Dustin Che Stevens; 2d dumbest deserter ever

| June 4, 2009

Sporkmaster sent me a link to a Courage to Resist article about three “brave” resisters who’ve refused to do the duty that they promised Americans they’d do. The first two were Victor Agosto and Andre Sheperd who we’ve already talked about here. The third one is new to me; CTR says is his name is Dustin Che Stevens, but I’d wager the Che part just got added recently.

Stevens story makes him the 2d dumbest deserter of the ones we’ve encountered. The number one spot is occupied by Corey Glass who TSO wrote about last year. Glass is hiding out in Canada, but the Army says they’re not even looking for him. Glass found out that the Army isn’t looking him for him last year but he’s still applying for refugee status in Canada.

Now, Stevens, on the other hand, decided to make his statement at his Airborne School graduation;

After five months in the Army, Dustin Che Stevens sat down during Airborne graduation in 2002 in order to refuse graduation.

Can you imagine the smoke those Blackhats brought that day? Well, that’s still not the part that makes him 2d dumbest – he claims that they told him to go home and wait for his discharge. I shit you not. Have any of you ever been told to go home and wait for your discharge? The Army just doesn’t send folks home to wait for anything without leave. Stevens is a lyin’ ass and the hippies prove themselves to be idiots once again by believing it.

Now, after seven years of waiting for his discharge, he’s all upset because he got picked up in a traffic stop in his hometown as a deserter and he’s sitting in a jail cell (he claims it’s an 8 x 8 cell that he shares with three other derelicts – another lie the hippies suck up) at Fort Bragg.

“Lots of other guys return from AWOL and test positive for drugs, and are processed out,” he said. But if you return without evidence of drug use, the Airborne wants you as a combat soldier in Afghanistan.

Um, no they don’t, Dustin. They don’t want your stupid ass anywhere near some paratroopers.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers

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Hahahahahahahaha!!! Yeah, they tell you where to go, alright: like maybe to the latrine with a toothbrush and a little soap so that you can scrub that floor spotless? Then it’s off to do KP for everyone else who isn’t a moron chickenshit. Then, if you’re lucky, they will let you go clean weapons in the armory, followed by cleaning the orderly room and the NCO barracks. Of course this is all done to keep you occupied while they “process your paperwork” for separation, which usually takes 3-6 months.

We had a couple of those that found out they weren’t as tough as they thought they were and pulled this kind of stunt. They think they are sooo much smarter, but don’t realize that the military has been dealing with these types since the beginning of time and they have perfected the game.

I’m sure pulling his chickenshit stunt at Airborne graduation was supposed to be his shining moment, but what sent him running home to mama probably was the peer reviewed and administered wall to wall counseling session they had waiting for him.

I’m glad the pantywaist took off, because I would rather have him shit himself in training rather than on the battlefield where others lives are at stake.


Old Tanker

Somehow I doubt the story about shitbird sitting down and refusing graduation……..he couldn’t have the stones for that. 8×8 cell with 3 other charlie foxtrots, ya….and you have to share one toothbrush and shit in a catbox too. Wanker.


I was born and definitely not yesterday…The Army NEH-VERRR sends you home without a little hurry up and wait processing and whatever else it can dream up. The guy is clearly a lying sack. Boo-friggin hoo, he got picked up. Lucky for him, no one decided to beat his sorry ass to a pulp.

Jonn wrote: I’m sure that if he’s in an 8 x 8 cell with three other guys his ass is taking a beating, but not like you meant.


defendUSA Says:
June 4th, 2009 at 7:26 am
I was born and definitely not yesterday…The Army NEH-VERRR sends you home without a little hurry up and wait processing and whatever else it can dream up. The guy is clearly a lying sack. Boo-friggin hoo, he got picked up. Lucky for him, no one decided to beat his sorry ass to a pulp.

Good times, good times.

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

Gotta love those traffic stops! The bulk of UA/Deserters caught are picked up in traffic stops. When a member is in a UA status the information is sent to civilian law enforcement. And from there it is only a matter of time.


Glenn, I was a cop after I separated from the Army. In early 1983 or 84, I made a stop on a car driving with it’s lights off at about 0dark hundred, the driver handed me his military ID, told me he was home on leave and didn’t need a license. After running him through NCIC, he came back as being UA. As I was presenting him with his bracelets, he “explained” that he was sent home to await his discharge. Laughed at him all the way to jail.

ROK Drop

Jonn thanks for continuing to find these frauds and losers because they make for great laughs to read about.


“Lots of other guys return from AWOL and test positive for drugs, and are processed out,” he said. But if you return without evidence of drug use, the Airborne wants you as a combat soldier in Afghanistan.”

Oh. My. Gawd. Ladies and gentlemen, Stevens is a shining example of a shitbag who unfortunately, slipped through the cracks. I have no sympathy or tolerance for problem children who suddenly decide they don’t want to honor their enlistment oath. I hope those Blackhats reamed him a new asshole. “Told him to go home and wait for his discharge”? Bullshit. He ran like a punk.

Unfortunately, desertion doesn’t carry enough shame against these asswipes.


Gawd, thanks for the laugh. Yeah, I may be just another dumbass glow-in-the-dark bubblehead, but even Uncle Sam’s Canoe Club had some really interesting (read: sadistic) ways of dealing with the useless bilge snot that tried to pass themselves off as sailors. Dude–I don’t care if you have a 99 QT and aced Nuke Power School–you are NOT, repeat NOT, smarter or better than the system. And they have 230 years experience over you. Give up, deal with it, take it like a man.


Does anyone on this sight have the capacity to have an abstract thought?


[…] might remember ole Wonder Bread Che from such classics as “Dustin Che Stevens; 2d dumbest deserter ever” from back in June and my own piece entitled “Dahr Jamail tongue baths another vat of […]


I’m an old Vietnam Era guy (70+) and there’s one thing I don’t understand about this whole UA business. Why on earth would anyone want a guy like him at your back in combat. I never held it against guys like Bill Clinton and George Bush who did the college or National Guard thing to get out of active duty. I was glad they were gone so I wouldn’t have to worry about when they would cut and run under fire.


I cannot believe the comments left on this page. What kind of people are you?!?



Rachael is the kind of people that resurrects a dead thread 3 years + after the fact.

I hate to say but that’s GOT to be some kind of record for zombie thread resuscitation.


I hadn’t read this dipstick’s story before.

Rachel – thank you so much for calling it to my attention!


We are the kind of people who hate fakes, deserters, traitors, cowards, and those who support them.