Monday FGS
Machete-wielding Florida man dies in officer-involved shooting
The suspect’s sister told deputies he was “paranoid and likely schizophrenic”
By Bradford Betz
A Florida man, wielding a machete was fatally shot by county deputies on Thursday, following an altercation with his sister, authorities said.A Florida man, wielding a machete was fatally shot by county deputies on Thursday, following an altercation with his sister, authorities said.
A woman at the scene told deputies that her brother, 28-year-old Yoel Arnaldo Mejia Santel, “was paranoid and likely schizophrenic.” She said Mejia Santel had taken her phone, broken the screen, and that she had broken a fingernail. She told deputies that her brother said the cops would have to shoot him because he’d have a machete.
Deputies found Mejia Santel standing in the doorway obscuring his right hand. Mejia Santel refused the deputies’ commands to show his hands, grabbed a machete, and ran to a bathroom inside the apartment.
The deputies followed Mejia Santel inside and smelled a “strong odor of gasoline.” When they demanded he come out from the bathroom he reportedly told them: “Did you smell that gas? I poured gas everywhere.”
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Read the rest here: Fox News
Link courtesy of our own Gun Bunny.
“It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” -Samuel Adams
Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link
The two slug rounds under the fore stock.
Really? You gonna fumble with all that tacticool shit under stress?
My FIRST choice would be the 590A1 9 shot with a bayonet and ghost rings.
And some slant pockets for extra ammo.
The TAH Name Scrabble (Home Version)®™ Whiz Wheel is up and running this Monday morning, therefore:
Yoel Arnaldo Mejia Santel (FLTPSM*) 35 x 9 = 315
* Full Loony Tunes Past Shower Mold (Hat Tip to Ret__25X)
Roger that, this fellow broke schizophrenic, and hauled ass into the sunset.
“…she had broken a finger nail.” The Horror!
Suicide by cop? Or another case where someone needs a water filter like the one Jeff LPH3 has? No matter the size of the knife you carry to the gun fight, the gunz will win. Every.Damn.Time!
Seems as if the only difference between the Mossy Tacti-cool 500 and the MAVERICK 88 I had is all the fru fru attached to the 500, 20 V 12 gg, and several 300 USD in price. Does the 500 float? How is it around quicksand bogs? The MAVERICK 88 would still cook your goose, and put you on ice, man.
Thank God for that genuine under the kitchen sink water purifier which has to be replaced every 18 months due to my location is close to the water plant. Water purifiers stop minerals from going through the system as compared to a water filter that lets minerals pass through. I see that there is no rioting over the peacefull incident. I Wonder Why. Hmm Isn’t that a song by the Bronx Belmonts?? Alan Freed played that on the radio.
Maybe not:
Ed, a well-placed period is a thing of beauty.
“Mossy 500 Tactical Machete-wielding…”
Poor ol’ half-awake Poe, wondering what kinda fool puts a machete on his Mossy, spent a few seconds looking for it in the pic.
Your high school composition teacher is looking down from on high.
Miz Poe’s just lookin’ at me an’ shakin’ her head…😜