Government control of businesses good for the economy? Majority says no…

| February 16, 2021

This is according to a Rasmussen poll. Respondents were asked about federal government control of businesses. Would it be good for the economy? Within each age group, more said “no” than “yes”. In the overall group, only 19% said that it would be good and 54% said that it would not be good. The age group with the most unfavorable view of government control of businesses came from those 65 and older.

From Just the News:

While 54% said it would be “bad for the economy,” a much smaller number, 19%, thought it would be “good for the economy,” while 16% believed there would be “no impact” and 12% were “not sure.”

A significant split on the matter appeared between Republicans and Democrats, as 74% of Republicans thought additional government control would be bad for the economy compared to just 33% of Democrats who felt the same way. And while just 12% of the Republicans thought it would be good for the economy, 33% of Democrats held that view.

In every age group a larger percentage of people thought more government control would be bad for the economy than thought it would be good, but older people had the highest percentage with an unfavorable view of increased government control. Of those 65 and older, a whopping 77% thought more government control of businesses and individual behavior would be bad for the economy, compared to just 11% who thought it would be good.

Just the News has more on the topic, as well as links to the survey methodology, demographics, and tabulations here.

Category: Economy

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Bullwinkle: “Hey Rocky! Watch me pull government central economic planning out of my ass!”

Rocky: Again? That shit never works.”


Bullwinkle: “Didn’t try hard enough…”

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Of course the over 65 peeps have been around for awhile. 33% of the Democrats who feel the same as the 74% of Republicans compared to 67% of those demoRats whom don’t have a clue and would like Govt controlled businesses. WTF


And the over 65s have seen Medicare in action. As a group most of us have seen VA. Need I say more?

E4 Mafia '83-'87

I think almost everybody here has been in the military, so try and imagine running your business as efficiently and economically sound as any of the branches. Anybody think they’ll make money? Neither did I.


Oh come on, what could go wrong with the government stepping in and taking control of all of your biggest most profitable businesses? Just look at how well it worked out for Venezuela.


Another reason why history is no longer taught in school. Folks might learn that others have tried and failed to have business run by the grubermint.

I won’t be greedy, I don’t want all the money the grubermint takes away from taxpayers/businesses. I just want the money they piss away on boondoggles. Maybe there’s a nice Green Energy scam… business I could invest in. Maybe making bat-trees or some such. Get a catchy name like, or I don’t know, Solyndra?

MI Ranger

Maybe Wyndra, WINdra or FreeEnergee! I think that Solyndra thing has been taken?

I heard from some folks that got out of the military that they paid good money to have them sit around and play dominos! Wonder how much the Top Brass from that boondoggle took off the top???!


Might be an inside top on a phoney beef company that Billy Gates wants us to use.

Maybe call it Soylent?


It’ll work this time. It just wasn’t implemented properly before.

The Other Whitey

Remind me again about the definition of insanity?


Repeatedly reaching into a jar of broken glass because you were told there was candy at the bottom. No wait, that’s stupidity, not insanity.


The right people will be in charge, this time!

We will try harder, this time!

There is a Third Way!

The -Real Way- hasn’t been tried yet!

Saboteurs and wreckers prevented previous success!



The young voters seem to want a world in which they wait in line for food rather than our present world in which food waits on the shelf for them.


Bernie! says that food lines mean no one starves.

He is obviously smoking crack with Hunter.

Slow Joe

Nah, Bernie is dancing Gangnam style.


that is funny. Can you imagine a less likely person to actually have fun than Bernie “stick up his ass” Sanders?


Hard pass. And I’d prefer not to have the massive inflation from the $15/hr pipe dream. It is a shame, wages were rising for the first time in years under Trump and now we are back to square one.

RGR 4-78


That is a very nice picture of Iranbucks you put in the article.