Pinhead protests incognito

| May 21, 2009

Some of you may remember Robert Dennen AKA Pinhead from a post I wrote in December. It seems he was wearing some medals his father had worn in WWII to “Geezers For Sitting On Our Hands” protests in the Philadelphia area, but since he didn’t happen to have any medals from his service in the Navy, we busted him on it.


Well, our buddy Skye went trolling through a protest in Philly yesterday and spotted Pinhead again. It seems he’s thought better of wearing his woodland camouflage and unauthorized medals;

Now don’t you feel better about yourself, Robert? I know we feel better.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers

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Not the best video, but you get the idea:

David M

Why the fuck is that nut case carrying a bottle of detergent?


Jonn – Dude! Could you at least take the morning off?


I’m waiting for the gratuitous pictures of the nurses at Walter Reed and some sort of rambling incoherent statement brought on by pain killers. Now that is some must see TV. (Television, not transvestites)

Just saw UJ in the park doing his best Aqualung impression…

sitting on a park bench…eyeing little girls with bad intent.

Jonn wrote: Greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes? You’ll be happy to know, the night nurse looked like you, but only half as smart.


Off topic, but I just read something over at Gateway Pundit and don’t know whether to laugh,cry or start smacking Obama supporters upside the head. Apparently while in Europe for D-Day ceremonies Obama will apologize for American war crimes from WW2.


Nuc, although it hasn’t been confirmed by anyone, rumor is he’s going to Dresden to apologize for our actions AGAINST the Germans during the war. Can’t wait for his follow-up tours to Japan, Korea and Viet Nam.
As to Dennen and his co-idiots, will someone clue them that Obama is the President? Bush is home in Texas, Cheney is holding Obama’s feet to the fire for his naivete’ and downright incompetence.


Jonn said: You’ll be happy to know, the night nurse looked like you, but only half as smart.

If you were drugged up a bit consider this:

Maybe it WAS TSO? I’ve heard stories… He mentioned TV (transvestite, not television) and you didn’t mention the apparent gender of your night nurse.

It all seems to fit; TSO creeping out his of basement all dressed up and wandering the halls of WR at night.

Marooned in Marin

Looks like he’s on the way to the laundramat to wash a dishrag.


What’s the sign say anyway? Only a bit of it is covered up and I can’t figure it out. Somebody and ‘Yoo’ should volunteer [for?] waterboarding? Who’s Yoo? How does he know how many people lied under waterboarding? Has everybody who’s ever done it kept track?