Failure calls Bush “One of the Worst Presidents”

| January 11, 2008

Madeline Albright , whose failures as Secretary of State are too numerous to list is out bashing the President to hawk her latest book, Memo to the President Elect: How We Can Restore America’s Reputation and Leadership. What does this woman know of leadership? Shouldn’t she be writing a manual for getting screwed by the North Koreans?

She said the next president needed to do a better job of being aware of the interests of other nations.

Um. Damn, that is just halfway stupid isn’t it? Yes, we need to know what other nation’s interests are, but, the President’s job is NOT to cater to the wishes of foreigners. I guess Albright could be an authority on the interests of North Korea…

Category: Politics

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Army Sergeant

Mind you, that doesn’t make him one of the best presidents by a long shot, just because she happened to be the one to say it..

Jonn Lilyea

Well, since you apparently haven’t noticed, the only people saying he’s the worst have all been unmitigated failures – so just because Albright, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, et al., say he’s the worst, doesn’t mean the rest of the Left needs to parrot them. have you really taken a look around at who you’re throwing yourself in with?