters in Ontario, Canada.

The White House also released a two-sentence statement praising “the vigorous debate and enthusiasm that this election generated, particularly among young Iranians,” but also expressing concern over “reports of irregularities.”

Lawrence Cannon, Canada’s foreign affairs minister, said his country was also “deeply concerned” by reports of irregularities in the election.

Some are even suggesting that the US get involved in some way to support the “uprising”.

While this bunch of mouth-breathing retards gasp about the remote possibility that the Mullahs would steal an election, I think it’s time we all took a big swig from the little brown jug of reality.

Ahmadinejad’s victory was a very GOOD THING!

These young people in Tehran who are in the streets getting their collective asses kicked by the police are only making Ahmadinejad stronger. They are not crying for regime change or a free Iraq, they are doing little more than demonstrating a mass retardation that is laughable on its face.

Supposedly they are all animated because the election was stolen from “reformist” candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi Khameneh. Before anybody starts calling for American intervention in some way to support this gaggle, it would be instructive to ask; If Mousavi was President and the streets exploded with politically raged protests, what would he do?

Probably kill them…kill them all.

Remember that Mousavi was the last Prime Minister of Iran before the constitution was changed creating a Presidency. During his reign he shut down all universities and executed thousands in the months after the revolution. It was on his watch that over thirty thousand people were executed and dumped in mass graves in 1988. It was also under his leadership that the Iranian nuclear program was born.

Ahmadinejad’s “victory” is actually seen as a good thing in Israel. The reason for this is fairly simple and also an indictment on the pathetically weakened position President Obama has put the United States in.

In short Ahmadinejad is a frigging lunatic and a very easy man for the world to hate. His constant unhinged raving makes it difficult even for Obama to deal with him. Mousavi on the other hand is a soft-spoken academic and self described “reformist”. Despite his Stalin-like history of dealing with “reformers”, he is a hard left socialist and the western media can’t seem to get enough of that.

Most Israelis also believe that a Mousavi victory would have been disastrous for another reason; in a word Obama.

Had Mousavi won, the White House would be in full spin mode already taking credit for the “reformist” victory for change and chants of “yes we can” would be sweeping the country. Obama and the American media would credit his videotaped message to the Iranian people and of course his recent speech from Cairo.

Mousavi would announce a couple of sweeping “reforms “ like allowing girls to wear lipstick and allow some young men to start taking flower arranging classes instead of hanging them from construction cranes.

Obama would declare “peace in our time”, fight to lift Iranian sanctions and choke support for Israel.

Oh yeah and a guaranteed nuclear war within 12 months!

Category: Politics

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I know this is cranking up an old thread, but since one of the mullahs is now the president of Iran and tensions seem to be increasing there, what’s the take on this 5 years later?

And no, I do not trust whatever ‘deal’ the UN comes up with regarding Iran’s nuke program, any further than I throw the people who write up those documents.